Chapter 77-Rescue the Slave

In the original book, Luffy once commented on Doflamingo: I want to hold everything in my hand, control everything, and even manipulate everyone…

This is the true character of Doflamingo, he has a strong desire to control.

After learning about the slave trade from the fat boss, Doflamingo came up with the idea of ​​controlling the industry, and it was out of control.

The slave industry is very important, and Doflamingo immediately thought of its value. Not only the huge profits of the slave trade, but also the countless talents in slaves.

A slave who has nothing or even lost his basic rights as a person is the easiest object to subdue.

And the slaves are also full of talented people, and in the predictions alone, many strong men have worked as slaves.

They got rid of the status of slaves because of good luck, so what about the slaves who were not lucky? Among them, how many people are buried?

Thinking of this, Doflamingo was a little excited.

He is an ambitious man, and his goal in life is definitely not as simple as being a pirate.

He used to be Celestial Dragons and enjoys the supreme power in the world. But this power has now left him.

He longed to get back that power, but it was too difficult.

The Celestial Dragons of Mariejois will not accept him who has lost his identity as the Celestial Dragons.

He had seen it in the memory of the traverser, and in the end he failed to return to the Celestial Dragons sequence.

So he made preparations early, and actively prepared his own forces.

If you can’t become Celestial Dragons again, replace this decadent World government with your own power and take control of the world!

If you can’t control this world, at least you have to…destroy it!

What you cannot control for yourself has no value in existence. Even this world is no exception!

And to do this kind of thing not only requires tyrannical strength, but also huge power.

He had seen in the prophecy that the future self became the biggest middleman in the dark world, claiming to hold the reins of the monsters in the world!

But so what? Just a middleman!

Although he held the reins of those monsters, the power of those monsters did not belong to him.

In comparison, it was Marine’s power that made him more envious.

The large number and powerful Marine is the only overlord in this sea!

There is no doubt about this.

So, Doflamingo left Torrepol and the others in North Blue and asked them to follow the example of Marine to build an army.

However, this road is not so easy to follow.

What Diamanti had complained to him still made sense, the combat effectiveness of those troops was too poor. To select a few cadre-level combat effectiveness from among them…difficult!

Just think about Marine. There are millions or even tens of millions of Marines in the world, but the high-end combat power of Marines is dozens of people.

What’s more, it’s the era of big pirates, and pirates and marine are the most popular professions at the moment.

Talented and capable people either become pirates or marines. Few people are willing to join the king’s army and underworld forces.

Therefore, Diamanti and their king’s army and underworld army cannot recruit those who have real potential. Doflamingo once worried about this.

But now it’s okay, the problem is solved. Slaves of good quality and low price are simply the best source of troops!

Doflamingo looked at the fat boss on the side, and his face became serious: “Are you willing to be my subordinate?”

The fat boss turned pale and hesitated.

Doflamingo said coldly: “Why, don’t you want to?”

The fat boss was shocked, thinking Doflamingo was going to kill himself, and yelled in a flustered manner: “Yes, I do!”

Doflamingo smiled and said, “Are you afraid of me?”

The fat boss hesitated and didn’t know how to interface.

Doflamingo smiled and said, “Well, it doesn’t matter.”

Fat bosses are such trivial characters, it doesn’t matter whether they are loyal or not. As long as it can make them feel in awe, that’s enough.

Anyway, what Doflamingo asked of him was just to bring himself into the slave trade. Others, it depends on his good fortune.

In the next few days, Doflamingo began to learn more about the slave trade industry from the mouth of the fat boss.

According to the fat boss, the laborer’s island they are going to next is the famous slave trading base in the Grand Line.

Doflamingo smiled and said, “Is the laborer’s island? Try to see if you can get it!”

Catalina glanced at Doflamingo and said dissatisfied: “Captain, we won’t stay in the laborer’s island for a long time?”

Doflamingo shrugged and said nonchalantly, “Who knows? Let’s just look at it!”

Catalina said angrily: “But didn’t we come to the Grand Line to make you the One Piece? We are wasting time here. What if the big secret treasure is found first? Then you won’t be the Shanghai Pirate.”

Doflamingo said disapprovingly: “Big Secret Treasure? Don’t worry! That thing won’t appear in another twenty years!

What’s more, can you become the One Piece King if you find the Big Secret Treasure? I’m not Roger, I’m not a good one to have a name!

I want -kun to be on the Grand Line, not to be the one piece [of others]. I want to let my power penetrate every corner of the Grand Line! ”

At the end, Doflamingo’s face showed a wild smile again.

Catalina snorted, seemingly uncomfortable.

Doflamingo smiled, looked at the silent Karens, and smiled: “You two, are you disgusted with the slave trade, right?”

Karens was silent for a while, and said: “Because of our previous experience, we are really not interested in buying and selling slaves. But since it’s your decision, we will try our best to do it.”

Doflamingo chuckled and stood up and said: “Let’s go, follow me to see the slaves on this ship. I want to control the slave trade, but not just to make money. More importantly, I want to save them.”

“Save them?”

Hearing this, Karens and Katerina both looked stunned.

They quickly followed Doflamingo, and Catalina asked, “Captain, is it possible that you want to set them free?”

Karens shook his head and said: “Impossible, the captain will never do this kind of thing.”

Doflamingo laughed and said: “It’s still Karens that you know me, how could I be that kind of saint? I want to save them, and only those who are useful to me are saved.

It’s good for everyone, but they will only take it for granted. Treating them differently will make them feel how much I am kind to them. ”

While talking, Doflamingo and everyone came to the cabin on the merchant ship.

The cabin was divided into many cells, each of which contained a group of slaves with different attributes.

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