Almost at the same time, six fierce generals, including Wang Yuzhu, Xu Cunyou, Zheng Dongguo, Du Zimin, Wang Chengwu, and Chen Huayong, launched an extremely powerful offensive against the three Sima brothers at the same time.

Desperate Fighting Style

! The attack like a tide stunned Sima Daizong's soldiers and horses at once! 20,000 to 80,000

! He was still so crazy and so desperate

! Sima Daizong didn't know for a moment whether he

had the advantage in troops or Lin Changxin had the advantage in troops! However, in the next second, Lin Changxin spoke with his strength!

There were not many soldiers!


Sixth and Seventh Divisions were newly reorganized by Chief Lin, which were different from the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Divisions.

The Sixth and Seventh Divisions belong to the eggs of recruits who have never been on the battlefield

! Although their grassroots backbone cadres are all pure recruits who have experienced the baptism of war!

However, although they are a group of new soldiers, they are newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers!

After all, the situation at home is changing with the naked eye.

After a period of land reform, every household in the three northern provinces has been given land, and those soldiers who are fighting in the army have been allocated more land to their families.

And for every great victory, those soldiers were richly rewarded, and even if they died in battle, their families received a generous pension.

In addition to pensions and generous rewards, the three northern provinces will also send special plaques such as "Special Meritorious Hero", "First Class Meritorious Hero" and "Second Class Meritorious Hero" to those soldiers who performed well in the war.

Every time these plaques are sent to the village, the village elders will bring the women and children of the village, old and young, to the village ancestral hall with suona, drums, and firecrackers.

Not only is it as simple as entering the ancestral hall, but those soldiers who have made great achievements will record his name and deeds in the family tree.

Like the last time the rebellion of the Qartai tribe in the Qionglu region was quelled, Huangjia Village recorded the soldier named Huang Hui in the family tree.

"In the fourteenth year of the Great New Year, in May, the son of the clan surnamed Huang Minghui quelled the rebellion with Young Marshal Lin in the Qionglu area, and captured the enemy chief Chaertai and Guangzong Yaozu

!" "Recorded in the family tree, future generations should take it as glory!"

"Every time it is time to sacrifice, there should be a share!"

How can they not work hard?

Especially those little children who are eager to make meritorious contributions and see the plaques of meritorious heroes returning to their hometowns, they have established the belief of sacrificing their lives to serve the country since they were young.

"Advance, advance

!" "Damn, it's like never eaten, which time is not enough for the food in the army

!" "Cheer up, push up, and crush these bastards!" Although

his subordinates were already advancing fast enough, the company commander named Qiu Qingfeng still felt that it was not enough.

As a graduate of the second phase of the Mingcheng Military Academy, Qiu Qingfeng, Su Suming, Xiang Ming, and Zhong Rusong are the three tigers and one dragon of the second phase of the Mingcheng Military Academy! Su Suming is of course one of the dragons!

As for Qiu Qingfeng, Xiang Ming, and Zhong Rusong, they are the three tigers of the Mingcheng Military Academy


Su Suming, who is known as the dragon of the Mingcheng Military Academy, is already the acting regiment commander, and Qiu Qingfeng, Xiang Ming, and Zhong Rusong are still company commanders.

These three people were under the command of Chen Huayong, Xu Cunyou, and Du Zimin!

Qiu Qingfeng, who was now independently commanding a company, was like a tiger descending from the mountain, and he was like crazy when he started fighting.

"Company commander, these grandsons are like ground rats, hiding in the fortifications one by one, and we can't hit them at all!" one soldier complained.

"If you can't hit it, if you can't hit it, you won't let the artillery support!" Qiu Qingfeng roared.

The soldier really wanted to roll his eyes, his own company commander was really a little unreliable!

"Company commander, just now you have been commanding, let the Type 92 infantry artillery bombard here and there

!" "How long has this battle been fought, and the shells have bottomed out!" "

Didn't you just say that you saved some flowers?"

Being so stunned by his own subordinates, Qiu Qingfeng's face was a little unbearable.

"Fuck it!!"

"Lao Tzu said that good steel is used on the blade

!" "Let the artillery pull up the Type 92 infantry cannon, Lao Tzu's soldiers!" "It's more expensive than the shell!" Qiu Qingfeng waved his right hand, and he shouted, "Three platoon leaders, three platoon leaders

!" "What about your fucking Type 92 infantry guns!

" "Pull up Lao Tzu

!" "

Yes!" After the third platoon commander heard Qiu Qingfeng's order, he immediately pulled up the precious Type 92 infantry cannon in the company.

"Come here, do you see the fortification in front?"

"Find a way, give Lao Tzu a shot!" Qiu Qingfeng put away the serious look just now, and said with a smile to the third platoon leader.


, company commander!" "But company commander, we only have five or six shells left!" "

You fuck you!" Qiu Qingfeng kicked at the third platoon commander, but he immediately thought of the fierce man he had just yelled at, and he was embarrassed to criticize the third platoon commander again, "Third platoon commander, this battle is over

!" "Lao Tzu will give you the first credit!" "

Give Lao Tzu a good job, Lao Tzu gave you a whole roast sheep to eat last time!".

Qiu Qingfeng's face changed quickly, and the three platoon leaders were also dumbfounded.

However, he was also a professional gunner, and the Type 92 infantry gun was immediately aimed at the enemy position.


accompanied by the bombardment of the Type 92 infantry gun, a puff of smoke and dust rose on the ground.

"Third platoon commander, you're fucking crooked!" As

soon as the words fell, another shell landed on the enemy's position.


This time, the shells of the Type 92 infantry guns did not hit

the enemy's fortifications directly! The huge explosion made the enemy's heavy machine gunners completely

silent, and the battlefield was silent......! This was the time!

Honk...... In

a very loud rush trumpet...... Qiu Qingfeng jumped high, "Brothers, rush with me

!" "Kill!" "Kill!!"


The tiger roared at Qin Chuan, and the soldiers followed Qiu Qingfeng like crazy, and rolled towards the enemy position frantically.

"Well done, done so beautifully

!" "Qiu madman, this madman!"

"Hahaha!!" Chen Huayong held the binocular, he laughed.

Regarding the performance of the tiger general under his command, Chen Huayong was very satisfied.


officer!" "Here

!" "Crazy Qiu fought so hard

, the ammunition must have been almost exhausted!" "Let the logistics troops go up, send me the ammunition, and let the crazy Qiu have a good time!" Chen

Huayong said to the logistics officer standing beside him.


!" "Regiment Commander!"

After receiving the order, boxes of unopened ammunition were transported to the front line as soon as possible, and after Qiu Qingfeng received support, he was even more energetic.

Probably stimulated by Qiu Qingfeng's department, Xiang Ming and Zhong Rusong also intensified their attacks after they secretly scolded Qiu Maniac

! The main attack direction of the six roads, each of which

was like a bamboo! Unstoppable

! Sima Daizong, who had been clamoring to cut off Lin Changxin's head to make a night pot, turned pale in a hurry, and his expression was difficult to see

! How could he have thought that Lin Changxin's army was even more terrifying than the rumors!

Where are the warlords' troops, they are devils

! How can there be an army that is better equipped and well-trained, and fights even more desperately than his

Sima army! Sima Daizong's army is extremely harsh and even more murderous

! Use killing to make the soldiers dare to die

! If they encounter other armies, they will lose a lot in terms of momentum alone in the face of the Sima family army that has become a demon killer

! But Lin Changxin's Beifu army is different!

They have faith and protection, and they are even more fierce

and not afraid of death! Although it is said that those who are horizontal are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of not wanting

to die! However, there is a gap between those who do not want to die in the war, and Sima Daizong's army has a killing nature, and uses killing to stimulate the primitive beastly nature of the soldiers! However, in

the face of the truly elite army, the army is willing to give their lives for their own army, the chief officer, and the land they guard.

These so-called beastly natures are simply vulnerable

! Like ice cubes encountering boiling water, they collapse at the touch of a button!

Under the wild bombardment of the Sixth Route Army, the already crumbling position fell into collapse.

Sima Daizong, the murderer, he actually felt fear and fear for the first time.

Sima Daizong remembered that Lin Changxin's latest must-kill list had three more names!

If he was captured alive by

Lin Changxin, there would be absolutely no good end! A tooth for a tooth and an

eye for an eye! This would probably already be the best result

! As for the crimes he committed, how could Lin Changxin let him die without pain!


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