The cannon fire rang out like a drumbeat, and the flames from the explosion turned the entire sky red.

The people near the river basin, the citizens, workers, and students of the three towns.

At first, they were frightened by the sudden artillery battle, but gradually many people climbed up to look at the river.

Those imperialist warships scurried around the river like headless flies, and one by one they were beaten like lost dogs.

This scene made the people of Daxinguo feel extremely excited and excited.


, boom,


"Brother, brother

!" "This is our cannon, our cannon

!" "Our cannon beat these ghostly warships in all directions, our cannons sank their warships, and sent them to the bottom

of the sea to feed the fish!" "It is our cannons that are

defending the land of our great new country and defending the dignity of our great new country!" "Long live the army of the three northern provinces, long live the great new country!" Watching the artillery smash down on several imperialist warships, the people who hated the humiliating history of the Great New Kingdom hugged their companions excitedly and wept loudly.

How many years of humiliation! How many years of dreams

will there be

! Now that it really appears in front of his eyes, how can people control their emotions?

"Hahaha, hahaha

!" "A hundred years of national shame, once washed

in the snow, once washed in the snow!" "Da Xinguo, mighty!"


Standing on the top of the mountain, an old man with cloudy eyes. His face was full of wrinkles.

He has lived a lifetime and witnessed too many things.

He witnessed the decay and decline of the Great New Kingdom, witnessed the Great New Kingdom being knocked open by one or two imperialist warships, and witnessed the birth of so-called "peace treaties" one after another.

I have also witnessed those ghost warships rampage in the ocean of Daxinguo and on the river of Daxinguo!

As the real masters of this land, they are treated as slaves, animals, slaves and livestock who are wantonly bullied.

That humiliation tormented him all the time, and every time he thought about it.

He had been looking forward to it, he had been looking forward to it, he was looking forward to the day when the Great New Kingdom would be able to tell its enemies with cannons, iron and blood.

Tell those imperialists

! Daxinguo cannot be humiliated and is incomparably powerful

! After so many years, he has finally waited for today, and finally waited for 10,000 cannons to fire at once, and the artillery of Daxinguo is teaching these ghosts a lesson like beating his grandson!

The granddaughters immediately stepped forward to support her.

I saw that the gray-haired old man waved his hand and refused

, "No!" "Grandpa is happy!" "Grandpa is happy


The old man's hands trembled, and his eyes, which were obviously very cloudy, radiated an uplifting light.

"Grandpa has experienced too much

in this life, the decline and fall of the country, the defeat of the nation, and the bullying of the people!" "Thinking about the 5,000-year history and glory of my Daxin nation, will our country, our nation be eliminated in the long river of history in this unprecedented change in history?"

"Grandpa is unwilling, grandpa is unwilling!" The white-haired old man had tears in his eyes, and he continued.

"But now grandpa has seen it, and he has seen the cannon

of my great new country beating the ghosts!" "I saw that the young people of my great new country are still bloody, and they have the courage to fight to the end against imperialism for the dignity of the country

and the nation!" "Grandpa is content in this life!" After speaking, the white-haired old man closed his eyes, and tears slowly rolled down his old cheeks.

"Grandson, grandpa looks at the great mountains and rivers of the motherland, waits until the warplanes of my great new country roar the sky of the motherland, waits until the warships of my great new country crisscross the seas and shakes in all directions, and when the sound of our cannons resounds throughout the universe and makes the world tremble and shudder!" "

Wait until the roar of the lion of my great new empire and all the nations bow down to the vassals!"

"...... again! Tell Grandpa again......" The gray-haired old man looked at the artillery fire in the distance with satisfaction, and a smile appeared on his face.

The breath of life quietly dissipated in his body, but this was the happiest and most exciting time in the old man's life.

Above the river, artillery fire fell accurately on the enemy warships, and those ghosts let out a scream like a pig's howl.

On the top of the mountain, thousands of people of the Great New Kingdom burst into tears and wept bitterly

!"God bless me Daxin

!" "Eternal prosperity, eternal survival, and megatronage of the world

!" "Great New Kingdom

!" "Long live!!"

The white-haired old man shouted with the last strength of his life, and then he lowered his head with a happy smile.

The old man insisted on seeing this scene

all along! Now he saw

it! He was also satisfied! He could also leave this world with a smile and happiness

! "Grandfather

!" "Grandfather!

!" The sound of cannons, crying, and excited laughter were all wonderfully blended together at this moment, and the movement of the rise of the Great New Kingdom

was played

! On the river, heavy artillery fire continued.

Imperial warships were constantly hit by heavy artillery fire, and under a sound like killing pigs, the Imperial warships sank to the bottom of the river.

Some warships that could not stand the endless bombardment took the initiative to raise the white flag and approach the river bank.

At the same time, Lin Changxin commanded.

A telegram was sent to Lin Changxin.

"Young Marshal, there is an urgent telegram ahead

!" "There are a large number of troops from the Golden Lion Country, the Iron Tower Country, and the Sakura Sword Country that are rapidly advancing in the direction of our army

!" "The number is unknown

!" "Their intention is obvious, trying to destroy our army's artillery positions on the river!"

Lin Changxin took the telegram document, and he nodded.

After reading the telegram document, Lin Changxin handed it to Mansdel and Himmel.

"Your old opponents, the armies of the Golden Lion Nation and the Iron Tower Nation!"

"How is it, are you interested?" Lin Changxin asked with a smile to Manshidel and Himmel.

I saw Ximel punching Lin Changxin, and he laughed and said, "Lin, aren't you talking nonsense?"

In the battle of Baiyangzhou, Hansi Guo singled out the Iron Tower Country and the Golden Lion Kingdom.

However, due to various reasons, in the end, Hans was defeated and surrendered.

This is unacceptable for the soldiers of the Hans Kingdom.

So they all dreamed of getting a chance, a chance to fight with the Iron Tower Country and the Golden Lion Country.

And now, this opportunity is right in front of them!

How could they miss it?"

"As Adjutant Zhang's military advisers, you two led 20,000 people to block the attack of the Golden Lion Kingdom and the Iron Tower Country

!" "Xu Changming, Chen Mingzhen, Zuo Liaoquan!" Lin Changxin looked at several military cadets standing near Manshidel and shouted loudly.


!" "You are fighting against the Iron Tower Country and the Golden Lion Country under Adjutant Zhang, you must fight this battle for me beautifully

!" "Yes

!" "Young Marshal!" The three of them straightened up and saluted Lin Changxin.

After issuing the order, Lin Changxin looked at Wu Zhenhua, the acting commander of the 39th Army.

"Brother Wu, you have combat experience

with the Sakura Dao people!" "You lead the 39th Army to destroy the army

of the Sakura Dao Country for me!" "Not a single one is left

!" "Guan Yuanzheng, Song Dynasty Jiang, Zhou Hushi, you three will follow Brother Wu to deal with the army of the Sakura Dao Country

!" "Yes, young marshal!"

After the deployment, Lin Changxin's eyes flashed, and he looked in the direction of Sanzhen City.

"As for Liu Chengxuan and Zhang Xiangyang, the two traitors, Lao Tzu is going to kill them

!" "Those who dare to betray the country and traitors

!" "Die!"

Lin Changxin slammed his fist on the table, and the table made a "bang" crack!


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