"The young marshal ordered

all to stop the pursuit!" "Immediately arrange the predetermined plan to move!" "

Retreat to the pre-set safety zone!" After the

fighter plane piloted by Lin Changxin disappeared from everyone's field of vision, staff officers immediately notified the commanders and fighters at all levels.

In the face of the staff officer's instructions, some of the soldiers felt a little strange.

As for the other grassroots commanders and fighters, they understood it by heart.

However, the grassroots soldiers did not know about Lin Changxin's plan, and they felt extremely strange that they did not take advantage of the victory in the current situation that victory was in sight.

Many soldiers asked questions on the spot, "Company Commander Zhong

!" "Why don't we chase after it, if we chase it any further, we can win a big victory

!" "Just let these bastards run away, I'm so unwilling!" The

soldier clenched his fists, and he asked a little unwillingly.

"That's right, company commander, why don't you chase it

!" "These grandsons have been beaten like this, they will definitely not be able to escape, as long as we catch up, they will definitely have to finish the game!" Facing

the soldiers' doubts, Zhong Rusong, who was the company commander, laughed twice, "Who is the supreme commander who commands your battle?"

"Young marshal!" the soldiers asked without thinking.

"How is the young marshal fighting?" Zhong Rusong asked again.

"The young marshal fights, wins every battle, and is invincible!" The soldier patted his chest with great pride and said to Zhong Rusong.

"Since the young marshal is so powerful, what are you still questioning

?" "Although the enemy has been defeated by us, they have tens of thousands of people!"

"If we catch up, we must not pay some price and kill some people?" Zhong Rusong patted his subordinates on the head, and he continued, "What's more, you don't need money to fight?" "

How much do you think the bullets you use in your hands are?"

Let me tell you

, the cost of a bullet is twenty copper yuan!" "The cost of a shell is thirty

oceans!" "If this is chased down, there are no millions of oceans that can clean up these grandsons?" "

Even if they fight like this, they will still have fish to slip through the net!" Zhong

Rusong explained to the soldiers.

"What can you do then, just watch these bastards run away?" asked

a soldier, still a little puzzled.


" "Have you forgotten what the young marshal said before

?" "If you don't leave one, kill them all

!" "Since it's a non-stay, how can we let these bastards run away?"

"If there is time and manpower can't do it, nature can easily do it!" "Isn't there

a strategy of fire attack and water attack in ancient novels?"

What the ancients could do, we can't do now?" Zhong Rusong explained.

Hearing Zhong Rusong's explanation, everyone understood a little.

A soldier even patted his head, and he suddenly realized, "Company commander, I understand

!" "The young marshal is like attacking with water

!" "Flooding the Seventh Army

!" "Hey, you kid is quite smart!" Zhong Rusong patted the soldier on the shoulder, and he continued to explain.

"The Qinchuan area has a dangerous terrain, many mountain ranges, and

abundant water flow!" "In order to control the water, the ancients did not think

of all kinds of methods!" "With water, the harvest of crops in the field can be good

!" "So there is a dam in the northwest direction of this Gannan City, which has accumulated a large amount of river water all year round

!" "At what time of year, when the precipitation is the most abundant, the water on the dam has already been full!"

All you need to do is blow up the dam, and the water that has accumulated will sweep down from the dam and swallow all the Sima family's army!"

Zhong Rusong explained Lin Changxin's plan and plan, and now Lin Changxin has already led people to the direction of the dam.

As long as Lin Changxin gives an order, the dam will blow up a huge gap.

The turbulent water rushes for thousands of miles, and the whole area will become a country in an instant.

"Water attack will generally hurt civilians

!" "If it weren't for some circumstances, the young marshal would naturally not make such a choice

!" "But the three Sima brothers did their own thing, and they can't live

!" "These beasts slaughtered the entire Gannan City, not even a one- or two-year-old child, not even a baby in swaddling clothes!"

These beasts also ransacked the villages near Gannan City, and there were not many people alive in the entire vicinity of Gannan

!" "Even if they survived, they were rescued and transferred out by us

in time!" "In this case, in this low-lying wilderness, in addition to our army, only the army of the three Sima brothers remained

!" "At this time, we only need to occupy a high place and prepare in advance!"

When the dam over there explodes, the flood that swept down will clean up these turtle bastards

!" "When the time comes, the boat we have secretly built will come in handy

!" "You just need to follow me, see the Sima army beast that has fallen into the water, and stab it directly with a spear

!" "It also saves the waste of bullets!" Zhong Rusong said this, and the soldiers suddenly became enlightened.

They never imagined that the young marshal would actually come up with the brilliant strategy of attacking by water

! Compared with the terrifying power of nature, manpower seemed too small!

Why not be able to take down the 80,000-strong army of the three Sima brothers without spending a single soldier?

Just after Lin Changxin's command reached the ears of every soldier, Lin Changxin also drove the plane to stop at a temporary airfield somewhere.

There were only three fighters accompanying Lin Changxin, and the remaining fighters were all in a state of readiness.

They monitored the movements in the surrounding directions

! According to the information that Lin Changxin had, the three brothers of the Sima family accepted two fighter planes purchased from the Black Bear Country

! But Lin Changxin did not lock down where Sima Daizong hid these two fighter planes! Lin Changxin

would never let Sima Daizong go, so once the situation was discovered, the fighter would take off as soon as possible, and Sima Daizong's plane would be neatly discontinued!

Even if Sima Daizong's plane crossed the border and even landed on the airport of another country

, Lin Changxin would chase and kill them to the end! Because this was a promise that Lin Changxin had made a long time ago

! He wanted to avenge the souls of the dead under the knife of the three Sima brothers, and these three bastards fled to the ends of the earth, and they were all pursued to the death

! "Young Marshal!" "Young Marshal!

!" "Young Marshal!!" "Young Marshal!


Seeing Lin Changxin coming over, the soldiers straightened up and saluted Lin Changxin.

Lin Changxin nodded, only to see him look up at one of them, and then asked, "How's the situation?"

"Young marshal, everything is ready

!" "Just waiting for your order!" One of the generals immediately spoke.

"Very good

!" "Wait another forty minutes!" Lin Changxin raised the mechanical watch in his hand and glanced at it, he said expressionlessly.

According to the predetermined plan, Lin Changxin was going to blow up the embankment in half an hour!

However, considering the possible accidents on the way, Lin Changxin calculated the speed of the escape of the troops under the three brothers Sima Daizong.

He gave an order to his subordinates!


Time passed bit by bit, and Sima Daizong ran first.

And his second brother Sima Daide also fought for a while with some of the troops left behind by the Beifu Army.

At the end of the fight, Sima Daide realized that something was wrong.

Their opponents seemed to have withdrawn from the battlefield! The

rest of them also left directly on the captured war horses!

Although it was not clear, Sima Daide thought for a while, and he thought that even if the Beifu army had any conspiracy, as long as he did not chase them, he would not fall into their trap.

So Sima Daide quickly made a decision, and the remaining army of fifty or sixty thousand Sima and the three brothers quickly moved in the northwest direction.

They tried to take advantage of this opportunity to escape from this hell on earth.

It was confirmed that he had not fallen into the ambush circle of the Beifu army, and that no Beifu army had chased after him!

Sima Dai Zongchang breathed a sigh of relief, and he laughed out loud, "Hahaha

!" "Hahaha

!" "Lao Tzu escaped, Lao Tzu escaped

!" "Stay in the green mountains, don't be afraid of no firewood!"

Brothers, if you really can't do it, let's go up the mountain to be bandits and go into the deep mountains and old forests, he Lin Changxin is powerful, and he can't catch us!"

"Deputy commander, deputy commander!" Sima Daide called twice.

"The second master, I'm here

!" "The army is in a hurry, and I haven't brought any baggage, where is the nearest city to us?"

"We are thirsty and tired now, and we will run after we have sacked that city

!" "Find some beautiful ladies with long faces for Lao Tzu!" Sima Daide commanded.

"The second is in charge, in case the Beifu army catches up!" said the deputy commander like a frightened bird.

"Chase your mother

!" "Lao Tzu is riding a horse, they rely on their feet, how to chase!" Sima Daide was a little unhappy.

"But they have planes......" Before he

could finish speaking, the deputy commander was kicked by Sima Daide.

"Fuck you, where is the nearest populated city nearby?"

"Back to the second master, in Tianjiang City, it is less than eighty kilometers away from us

......" "Send the order to go down......" As soon as Sima Daide finished saying this, his right eyelid jumped.

Then, there was the sound of thousands of horses galloping.

Sima Daide was taken aback, he thought that the Beifu army had chased after him.

But the Beifu army had no cavalry at all, and they had no means of transport, so how could they chase them?

Sima Daide thought that he was having auditory hallucinations, and he quickly comforted himself for a while.

But the rumble grew louder and louder, and ...... louder

Until the flood that swept over him and his army of 80,000 men poured in.

Sima Daide realized what was going on.

"Damn it

!" "Why are you running!" The

flood was like a giant beast with its bloody mouth open, and it directly swallowed the group of beasts with a terrified expression.

"Help, help me...... Ahem...... Help

me......" "Don't, who will save me

......" "I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't know how to water......"

In the sound of crying father and mother, Sima Daide slapped the war horse under his crotch like crazy

! The whip was broken!

The war horse foamed at the mouth, and the slower and slower he ran, the slower and slower he ran, the slower and slower he ......

"My life is at stake

!" "Heaven is going to take me!" Sima Daide looked back at the overwhelming flood

that swept in! He seemed to see the innocent people he had killed, and stretched out his hands to ask for his life.


Daide only felt as if he was being held down and choked by the big hands stretched out by countless pairs ......of unjust souls

The horses were swept away, and Sima Daide was ruthlessly ravaged by the raging currents.

The muddy water poured into Sima Daide's mouth and nose,

and pulled this wicked executioner into hell.

It was just an impact

! The army of 50,000 or 60,000 of the three Sima brothers was swept

away! Countless birds and beasts were directly drowned by this sudden flood

! After this battle

! Lin Changxin was the world's mighty

! All the warlords of the Great New Country, big and small, were terrified!


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