^The sale of toilet soap and toilet soap caused quite a stir in the imperial capital. The outside of the toilet soap store was crowded with people rushing to buy, surrounded by dense and crowded melon-eating people.

Zhu Youjian once again underestimated the generosity of the rich people of Ming Dynasty. Even though the price of soap was so expensive that he was a little embarrassed, it was not enough for the wealthy people to buy it like crazy. They bought ten boxes of soap without blinking an eye.

Through the ostentation of Ruan Dacheng, the second minister of the cabinet, everyone spread the word of mouth and everyone knew the benefits of soap. The ladies, concubines and daughters in the family all acted coquettishly and flatteringly, just to get a piece of soap.

Rich people also use it because it is a symbol of status. The more expensive it is, the more it reflects their superior status. They must buy it and buy it at a high price.

In order to balance the market and enhance the effect of hunger marketing, Zhu Youjian had to order a purchase limit. Each person could only buy one box of soap. However, the supply still exceeded demand, forcing him to add a soap production line, with workers working in three shifts. Working hard to produce soap.

Although working overtime is a bit tiring, no one complains about being tired, and everyone works with a grin on their face, because there is overtime pay for overtime work, and there is also a free and quite generous supply of night sky, so no idiot is willing to work overtime.

It is precisely because of such good welfare benefits that no matter what others say about the emperor, the workers of the Royal Soap Factory all agree that the emperor is a good emperor and deserves to be supported.

However, the production line has been increased, and the workers are working overtime to produce soap. However, Zhu Youjian did not put the produced soap on the market, but stored it in the warehouse.

Everyone knows that rare things are more valuable. The more popular the soap is, the more money he will make. The hunger marketing routine must be played to the end. Who made Ming Dynasty have too many rich people, and most of them are rich and unkind? He cheated Peace of mind.

The soap is selling like hot cakes. It was sold out by local tycoons just a few days after it was launched. If it were not for the purchase restriction, it would probably be sold out on the same day. It is said that the next batch of new products will be released in about a month. Even if you have money, you can't buy it. .

Those who grabbed it were grinning from ear to ear, showing off in various ways, while those who couldn't buy it sighed, and were envious and jealous.

After the soap was sold out, Zhu Youjian had been paying close attention secretly. After seeing the secret book presented by Tian Boguang, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, all the tea he had just drank spurted out.

It is said that the soap, which is expensive but has no market, has even become a fashionable product. Those dandy boys will put a piece of soap in their purse when they go out to have fun, and take it out from time to time to smell it. The fragrance is intoxicating. The key is to inhale it. Human eyeball.

The feeling of being envied by others makes people feel so happy. Poor people cannot experience this feeling.

Those rich girls and ladies also carry a piece of fragrant soap with them when they go out. This is a symbol of status. Without a piece of soap by your side, you would be embarrassed to say that you are a rich girl or lady.

In a certain brothel, a certain dandy young man gave two bars of soap to a certain oiran with a smile. The dandy usually disliked the dandy because he had no knowledge and skills. He only knew how to eat, drink and have fun. He was a loser. He was lukewarm to him and didn't even give him a smile. For the first time, a courtesan showed a charming smile to the dandy, performed a solo, sang and danced for him, which surprised countless people.

The son of a rich man proposed to the rich daughter of a rich man, but because he couldn't come up with a box of soap as a betrothal gift, the marriage fell through.

When a young lady from a wealthy family got married, the most eye-catching thing was not the gold, silver, silk, and other valuable things that came with her as a dowry, but two whole boxes of soaps, which made all the guests present so envious that their eyes almost popped out. .

It is said that the bride won the respect of her husband's family by virtue of the two boxes of soap. Her parents-in-law, seven aunts and eight aunts were all extremely polite to the bride.

Because of the soap, there has been a surge in criminal cases in the imperial capital recently. The thieves did not steal valuable things, but only the soap. The owner cried bitterly and gritted his teeth using his connections to put pressure on the county government.

Because there have been many cases of soap thefts recently, sometimes six or seven cases occurred in a day, which made the police officers responsible for maintaining public security very anxious. They were all gnashing their teeth and cursing the damn thieves. If they fell into the hands of the uncle, Go ahead and make sure he regrets stealing the soap.

I didn't expect that a piece of soap could do so many tricks. Am I out of date? Or is the world crazy?

Zhu Youjian saw the secret fold and couldn't help but express his feelings. Who said the ancients couldn't play? He was even more sneaky than modern people.

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