The Emperor has so many advantages that I can't even count them on my toes.

She was concerned about the country and the people, kind but decisive in killing, as evidenced by many real examples, some of which she was directly involved in.

For example, before the cold winter came, the emperor gave a secret order to the Jinyiwei, asking the Jinyiwei to gather homeless refugees and beggars and place them in the royal farm to prevent them from starving to death.

However, those aristocratic families, wealthy businessmen, and civil servants who claimed to love the people as their own sons were indifferent and even opposed the emperor's actions. Some decrees that benefited the country and the people were strongly opposed by the civil servant group headed by the Donglin Party. Unable to implement.

The emperor wanted to reduce the taxes on the people and lighten the burden on the people. Anyone with a bit of conscience would strongly support it. However, even if the civil servants opposed it, they actually wanted to increase taxes on the poor people. This aroused her hatred towards Edom. The resentment and hatred of the civil servant group headed by Lin Dang.

It can be said that because of this incident, the good image of the Donglin Party in her heart suddenly collapsed. On the contrary, she felt that Chongzhen was a good emperor and admired him more and more.

He is wise, talented, and strategic. He reopened the Royal Guards, bypassed six cabinet departments, established a new army with his own money, developed various new weapons and new things that benefit the country and the people, etc., and formulated clear strategic policies. I admire him.

Talented, a master of calligraphy, arithmetic, amazing poetry, and a craftsman who created all kinds of ingenious skills. No, the emperor said, that is science and technology. Only science and technology can revitalize the Ming Dynasty and benefit the people all over the world. Only then can we promote the development and progress of society, she was convinced.

Being considerate, gentle and considerate is the invention of Auntie Auntie. These two alone have turned her from admiration to a little fan, and she is secretly in love with her.

As for appearance, under so many haloes, the emperor's appearance no longer mattered, not to mention that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In her heart, the emperor was the most handsome and charming man in the world.

If her father didn't arrange it today, she would still use her own way to face the saint, but the method might be simpler and rougher, but her father's method was better.

It was precisely because of her secret promise that when faced with the emperor's teasing, she was not angry, but shy, with a bit of joy and expectation in her heart.

Of course, what she wants to know most now is which master created the Nine Yin Manual, Nine Yang Divine Art, Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon, and the Palm of Ecstasy that the Emperor mentioned. She really wants to visit him and ask for advice.

It's a long story. Zhu Youjian touched his chin and said hesitantly. He just wanted to ask out of curiosity and also changed the subject to relieve Shen Nichang's nervousness. Unexpectedly, she took it seriously.

How to answer?

He struggled for a while, then an idea flashed in his mind, and he had it.

There was a great hero named Jin Yong, and he composed a book. Zhu Youjian glanced at Shen Nichang as he spoke. Seeing that she didn't say anything, and looked attentively listening, he continued.

The vast water of the Qiantang River flows endlessly day and night around Niujia Village in Lin'an and flows eastward into the sea. Dozens of cypress trees line the banks of the river, and their leaves are as red as fire...

Anyone who has read Jin Yong's The Legend of the Condor Heroes knows that what he is talking about now is the beginning of the first chapter of The Legend of the Condor Heroes. There is no other way. He doesn't want to disappoint Shen Nichang, so he can only continue to lie down.

The Legend of the Condor Heroes is one of his favorite martial arts novels. He doesn't know how many times he has read it. He knows it by heart and dare not talk about it, but he remembers it quite clearly.

Anyway, it’s just a lie. If you can’t remember, just change or delete it, hehe.

Shen Nichang looked like she was listening attentively, her heart full of curiosity, excitement and expectation. She really wanted to ask, who is the hero named Jin Yong? Where do you live now? She will definitely visit and ask for advice when she gets the chance.

However, she also knew that it was rude to interrupt others, so she could only suppress the strong curiosity in her heart and patiently listen to the emperor's words before asking questions.

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