"Xu Bing, wake up."

It should be dark outside by now. Looking at the time, it's already around 8 PM, according to the schedule, it should be very close to Feng Men Village.


"It's about time."

"The car can only stop here, the mountain road ahead is hard to walk on."

"Is there any other way?" After the driver finished speaking, fat director also stood up. I could vaguely see a hand reaching out from below to touch his clothes.

"No, we agreed to stop here. Call me when you go back. I'll pick you guys up when the time comes."

"It can't be. What time is it now? Do you want us to sleep in the wilderness?" I stood up, causing fat director's expression to turn ugly. Actually, this kind of thing can be avoided entirely.

"Get off, get off, hurry up."

I had no choice but to take our two suitcases from the luggage rack and then carry them down. Getting down from the car, I really felt extremely cold, and this place should not have reached the Feng Men Village yet, so I felt a chill down my spine.

"Move forward. Don't think that you're out to play. Be serious. Give out your bonus when you get back."

"Don't worry, Director. For your sake, we can do whatever you want." Sun Xiaoke stuck close to Fatty the entire time, and I dragged the leather case with me as I walked inside. The road here is indeed not easy, not only are there potholes, there are even times where they are scattered.


I heard Sun Xiaoke call out. She wore very little, and she even had shoes with heels. To put it bluntly, if she wanted to be stinky, she had to pay a price.

"What's wrong!"

Xu Bing turned around and looked in that direction. I saw the fatty squatting there, but Sun Xiaoke was actually sitting on the ground.

"My foot, I accidentally twisted my foot."

"Then what should we do?"

At this moment, the fatty actually raised his head to look at me. I immediately turned around, "Xia Mo, give this to Xu Bing and help her walk away."

"No, there are too many things, Xu Bing cannot carry them all alone." I made my stand clear. "Hurry, hurry, you must pay attention to the unity of the company and its image."

"Alright, Xia Mo, Xu Bing will take the luggage from me." I had no choice but to walk over, and then stoop down to help Sun Xiaoke up from the ground.

"The road is so hard to walk, your body is so delicate, if you fall again later, don't look for me if you break an arm or leg." It's not that I'm mean, Sun Xiaoke had said a lot of bad things about me in private, and she was not the one who gave in to people nowadays, furthermore, with her personality, it was easy for people to not get used to her.

"Xia Mo, I know you don't like me, so I owe you this time. If there's a chance, I'll definitely pay you back double."

"I can't take it." After saying that, I was really worried that she would fall again. This kind of place is already unbearable, it would be even more troublesome if she couldn't get her foot out.

I don't want to see anyone in trouble, Sun Xiaoke included. This is the truest voice in my heart.

Xu Bing's body leaned forward, and every time she sees a big or small stone, she will have to change directions non-stop, the ones carrying the equipment aren't relaxed either, I saw a few people from the carriage get out, and carry a lot of things, probably because the company had prepared them specially for us.

In this sort of desolate place, one had to be prepared to eat, drink, and eat.


I heard someone shout, and then a rattle, rattle sound came from the nearby forest. At that moment, everyone tensed up, and then, a few people came out.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

As the flashlight landed on them, four people actually came out from the ground. Two men and two women, looking like a couple traveling in two teams, all carrying travel bags.

"What are you guys doing?" fat director walked over. He was the oldest official here, and also the person in charge of recorded Feng Men Village records.

"Travelers, prepare to go to Feng Men Village."

"You guys want to go as well!"

After I finished speaking, the four people looked at me at the same time and said happily, "You guys aren't going there to make a movie, are you?"

"Pretty much. It's a huge production after all." When the fatty heard this, he immediately got excited. He shook his big head, and assumed a posture as if he was about to brag.

"That's really lucky. But don't worry, we just want to go up and take a look. We'll only stay for one night and then leave."

"Let's go together."

I supported Sun Xiaoke as she lowered her head. I felt that her expression had become very strange, it was nothing much in the beginning, but the moment those four people appeared, Sun Xiaoke's expression immediately changed and she kept lowering her head, feeling as if she wanted to dig into the ground.

This Sun Xiaoke is completely different from the Sun Xiaoke I know, in my impression, she is the type of person who likes to show off and show off a lot. Could it be that she is related to those four people?

"Wait a moment."

Sun Xiaoke turned her feet, so the two of us were the last ones walking, but at this time, there was light coming from the front, and we noticed that there was also fire coming from a place not far ahead, and under the light of the fire, we could vaguely see some broken down houses.

I never thought that so many people would come here in admiration, and completely turn into the paradise of tourist explorers. At this time, I even felt that those bizarre experiences at night were all fabricated, that Feng Men Village, might just be a deserted village that was abandoned because of its geographical location.

"Keep going."

Looking at the bonfire in front of us, fat director's tone revealed helplessness. I am not sure why I wasted so much energy to come here to film for, could it be that I just want to borrow the reputation of this place.

"Wait a moment."

The man raised his arm, then slowly crouched down. I saw him pull something out of his bag and place it in front of his eyes. If I'm not wrong, it should be a night vision goggles.

"Let's take a look."

I saw him pass the night vision goggles to Fatty, the fat director looked at it for a long time and said, "It's nothing."

"Right, it's nothing strange. The fire must have been raised by a person. Where did that person go?"

"This." fat director blinked his eyes a few times, he probably never thought about this question. I walked over and Sun Xiaoke sat on the luggage to rest.

"Can you let me have a look?"

"Of course."

I took the night vision goggles. They were quite heavy, but they were different, and through them the space in front of us turned into a bluish-green color. Although it was still blurry, I could clearly see what was inside them, even the layout of the houses.

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