Two weeks have passed since the International Military Competition.

After Yingjiang’s questioning was fruitless, you can see people venting their anger on the Internet and in real life at any time.

All aspects of the economy and diplomacy continue to be affected. Even Yingjiang, who has a strong family, will definitely fall into a state of collapse if this continues.

Everything gradually returned to calm.

Future Research Institute, Su Bai’s exclusive office.

In the past few days, Su Bai was doing a series of preliminary work.

To build the Dragon Blade Army, there are many people, and it is necessary to cooperate closely with the military.

As for the scientific research team, the technical backbones who have participated in the super soldier serum, such as Qian Bingguo, Mr. Wu and others, will naturally join in again.

In addition, the enrollment needs to be slightly expanded.

The original R&D team of hundreds of people could only continue to observe one Wang Meng.

Nowadays, Su Bai has initially set the size of the Dragon Blade Army at around a hundred people, so various experimental recorders and serum developers must also be supported.

The first thing to be accomplished is a successful handover with the military.

“Su Guoshi, should we finalize the research and development personnel first, or start the selection of soldiers?”

Yang Xing, the head of the Zhuque Military Region, couldn’t help but ask.

“Chief Yang, let’s proceed simultaneously!”

“In terms of scientific research experts, I have almost found them!”

“As for the initial dragon blade army, my plan is to select the one hundred soldiers with the strongest comprehensive combat power in the Dragon Kingdom to build it!”

Su Bai quickly explained.

“No problem! I’ll make arrangements right away!”

Yang Xing nodded.

In the past, Wang Zhenguo was responsible for communicating with Su Guoshi.

But this time, when it came to the military region, Yang Xing finally had the opportunity to experience Su Guoshi’s scientific research results up close.

If he were about thirty years younger, he firmly believed that he could join the project.

Now, the opportunity is left to the young warriors of the Dragon Kingdom.

Therefore, after the order was issued, the five major military regions of the Dragon Kingdom launched a comprehensive selection almost simultaneously.

From the millions of Dragon Kingdom soldiers, only the strongest 100 were selected to form a mysterious army.

Naturally, the specific troops were not disclosed.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of speculation.

“Mysterious army? Only a hundred people? What on earth is this?”

“Wait a minute, people from all military regions can participate in the selection? Although I, the soldier king of the White Tiger Military Region, am everywhere, what if I am selected?”

“This is the first time such a big thing has happened in Dragon Kingdom. I guess it has something to do with our recent black technologies!”


The five major military regions of the Dragon Kingdom, plus the air force, navy and special forces, perform their respective duties most of the time.

This is the first time in history that a large-scale selection of the entire Dragon Kingdom and the entire army has taken place.

As a result, competition is fiercer than ever.

On the one hand, soldiers are all very competitive, and everyone wants to prove that their military region is stronger than other troops.

On the other hand, this is a big project, and you have to go through it all. It may lead to major changes in your military career in the future.

On the second day after the registration deadline, when Yang Xing got the list of candidates, even though he was experienced, he was shocked.

Unknowingly, so many military kings were born in the Dragon Kingdom?

Looking at their resumes, every one of them is a master who can fight, carry, and perform all decathlons.

There are too many people to count who have received second-class merit medals.

In terms of combat power, they were almost on par with the original Wang Meng.

Everyone Yang Xing didn’t want to miss it. The palms and backs of his hands were just full of flesh.

But there is another saying that goes like this, the strong will have its own strong hand.

Of these tens of thousands of warrior kings, only the strongest 100 can be selected, and the rest can only wait to see if they have a chance.

Then, various devilishly rigorous assessments took place in turn.

Yang Xing followed Su Bai’s advice and used Wang Meng’s original physical fitness indicators as a reference.

Those who are on par with Wang Meng will be retained.

In some aspects, those who are far behind Wang Meng are very likely to be eliminated.

The first is the speed test, sprint, 10,000-meter long-distance running, cross-country running, variable speed running, full marathon, etc.

After this project, 80% of the soldiers seemed to have shed a layer of skin.

Otherwise, it is too strict.

Each item must be close to the world record before it is allowed to pass. Even the best in each military region have difficulty achieving it.

In a short period of time, one-third of the soldiers were eliminated.

Then came the test of combat prowess. The warrior kings each showed their special abilities and demonstrated their super comprehensive fighting ability to the greatest extent.

As a result, more than 4,000 soldiers left the selection venue helplessly.


The latter item is also the most difficult psychological quality test to pass.

After all, it involves the Super Soldier Serum, which is highly confidential in the Dragon Kingdom. If this thing is injected into someone with ulterior motives, the impact will be quite bad.

After the cruel final screening, Yang Xing took over the list and counted it.

“what happened?”

“There are more than 1,800 people?”

Yang Xing frowned and said with an embarrassed look.

There are so many people, all of them are the elite among the soldiers, and everyone can compete with the original Wang Meng.

“Go on, another round!”

“Until the hundred strongest people are selected!”

Yang Xing then ordered suddenly.

This selection lasted for a full month.

On the school grounds, one hundred Dragon Kingdom warriors were seen standing upright, each of them as powerful as a rainbow.

They are all super-powerful elites who have gone through hellish tests and fought their way out of the heap of kings of soldiers.

They were then placed on six large armored personnel carriers and headed to their destination.

A moment later, Building L of the Future Research Institute.

In a medium-sized conference room.

The soldiers are waiting for the next order.

“Where is this place? There is such a large-scale research institution in Linchuan City? I have never heard of it!”

A soldier king of the Zhuque Military Region muttered to himself.

Before entering Building L, he observed that there were many R&D buildings nearby.

Each building is quite sophisticated, and it is easy to surmise that the area here is definitely not small.

And Linchuan City was within the Zhuque Military Region. After so many years, he didn’t even know that such a secret research institute was hidden.

Following the words of this soldier king, the others also started chatting and talked about it:

“For such a big move, the selection lasts for a month. What kind of mysterious army is worthy of it?”

“Is it possible that it has something to do with Captain Hawk-chan? I participated in a similar test a few months ago, but I was not selected, and then Captain Hawk-chan came out!”

“No matter how you say it, I’m looking forward to it. A big project is being launched in a hidden research institute, and it’s a big battle. It must be a great thing!”


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