Chapter 4 The Path to Annexation

The Donquixote family is a gangster organization in the Kingdom of West Asia, in charge of dozens of towns in this country.

These towns have their properties, which are usually managed by their own. As high-level cadres, they only need to come forward to deal with important matters.

Brother Ming slowly sliced ​​the ham, and said, “Does our industries have anything to do with the pirates?”

Diamanti said: “Of course it does. Pirates are our important customers. Dover, do you have any ideas?”

Doflamingo then asked, “What did the pirates sell to us? And what did they get from us?”

Diamanti thought for a while and replied: “They sold us gold, jewellery, and the prisoners they caught, and then bought from us guns and ammunition that are not circulated in the market.”

Although gold and jewellery are also the wealth that the pirates chase, but these things cannot circulate like Bailey, so they need someone to help sell the stolen goods and turn the treasure into cash.

Of course, the prisoners they caught also needed someone to help sell them as slaves.

Moreover, when they sail on the sea, they inevitably fight with their counterparts or the Marine, and the firearms and ammunition are also very expensive.

They are pirates and have no logistical support, so they can only buy them on the black market.

After the pirates obtained their wealth, apart from buying some living supplies for sailing and combat weapons, the only remaining treasures were storage and squandering.

If it is stored, the wealth of the pirates is obtained through looting, and there is no way to store it through proper means. Moreover, the pirates who violate the law and discipline will not rest assured that the treasure will be handed over to others for safekeeping. Therefore, the popular method among pirates is to find a deserted island that is off the main waterway and is not well known, and bury your treasure there.

Lucky people get a treasure map, and then use the treasure map to find the treasure scene, which is still very popular in this sea.

If you splurge, the pirates who are accustomed to wandering on the sea suddenly gain wealth. Basically, they will choose to eat and drink, buy a lot of drinks, have banquets day and night, or find a happy street to plunge in. .

Doflamingo laughed: “If this is the case, then I have decided. In the future, our Donquixote family will mainly do business dealing with pirates.”

Torrepol questioned: “Dover, why do you think so, do you want to be a pirate? But, the One Piece has already appeared!”

Doflamingo laughed: “One Piece? This title is not forever!”

Diamanti smiled and said, “Dover, do you want to snatch the title of One Piece from Goldo Roger’s hands? That’s a good idea.”

Pika smiled and said, “Then we should prepare the ship now and go out to sea as pirates?”

Doflamingo said gloomily, “Being a pirate? This is not the time to be a pirate. Marine’s power is very strong, and I don’t want to fight them yet.

Compared to being a pirate, the underworld business is more promising. As long as we don’t make waves in the sea, even if we overthrow the country, it won’t be a problem. As long as it is done properly, Marine will not care! ”

The world government basically does not care about matters within the country. Just like Alabasta in the original book, there was a rebellion inside, and the nearby Marine did not move.

For them, it is enough for the participating countries to submit their offerings on time. As for who the owner of the country is, they don’t care. The left and right are just changing spokespersons.

Doflamingo continued: “I ask you, besides us, how many underworld forces are there in the Kingdom of West Asia?”

Torrepol said: “In addition to us, there are dozens of large and small black organizations in the Kingdom of West Asia. Do you want to get rid of them?”

Doflamingo said in a gloomy tone: “The underground forces of the Kingdom of West Asia need only one leader, and that is me! As for the others, either surrender or die!”

As he said, he pierced the steak in front of him with the knife in his hand.

Moge Town.

Brother Ming took the four cadres of the family and appeared in this town. Soon after they appeared, a group of people with knives and guns suddenly appeared and surrounded them.


“It’s Gran!”

As soon as the nearby residents saw these people appearing, they immediately yelled, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Gran’s group is a group of extremely vicious bandits, they are entrenched in the town of Mo Ge. A dozen nearby towns were threatened by them to pay them protection fees.

Their leader, Brother Gran, is a pair of famous swordsman twins. With the cooperation of the two people, the combat effectiveness is amazing.

In addition, they also have a group of cruel subordinates, and their combat effectiveness is not weak when combined.

So they swelled up a bit, and they all dared to challenge the Donquixote family.

“Donquixote family, welcome to my territory!”

A group of people holding knives and guns with sneers gave way, and two young men dressed and all the same in shape walked out from behind and stood in front of Doflamingo.

One of the two brothers said, “Donquixote family, do you know that breaking into someone else’s territory without authorization is a very rude and dangerous thing?”

Doflamingo sneered: “Is your site? No, this will be my chassis soon.”

Brother Gran stared at Brother Ming with an unkind look, and said in an unkind tone: “Boy, what do you mean? Could it be that your Donquixote family wants to go to war with Gran’s gang?”

Brother Ming held up a finger, shook it slightly, and said in a frivolous tone: “First, I am not a kid; second, I am not going to war but to annex you!”

“Hahahaha! I have long heard that the Donquixote family is a group of four idiots who recognized a kid as their master.

I thought that kid was such a great character, I was really disappointed when I saw it today! ”

“So, you rejected me?”

“Of course, Brother Gran isn’t the four idiots. Little devil, you should go home and find your mother!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Gran and his gang laughed and looked at Ming and the others provocatively.

Brother Ming was expressionless, bloodthirsty light reflected from the scarlet glasses, and he whispered in his mouth: “Wang… is not allowed to be violated!”

As soon as the voice fell, a mighty Kamui pressure suddenly swept away!

Conqueror’s Haki!

Conqueror’s Haki, who had been awakened since his teenage years, broke out.

The fierce faces turned black at this moment, staggering to faint.

Brother Gran’s situation is much better, but it’s also a palpitation!


The outbreak of Conqueror’s Haki was like a signal to start war. The four people who had been pretending to be dead behind Brother Ming rushed to Brother Gran fiercely.

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