Ming Dynasty: I, Emperor Chongzhen, swear not to go to Meishan

Chapter 178 Beating is pain and scolding is love

Shen Lian joined the Jinyi Guards at the age of sixteen and was promoted to a hundred households through meritorious service. Although he was often dragged to drink wine by his colleagues and even visited brothels, he kept himself clean and was still a serious boy.

Not to mention that he is at a young age, even a well-tested veteran cadre cannot withstand such a test, not to mention that it was Fang Rou and Deng Yuqiong who took the initiative, and Fang Rou was still his crush. If he was still sitting in his arms like Liu Xiahui at this time If it's not chaotic, then there's something wrong with his body.

But why did Fang Rou and Deng Yuqiong suddenly become like this?

Shen Lian was full of doubts, but he had no time to think about it because he was simply too busy...

He didn't know how much time had passed. When Su Lian opened his eyes, he saw darkness and his mind was still confused. It felt like he was having an erotic dream, but the two soft and smooth bodies in his arms told him that it was not an erotic dream. , but real.

He didn't dare to move, and his heart was still full of doubts. How could the two women suddenly become like that?

Gulu gulu...

Shen Lian didn't know what to do, so he could only lie still and dare not move, but his stomach made a protest sound.

A low laugh sounded from the right, startling him, but he also recognized that it was Fang Rou's laughter.

As her name suggests, Fang Rou not only speaks softly, but also laughs softly. Shen Lian was attracted by her voice and laughter and couldn't extricate himself.

He felt that Deng Yuqiong on the left seemed to be awake as well, but she was too shy to move and was still pretending to be asleep, because her breathing suddenly became a little rapid and disordered.

how could this be?

After a brief silence, Shen Lian still couldn't help but ask, he was a man now, and men must dare to take responsibility, and escaping is a coward.

After a long time, Fang Rou's faint sigh sounded in the darkness, followed by her soft voice.

In order to avoid being arrested by the government, she originally planned to take Deng Yuqiong to hide in a friend's house for a period of time. The friend lived in Chenjiaji, Wu County. When passing through Heiniu Mountain, Luo Dazhuang and a group of minions blocked the way.

The two women were both stunningly beautiful, and Luo Dazhuang was also a lustful man. Not only did he tease them, but he also kidnapped the two women and sent them to the mountain to be their wives. Naturally, they got into a fight.

Fang Rou was quite confident in her martial arts, but when she fought with Luo Dazhuang, she couldn't help but be shocked.

Luo Dazhuang's martial arts cultivation was actually close to the level of a master. Fang Rou was already at a disadvantage. Seeing Deng Yuqiong being caught by Luo Dazhuang's minions, she couldn't help but panic. Inadvertently, she was wounded by Luo Dazhuang and captured alive. She was carried up to Heiniu Mountain.

Luo Dazhuang ordered his men to hold a banquet and forcefully marry two women as concubines. Fang Rou was angry and anxious, but she was powerless. Luo Dazhuang did not know what kind of medicine he force-fed her, leaving her with no martial arts skills but unable to gather her internal strength.

In order to have a good time, Luo Dazhuang also gave her and Deng Yuqiong an aphrodisiac drug that caused them to lose their minds. When Shen Lian rolled down the Heiniu Mountain with the two girls in his arms, the poison had already begun to take effect. When he hid in the small cave, the poison was in full swing. When the attack occurred, Shen Lian became the only antidote.

Damn Luo Dazhuang. Shen Lian cursed bitterly.

It's easier on you.

Fang Rou's coquettish voice sounded in the darkness.

Oh, it hurts, it hurts...

Shen Lian suddenly felt a sudden pain in his waist and couldn't help but howl miserably. However, his heart felt sweet, as if he had drank honey.

When he was a child, he accidentally saw his mother and father leaning against each other in front of the window. He didn't know what his father said. His mother reached out and pinched his father's lower back, causing his father to scream in pain.

Listening to Dad's howl, it sounded like he was in pain, but there was a weird expression on Dad's face, as if he was enjoying it.

He never understood it until his colleagues took him to a brothel to drink wine and saw a group of colleagues flirting with the girls, and then he understood what was going on.

No wonder there is an old saying, hitting is pain, scolding is love, not spanking or scolding is not love.


Shen Lian couldn't help but laugh, his heart was full of sweetness and embarrassment. He had a headache before, how to convince Fang Rou, but something unexpected happened. As his father said, as long as Fang Rou is sleeping, All things come to an end.

Hey, is it possible that dad has the ability to predict the future?

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