Q Song Xiance's return made Zhu Youjian ecstatic. He knew very well that Song Xiance had no other choice but to hug his dragon legs tightly, otherwise he would die miserably.

He lacked everything, and all kinds of talents were even more lacking. Excellent counselors like Song Xiance were even more lacking, not to mention talented people who were loyal to him.

Zhu Youjian was never stingy with his subordinates. He directly gave Song Xiance 10,000 taels of silver as a settlement allowance, rewarded him with several valuable glazed zodiac objects, some silks and satins, and arranged for his eldest brother Song Youcai to join the Jinyi Guards as a recorder and join the army. , let the young and old of the Song family be grateful.

For this reason, Father Song also gave Song Xiance a hard lesson. If you don't repay your kindness and are loyal to the emperor and patriotic, I will break your dog legs.

In ancient times, loyalty, filial piety, etiquette and justice were valued, and education with a stick was pursued. No matter how awesome Song Xiance was, he could only be embarrassed in front of his father.

Zhu Youjian considered Song Xiance's feelings and originally planned to only let him be responsible for matters related to the Qing Dynasty and not let him participate in matters related to Li Zicheng. However, Song Xiance had already looked away and made a choice, insisting on participating.

This was both an attitude and a show of loyalty, not to mention that Li Zicheng would not let him go as a traitor. If Li Zicheng won in the end, he and his family would surely die miserably. He had no way out but to assist the emperor with all his strength and kill Li Zicheng.

Zhu Youjian was very satisfied with Song Xiance's attitude and agreed to his joining, while taking into account all matters related to the Qing Dynasty.

Even though Song Xiance's workload was much greater than that of Wu Buwei, Song Xiance was secretly relieved and filled with joy.

The emperor assigned him so many tasks, which was not only his trust in him, but also his recognition of his abilities.

As the saying goes, a scholar dies for a confidant, and the emperor treats him like a scholar of the country. How can he live up to the emperor's kindness and expectations for him? I must swear allegiance to the death.

Your Majesty, I have a plan that may help quell the civil strife as soon as possible.

Song Xiance only spent one day to get a general understanding of the local conditions and troop deployment. He spent another night to figure out the best way to quell the civil strife as soon as possible, and excitedly presented his plan to the emperor early in the morning.

His method was to use Sun Chuanting's troops to contain Li Zicheng, and take advantage of the best opportunity when Li Zicheng was hesitant to concentrate troops from Sichuan and other places to defeat Zhang Xianzhong's rebels with a large number, and then use the forces of several provinces to encircle and annihilate Li Zicheng. You can quickly put down the civil strife, recuperate and recuperate as soon as possible, and devote the whole country's efforts to deal with the Qing Dynasty.

This strategy is good, but I will not adopt it. Zhu Youjian said with a smile, his attitude seemed very determined.

Why? Song Xiance asked belatedly, with a somewhat disappointed look on his face. This was a good plan that he racked his brains and spent a whole night coming up with, but why didn't the emperor adopt it?

The reason is a bit complicated, so there's no need to worry, Military Advisor Song. Zhu Youjian explained with a smile.

It was not that he and the chief military advisor had not considered the strategy proposed by Song Xiance, but due to some special reasons, they finally rejected it and decided to kill Li Zicheng first. After all, Li Zicheng posed the greatest threat to the Ming Dynasty.

Let’s first talk about the military situation in various parts of the Ming Dynasty. On the surface, Sichuan and other places have a large number of troops. If they were concentrated, it seemed that they could really crush Zhang Xianzhong’s army of more than 200,000. However, if you knew the inside story, you would not have such an idea.

Corruption is prevalent not only in the officialdom, but also in the military. Just the local generals who hold military power can take away almost half of their troops if they have empty pay. Add in the old, weak, sick and disabled, so-called There is not much left of the army.

Moreover, the army is mostly equipped with inferior weapons and equipment. The combat power of such an army is so low that it is almost negligible. It is okay to bluff people. If you fight with Zhang Xianzhong, in addition to giving away heads, you will also give weapons, equipment, grain, grass and other military supplies. This is Can a kind of war be fought?

The generals in each department are suspicious of each other, selfish, just want to preserve their own strength, pig teammates and so on, all kinds of messy reasons add up, it will be a defeat in every battle.

What the rebels are best at is guerrilla warfare. They move around everywhere, but there are too many passes that the officers and soldiers need to defend. It is impossible to guard against them. The battle is not easy to fight. If you want to fight, you have to defeat Zhang Xianzhong at once. It is best to kill him to prevent him from wandering around. Flee and cause harm everywhere.

Even if we shovel the grass without eradicating its roots, it will grow again with the spring breeze.

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