Chapter 906 : Change of Voice 【Subscribe】

Qin Feng also ruled out this point temporarily.

I plan to investigate the other two possibilities first.

If the other two points cannot be found out, then go back and investigate the situation of the leakage of important documents and intelligence.

“He just said that he wouldn’t fail to hear the voice of the head of his department. This should rule out the suspicion of the head of our company’s marketing department, right?”

Although the first person who noticed that the marketing department was in charge was the partner’s person.

But now he feels that he should not be the head of the marketing department anymore.

Xiao Tianduan also said at this time.

“Well, since the voice he heard in 08 is not the voice of their department head, I think it should not be the head of the marketing department. I will mobilize people to investigate the people on the list to see if they have any abnormalities.”

After hearing Xiao Tianduan’s words, the people of the cooperating party hurriedly said.

“I will also sort out a list and start an investigation.”

Seeing that Xiao Tianduan and his partners are busy investigating the people on the list, Qin Feng said.

“It’s still not possible to rule out the suspicion of the head of the marketing department.

Hearing these words, Xiao Tianduan asked suspiciously.

“Why can’t it be ruled out? Can’t you say that he can’t hear the voice of the head of his department?”

The person from the partner also nodded and said.

“Well, both he and the head of their department are old employees.”

The discoverer also said immediately.

“I know the supervisor very well, it’s impossible not to hear his voice, and I didn’t lie just now.”

Qin Feng listened to these words and said.

“I said you didn’t think about the possibility of changing your voice?”

Suddenly hearing the voice change, Xiao Tiandu asked.

“Are you talking in another voice?”

Qin Feng nodded and said.

“Yes, this kind of thing can be done by an individual? Of course, just a simple change of voice, then most of the traces of the original voice can still be heard, but there are also those that cannot be heard.

Xiao Tianduan nodded when he heard the explanation, and then began to think about the change of voice mentioned by Qin Feng.

The people of the cooperating party are also caught in thinking.

There was a brief silence in the office, and it was the partner who broke the silence.

“Speaking of voice change, I remember that at the company’s annual meeting at the end of last year, the head of the marketing department used another voice to perform a talent.”

“Think about it now. At that time, I was watching him perform on stage, so I knew it was him. If I changed the situation where no one could be seen, I probably couldn’t tell.”

When someone from the partner mentioned the company’s annual meeting, the discoverer also said.

“There is such a thing, but I remember that the voice of the supervisor at the time was completely different from the voice of the person I heard last month.”

Listening to the words of the partner and the discoverer just now, it can already be determined that the marketing director has the talent for voice change.

As for the voice of the annual talent show, it is different from the voice that the discoverer heard in the restaurant last month, Qin Feng said directly.

880 “There is nothing wrong with this, right? Since you can think that you are completely another person when performing in オArt, it’s not a weird thing that you can speak in a third voice, right?”

Hearing this sentence, the three people around nodded in agreement.

The people from the cooperating party also stated their arrangements at this time.

“I will arrange for someone to investigate. Can you give me some time?”

Xiao Tianduan nodded in response.

“No problem, do you think it will be possible to investigate clearly in a few days? With a rough time, you can also determine the time for the next discussion.”

Hearing the question of time, the partner of the partner thought about it and said.

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