Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

It has been three days since Yunsheng and Donghuang Ling'er entered the mountain range.

Around dusk, as the sun fell a little bit, Chiwu and others were still waiting for Yunsheng and the two to return outside the Yuewu Mountains.

Mu Shuiyue was walking around in the same place, anxiously: "Why haven't you come out? It's been three days and three nights, and the entire middle of the Yuewu Mountains has been almost gone with the foot of the two people. , Why didn't Missy come back?"

"Don't worry, in the past three days, we haven't seen the signal from Feng Rocket, and neither of us wanted to encounter danger, or maybe both of them have found a suitable Warcraft and started to merge the Soulstone," Chi Wubi Mu Shuiyue is much calmer, and the sea of ​​clouds on the side is also calm.

"Oops!" It's okay not to mention the Soulstone Fusion. When mentioning the Soulstone Fusion, Mu Shuiyue jumped like an electric shock.

"Mu Dagui, don't be shocked, OK," a warrior complained.

"This is really bad. When the little girl entered the forest, I just told her to pay attention to safety and forgot to tell her that with her strength, she can only choose soul stones under 60 years for fusion," Mu Shui What Yue worried about was that after Miss Hunting reached Warcraft, she merged indiscriminately.

Soulstone fusion is also very particular.

It's just that most newcomers who just become magicians don't pay attention to this.

They often only know that it is enough to choose the Warcraft Soulstone Fusion of the same attribute, but they do not know that Soulstone Fusion is the most particular.

For the New Mage, a soul stone of the appropriate year means greater magic power. If a low soul stone is incorporated, it will affect the future magic practice, but if it incorporates the maximum age of its own fusion , The magician's magic soul is likely to be broken by the powerful magic power of Warcraft.

The more magical attributes a magician possesses, the more magic power it can fuse.

Take a magician as an example, it can only integrate a magic soul stone for a period of 50 years at most. The Eastern Emperor Linger is a dual-line magician, so her fusion of Warcraft soul stone can be increased by ten years, and so on.

As long as it is three to four series of Warcraft, most of them can meet this requirement.

"Hi, your women just care about blindness," Chi Wu didn't take it seriously: "For more than sixty years, it's at least a fourth-order or even a fifth-order Warcraft. You think two new magics that didn't take long to learn magic Warrior, you can hunt up to Tier 5 Warcraft. Besides, there is not necessarily Tier 5 Warcraft in Yuewu Mountain Range. What do you say, Brother Yun?

Yun Canghai did not answer. The sun had reached the end of the mountain. Based on his understanding of her daughter Yun Sheng, she should return on time as agreed.

People haven't returned, is there really something unexpected?

At this time, Yun Sheng and Donghuang Ling'er were still merging the soul stones of the fire lion and cow they had just got.

Neither of them realized that they were experiencing the most urgent crisis in their short life.

The two soul stones of the Fire Lion Bull are indeed not vulgar goods. From the perspective of age, the thunder-like soul stone has been used as the secondary soul stone on the Fire Lion Bull for nearly ninety years. Sheng's fire soul stone is even more terrible. As the main soul stone, it has been nearly 130 years.

Whether it is Mu Shuiyue or Yun Canghai, there was no additional warning before that they could not merge soul stones beyond the age limit. After all, they all took it for granted that Yunsheng and Donghuang Ling'er were impossible to kill. Warcraft above the fourth order.

The two attributes of fire and thunder are the two most powerful attributes.

When Yun Sheng and Donghuang Ling'er sang, the magic power of the Soul Stone was attracted. They turned into two magical pythons, wrapped around the blank magic scepter, one red and one purple.

Little Black, who was lying on the side, stared round his eyes, watching the two magical powers, vomiting on the magic scepter.

They left the magical scepter and entangle Yunsheng and Donghuang Ling'er.

The small bodies of the two, but in an instant, were completely wrapped in this red magic snake and purple magic snake.

Both girls felt their breath suffocated, and a huge magical power was tearing their bodies.

At this moment, both of them have discovered that the years of the two soul stones may exceed the maximum extent that the two can bear.

But now they are already riding a tiger, and if they stop meditation now, these two magical spirit snakes will surely devour their magic souls.

In the same way, even if the two of them successfully escaped from difficulty, they would become useless after waking up.

Become a magic waste? This idea was only temporarily suspended in the minds of the two, and they were firmly rejected by the two.

At the same time, they accelerated the singing, and in the small body, they were active again with the suppressed soul of the law.

A piece of green and purple light flashed, and a dharma soul appeared above Donghuang Ling'er's head.

It's just that her dharma soul is not the cloud shape Yun Yunsheng saw earlier. The dharma soul of Donghuang Ling'er has a weird shape like an ancient musical instrument.

As Donghuang Linger's singing speeded up, the instrument rang loudly and gave out a majestic magic sound.

The spirit snake spirit body immediately broke apart, and the ancient clock of the dharma soul gradually shrunk, and finally concealed into the body of Donghuang Ling'er.

A magic light flashed on the Emperor Linger's magic scepter, which was a sign that the Warcraft Soul Stone was about to merge.

Looking at Yun Sheng's side, her situation is even more critical than that of the East Emperor Ling'er. After all, her fire department Warcraft Soul Stone has a longer life.

The moment the multicolored dharma soul appeared.

The red magic spirit snake opened its mouth and wanted to swallow that colorful cloud of magic soul.

But when it saw the cold black in the multicolored magic soul cloud, there was a fearful color floating in the eyes of the magical spirit snake without human wisdom.

Like the most terrible thing I saw, the magical spirit snake evaded and got into Yunsheng's magic scepter.

On the surface of the magic scepter, a flame appeared.

The magic fusion is over.

At almost the same time, Yun Sheng and Donghuang Ling'er opened their eyes, and the two stared at each other, blurting out at the same time: "I succeeded."

The two jumped up and took hold of their magic scepter. Donghuang Ling'er chanted the magic of the wind system. Under her, a light breeze came and saw Donghuang Ling'er dressed in a jacket, just like a leaf, her body was immediately lifted up: "Suspension."

Yun Sheng also showed no signs of weakness. The magic scepter in his hand slipped, and several incomparably fiery flames, like cannonballs flying all over the sky, could only be heard, and the surrounding trees suddenly suffered and became a sea of ​​flames.

Ninety years of thunder soul stone.

One hundred and thirty years of fire is the soul stone.

After successfully merging soul stones that exceed the maximum age of their own integration, Yunsheng and Donghuang Ling'er have achieved breakthroughs.

It's just that while Yunsheng merged the magic soul stone, he also learned a new kind of fire magic from the soul stone, and the fire was critical.

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