After the change of equipment, Lin Changxin only had time to conduct half a day of training and reorganization of the current unit.

In the afternoon of the same day, Lin Changxin heard a battle report from the front line.

A large-scale rebellion broke out on the Ubona Peninsula, and the Sakurato-kuni army, which had been hastily dispatched, immediately prepared to return to the Ubona Peninsula.

And Changbailing is the only way for the division of Sakura Dao Country, and after Lin Changxin received the information, he did not let the army under his command stay too much.

After a short period of assembly and preparation, Lin Changxin led this army with all kinds of lightly armed weapons, and moved forward at a rapid pace towards the road that the Sakura Knife Devil must pass in a detour and outflanking way.

They want to set up an ambush in front of these Sakura Knife Devils and take down this division of Sakura Knife Devils in one fell swoop.

At the same time, under Lin Changxin's order, some of the White Bear troops who had defected to the three northern provinces also rushed over at the same time.

Their goal is to contain the puppet army of Zhangqiuji and the Ubang Peninsula so that Lin Changxin can concentrate his forces to eliminate this division of the Sakura Sword Devil.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"All of them, speed up for me, we must get ahead of the Sakura Knife Devil and reach the ambush site first." "

Everyone left unnecessary supplies for me to maintain my strength

!" "Even if we die, we must also rush to the ambush site in front of the Sakura Knife Devil

!" "If you can win this battle, Lao Tzu will give you a celebration banquet!" Lin

Changxin shouted at the army under his command.

Under his urging, the troops composed of more than 10,000 people quickly moved forward and advanced.

There were hardly many stops along the way, after more than ten hours of trekking.

Lin Changxin led the army under his command, and finally set up an ambush in Changbailing before the arrival of the devils of the Sakura Sword Country, and selected the best ambush location.

Everyone held their breath and hid in the grass and trees of Changbai Ridge.

From a distance, it is impossible to find an army of more than 10,000 people hidden here.

And under the cover of the night before dawn, it was even more impossible to find Lin Changxin and the army under his command.

The Sakura Sword Country Devil Army thought that it was the First Army in Zhongzhou, and they could never have imagined that one of their divisions would be ambushed by Lin Changxin and his army.

So he swaggered in the direction of Changbai Ridge.

Because the rebellion on the Ubang Peninsula was too sudden, these Sakura Sword Country Devil Army even directly threw off the puppet army of the Ubang Peninsula and prepared to rush back to the Ubang Peninsula first.

In the night, the shadow of Lin Changxin's long-awaited Sakura Dao Country's devil army convoy finally appeared within the ambush circle with his face half-covered.

The time of the appearance of the Sakura Sword Country Devil Army and the calculation on the map when Lin Changxin set off, the entire error was not more than five minutes at all.

"Just by relying on the inexact distance on the map, the young marshal can roughly judge when the enemy army will appear!"

"It's just terrifying, the young marshal really calculated everything. "

Terrifying command and calculation ability!

This is the necessary ability of every immortal famous general, and this point is easily grasped by his own young marshal.

Lin Changxin's guards are simply a five-body cast on Lin Changxin's admiration.

"Young Marshal, you are really a god

!" "Even this detail can be analyzed, these dogs really left the puppet army of the Yubang Peninsula and rushed back!" Lin Changxin's guard Li Chengxin couldn't hide his excitement and said to Lin Changxin.

"Sakura Sword Country is fighting for power and profit, and their army stationed on the Ubang Peninsula is only 100,000!"

"Rebellions within the Ubang Peninsula occur from time to time, and the Sakura Sword Country's troops are a little stretched.

"So they went back to suppress the rebellion, and that was a matter of course. "

Although the puppet army of the Ubang Peninsula is a subsidiary legion of the Sakura Sword Country, it is the aborigines of the Ubang Peninsula after all!"

"The military department of the Sakura Sword Country does not trust them at all, so the current situation is not too difficult to predict. "

Keep quiet, wait for them to completely enter the encirclement of our army!" Lin

Changxin said to his guards, and everyone's eyes were on the headlights of the Sakura Dao Country devil army vehicle.

At this time, it was already four or five o'clock in the morning, and the sky was about to brighten.

The continuous march exhausted the soldiers of Sakurato Country, and their bodies were already being squeezed to the limit.

Many soldiers were already asleep and dead in the car.

In addition, the devil army of Sakura Sword Country didn't think that anyone would choose to ambush them at this time, so the vigilance of these devil army was naturally the most lax.

"Everyone stay hidden, wait for the convoy to get closer

!" "Mortar prepares

!" "Bombardier prepare!" "

Listen to my order, I give an order, cannonballs, grenades will give me a better greeting to them!"

Lin Changxin picked up the rifle in his hand and was already aimed at the direction of the Sakura Dao country's army, and he calmly issued an order to the soldiers.

At this time, the sky slowly turned white, and Lin Changxin's eyes were firmly fixed on the direction of the Sakura Dao Country's army, watching the Sakura Dao Country's convoy continue to get closer and closer.

Lin Changxin was also silently calculating the best attack range in his heart, and he was capturing the most suitable fighter.

"It's right here!" Lin Changxin's eyes lit up, and he knew that the fighter plane he had been waiting for for for a long time had finally arrived.

If you don't fight at this time, when will you wait?"

"Give me a hard beat!"

With Lin Changxin's order, the mortars and grenades on the battlefield were ambushed and smashed towards the convoy of Sakura Dao Country as if they didn't want money.


Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!!"

A round of mortars attacked the convoy of Sakurato Country, and the mortars landed accurately on their military vehicles.

The military vehicle exploded suddenly, and the Sakura Sword Country Devil Army in their sleep didn't even know what was happening, so they were directly roasted into a roast suckling pig by the sudden explosion.

In just an instant, forty or fifty devil soldiers were wiped out by cannonballs.

Not to be outdone, the bombardiers were trapped near the Sakurato country's convoy like a swarm.

The awakened devil army jumped out of the military vehicle and was directly torn apart by the sudden explosion.


"Eight Grid Tooth Road

, Alert, Alert!" "Enemy attack, enemy attack!!" The Sakura Dao Country soldiers who reacted roared as they tried to rely on cover to attack the ambushed Lin Changxinbu.

But at this time, Lin Changxinbu had already occupied a favorable geographical location, and they condescendingly attacked the devils of Sakura Dao Country, and row after row of devils were knocked down.

In just a moment, the corpses of one or two hundred Sakura Sword Country devil soldiers were left in the ambush circle.

"Give me the commanders, heavy machine gunners, light machine guns, and artillery attacks that aim at the enemy

!" "Hit me hard

!" "Send these devil soldiers who dare to covet the land of my three northern provinces to pay

!" "Kill!"

Lin Changxin shouted and fired another shot, and a little devil commander was easily killed.

Including this devil army, Lin Changxin alone killed more than 30 devil soldiers.

Such a strong marksmanship made everyone stunned.

And the boss is so brave, naturally he also led all the soldiers to carry out a crazy attack on the convoy and soldiers of the Sakura Sword Country.


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