Maybe it's because we have to take care of the people who are going to be broadcast live, the new person will not be too long this time. fat director stood up and said that he would let us go back and comprehend it ourselves.

Pah! How shameless. He wouldn't go even if he were beaten to death.

Fortunately, Xu Bing and I were given the same dorm room. The treatment provided by the company wasn't bad, and they basically all had their own rooms, so when it was Xu Bing's turn, this was the only room left.

After the meeting, we took our things and walked towards the back, "Xu Bing, don't you feel that the woman at the door is very strange?" I couldn't help but ask Xu Bing when we were walking out.

"Which one?" Xu Bing stopped and looked at me.

"It was the woman from the office on the left. She was wearing thick clothes and had very big eyes."

"I didn't notice."

"You didn't go there today?"

Just like me, Xu Bing is also a new recruit hired by the company today. There's a total of three people recruited, one is Xu Bing, the other one is the big chested girl called Sun Xiaoke who wore exposed clothes on her chest, the last one is me. Of course, it's possible that I was successful because of that.

"I didn't go there for that person, Xia Mo, don't worry about it anymore, I will think about how to do today's live broadcast." Xu Bing pulled me to the dorm behind the company.

Although the dormitory isn't big, it's enough for two people, and the interior is very clean. I was a little tired at that time, so after tormenting myself for an entire day, I just threw my bag on the bed and lied down.

"What is it?"

I cried out in pain, as though something hard had stabbed into my back. I quickly got down from the bed, and Xu Bing turned to look at me.

"I'm fine."

I lifted the covers and quickly found a frame underneath. It was completely black, and it felt like I'd found a treasure.

"Xu Bing, come over and take a look."

When Xu Bing heard me call her, she immediately put down what she was doing and walked over.

Inside the photo, it was a very beautiful woman, her age shouldn't be much older than me. I held the photo frame and looked left and right, just at this time, Xu Bing walked over.

"It should have been accidentally dropped by someone else when they left." Xu Bing only glanced at it once. This was outside of my expectations, women were curious animals, if they were in the dorms, at least dozens of stories would be made about this photo.

"Hey, Xu Bing, why do I feel like you?" I raised the photo and looked at Xu Bing. The two of them did indeed have some similarities between their eyebrows, but of course, the woman in the photo was even more beautiful.

"Stop messing around, could it be because we are all beauties?!" Xu Bing suddenly laughed, and I also laughed. A woman really is a strange animal, one minute it was a rainy day, the next it might be sunny.

"Alright, why don't you clean yourself up. This is the first live broadcast tonight." After Xu Bing finished washing her face, she took out a mask from his bag and started patting it repeatedly with her fingers.

"I'm different from you guys. I made her look strange, so if you really want to look at her breasts, you can just look at them. Do you think her breasts are fake?"

"Gossip? Who cares about all that. Although society is a little boastful right now, there are still people who appreciate you. Do your job well and don't give up on any opportunities."

"Got it."

What Xu Bing said made sense, but I wasn't in the mood to prepare it at all, so I just laid there with the photo frame in my hand. The woman in the picture had very beautiful eyes, very big, and her hair is very long, very beautiful.

I traced the picture frame with my finger. Suddenly, there was a slight pain on my finger and blood started to flow out. It was too sudden. I didn't notice that there was a small nail on the side of the picture frame.

Blood gushed out, and I quickly ran to the bathroom to rinse it with water. Then I took out a Band-Aid and stuck it on. Only now did he realize that the blood he had just spilled might very well have smeared onto the photo. After all, it belonged to someone else.

When I took out a piece of paper and picked up the photo frame to wipe it, there was nothing on it. It was very clean, just like the first time I saw it. Strange! I remember that there was blood on it, and now it's magically gone.

"Xia Mo, what time are you?"

"Don't mention it. It's midnight. Just thinking about it makes me upset."

Xu Bing's live broadcast was scheduled to start at ten at night. If it was done well, there would be a match during the day, and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Who would be idle to listen to your ghost story in broad daylight?

I placed the photo frame on the table. It was 21: 37 PM then, and Xu Bing was already prepared. She who had put on makeup became even more beautiful, and I have to say, makeup was indeed a mysterious thing.

The two of us came out of the dorm, and we walked very fast. Because the distance between the dorm and the office building was very dark, we were still a bit scared at the time.

When we entered, we just happened to see the big-breasted Sun Xiaoke walking out from the first floor with a coquettish expression. Furthermore, the clothes on her upper body were extremely low, we really didn't know if she was doing it live or selling meat.

Later, I learned that the company's resource allocation was the lower the floor, the more resources it acquired, the fifth floor was the warehouse, and the 404 I got was the worst.

At that time, my mind was filled with thoughts of how to start the show. I would definitely be scolded to death by the students with my big boobs. After all, it was a live broadcast of a supernatural event. He always felt that it was too fake.

"Let's go."

This is my first time, after all, this isn't the first time. This kind of thing doesn't mean that you can be relaxed just because you're not nervous, at ten o'clock, I hid behind the broadcasting room and watched Xu Bing's live broadcast. Her voice was really nice, first introducing myself, then singing a very lyrical old song, which said that this was a warm field.

Very quickly, I saw everything on the screen start to appear, red, gold, there was everything, it looked pretty fun, according to fat director, those were all red notes.

I looked at the time. It was already 11.20 p.m., and I was a little sleepy at that time. Xu Bing was playing around inside the building more and more with HIGH.

It was dark, and there was no one there except for me and the sound of my shoes on the stairs and the sound of my breath. I turned on my cell phone and finally found a switch on the wall and pressed it with my hand.

The lights didn't come on. What the hell? The lights in the corridor on the fourth floor were broken!

I had no choice but to admit my bad luck, who asked me to be so beautiful without her sweet voice. Holding my phone as I walked in, I finally saw those familiar yet unfamiliar numbers.


This is where I'm going to broadcast live, and because of this live broadcast, my fate has been completely changed.

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