Chapter 2 Failed to Seize the House

“Do you want my treasure? I can give you everything if you want…be my son!”

“I want to be the man of One Piece!”

“One Piece? Big Secret Treasure?”

Doflamingo opened his eyes and muttered to himself.

When he slept just now, there seemed to be more memories in his mind that did not belong to him.

“Is this a dream?”

The young Doflamingo muttered to himself, filled with doubts.

If it were a dream, it would be a bit weird.

At dawn, Doflamingo got up.

A few years ago, he was the Celestial Dragons, the most powerful man in the world.

But his father took their family to abandon the identity of Celestial Dragons and came to North Blue.

Lost the shelter of the Celestial Dragons identity, they used to be the Celestial Dragons, they have endured the hatred of the people here for the Celestial Dragons.

The angry people don’t care if they do evil or not, just because they are Celestial Dragons, they vent their anger on them.

Doflamingo, who has never had a bit of bitterness, tasted all the suffering in the world in the following days: I felt hungry for the first time in my life, lived in a ventilated and water-filled garbage dump, burned the house in the middle of the night, and ate Rotting and moldy food, being surrounded and beaten by people…

Not only that, but in the process of being hunted down, his mother also passed away from a serious illness. They were also hung on the wall and almost burned to death.

With extreme anger and hatred, the young Doflamingo inspired Conqueror’s Haki, stunned the people who wanted to burn them, and let them survive.

And his Conqueror’s Haki was also discovered by Torrepol and others. Torrepol and others recognized that this was Conqueror’s Haki, believed that Doflamingo was a natural king, and determined to help him.

Torrepol gave him strength, a Devil Fruit and a pistol.

Doflamingo believes that all the disasters that happened around him were caused by his father.

If he hadn’t given up the identity of Celestial Dragons with his family, his mother would not die, nor would he and his brother Rosinante suffer these sufferings.

“Father, mother is dead!”

“Father, see what good things you have done!”

After experiencing a dark and repressive childhood and the ups and downs of life, Doflamingo’s personality is completely Blacken.

With a strong resentment, Doflamingo shot his father, then returned to Mariejois with his head.

However, Mariejois’ Celestial Dragons does not intend to return him to the ranks of Celestial Dragons. Not only that, but he was almost killed.

Desperate, he returned to Torrepol and others. Torrepol and others accepted him and recognized him as master.

“Dover, you have the qualifications of a king in your body.”

“We affirmed everything about you.”

“In return, let us realize our dreams together!”

“Listen to Dover, you are a born king and cannot be disobeyed by anyone.”

“One day, you will become the king of -kun facing this sea!”

Newsbird sent the daily newspapers, and Torrepol, who played the role of military commander, took a newspaper and watched it in his hand.

“Battle of Atwor? Hahahaha, the sea is really not peaceful!”

Torrepol looked at the newspaper in his hand and laughed.

At this time, Doflamingo had just walked out of the room and was stunned when he heard this, “Torrepol, what did you just say?”

Torrepol was startled and repeated his words.

Doflamingo’s face was very exciting, and he asked: “At the Battle of Atwall, it was the Flying Pirates vs. Roger Pirates, right?”

Torrepol nodded, then felt something wrong again, and asked, “This is the newspaper that just came out. How did you know it?”

Doflamingo did not answer, but went on to ask: “Did a sudden storm stop their war?”

Torrepol looked at the newspaper and said, “It is true!”

A smile appeared on Doflamingo’s face, and then he couldn’t help laughing wildly: “Sure enough! I am the king destined to rule this sea. This is the guidance given to me by heaven!”

When Diamanti and others heard Doflamingo’s wild laugh, they all came over. Although they didn’t know what happened, they agreed with Doflamingo’s words.

“Yes, Dover, you are destined to rule this sea!”

Doflamingo smiled, but thought quickly in his heart.

[Passing through? another world? Do these things really exist?

Seize the house? snort!

It is impossible to seize me, I am a natural king! 】

“Dover, what are you thinking?”

Torrepol could not help but ask aloud when seeing Doflamingo in a daze.


Doflamingo didn’t think much about it, so he decided to hide it.

There are some secrets, just know it by yourself.

“Go to dinner! After dinner, Diamanti, you accompany me to do training!”

Torrepol and others are a group of gang leaders. Although the conditions are not particularly good, they work hard to treat Doflamingo like a king.

When Doflamingo was bullied, they went to kill the man; Doflamingo fell while walking, and they went to blow up the road…

It can be said that Doflamingo’s arrogant personality was cultivated by them.

“Diamanti, why don’t you attack?”

Doflamingo said dissatisfied.

Diamanti scratched his head and said, “Dover, I can’t attack you!”

Torrepol was also puzzled: “Dover, what’s the matter with you?”

Doflamingo said: “I feel that a big era is coming. In order to deal with the coming era, I need more powerful forces.”

Torrepol and others were taken aback for a moment, “Big Times?”

Doflamingo nodded and said: “Yes, this is my hunch! Not only me, your strength also needs to be improved.”

Although Torrepol and others did not understand, they did not refute it. Even if it is to take care of Doflamingo’s face, they will not object.

Thinking of Doflamingo’s weird performance this morning, Torrepol’s heart moved, and he said to Pica and Vergo: “I will watch here. You two should go and practice next to you!”

Doffron looked at Diamanti in front of him and said, “Diamanti, attack me. You have to understand that my enemies will not be merciful to my men like you!”

Doflamingo bends his fingers, and sharp lines appear on his fingertips.

Diamanti stopped talking nonsense, waved the sword in his hand, and launched an attack on Doflamingo.

[Redhead Shanks, he is younger than me.

But now he is already fighting against top powerhouses like Whitebeard and Golden Lion, but I’m taking care of myself under the protection of Torrepol and them.

Next to him, there are experts such as Roger One Piece and Pluton Rayleigh, which I can’t compare to.

So in the end he became the Four Emperors, but I was just a Shichibukai, at best the level of a Four Emperors cadre?

No, I will never be reconciled!

God has given me enlightenment, then I will change everything! I, Doflamingo, is the man who wants -kun facing the sea! 】

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