Chapter 885 :Tracking【Subscribe for subscription】

Qin Feng intends to see if he can find some suspicious points in the Xiao Group building.

Now there is time to do so.

But whether or not this can be done, it depends on Xiao Tian Duanyun not allowing it.

Xiao Tianduan nodded and said immediately.

“This is okay, wait a moment, I will get you a certificate so that you can move around freely.

Qin Feng nodded and nodded for a while, and then Xiao Tianduan brought a work permit.

After receiving the work permit, I heard Xiao Tianduan say.

“If you wear this work permit, you can walk around in this building, and no one around you will interfere with you.”

Qin Feng glanced at Gong’s “Eight Six Seven” testimony, and then asked a question.

“There should still be some inaccessible places in this building? I am wandering around here. Is it possible that I won’t be obstructed when I reach these inaccessible places?”

Upon hearing this question, Xiao Tianduan replied on the spot.

“You don’t have to worry about this. The places that you really can’t enter have been locked long ago. As for the ones that are not locked, such as meeting rooms where you are having a meeting, I don’t think you will just run in casually.

Hearing this answer, Qin Feng said with a smile.

“Understood, then I will go for a walk. By the way, when the missing person does not go out, on which floor does he work?”

Xiao Tianduan said when he heard the question behind.

“It’s on the sixth floor of this building. There is nothing you can’t go to on that floor, so you can wander around on that first floor. Maybe there are clues in the inconspicuous corners.”

Hearing the reminder, Qin Feng nodded.

Then he left the office alone, preparing to head to the sixth floor of this building.

Before long, Qin Feng came to the sixth floor alone.

After arriving at the place, although a few people saw that Qin Feng was very strange, they felt a little strange, with an expression of wanting to ask.

However, after seeing the work permit in front of Qin Feng, these people turned their eyes and continued to do their own things.

Qin Feng pays attention to these situations and also pays attention to the conversations of people around him.

The talks I heard at the beginning were all talks about work.

In this part of the discussion, after Qin Feng confirmed that it was related to work, he didn’t care too much.

After walking around here on the sixth floor for a while, I gradually began to hear some non-work related discussions.

However, I still haven’t heard anything related to the missing person.

This situation makes Qin Feng feel a little strange.

The work-related talks I heard earlier did not involve missing persons. This is normal.

After all, it is work. It is normal not to talk about missing persons unless the work in charge is related to missing persons.

The work-related discussions I just heard did not involve missing persons.

Obviously, the people who work at this level have nothing to do with the missing person.

This is a normal situation, so Qin Feng doesn’t care.

But what I heard later did not have anything to do with work, and there was still no content related to the missing person.

This is somewhat incompatible with the situation in the company that Xiao Tianduan mentioned before.

Qin Feng pays attention to these situations, and is also considering contacting Xiao Tianduan to confirm with him why employees in the company still have no content related to the missing when they talk about things that are not related to work.

However, for the time being, I only think so in my heart, and have no plans to take actual actions.

The reason is simple, that is, Qin Feng wants to go around more.

At the same time, Qin Feng made another decision.

This decision is that if you still don’t hear anything related to the missing person in the end, you must contact Xiao Tianduan to confirm the situation with him.

If Xiao Tianduan’s intelligence is really wrong, it will also have a great impact on the judgment of the matter.

After turning around for a while, I finally heard about the missing person.

It’s just a matter of work. Judging from the remarks heard, it is the work left over after the disappearance of the missing person. There are some troubles.

Qin Feng noticed this situation and stopped temporarily.

I want to listen more and see what is wrong with the work left by the missing.

After all, there are three possible reasons for suspected missing persons, one of which is that the missing persons committed an accident in the company.

Suddenly disappeared this time, maybe because of fear.

However, after listening to it for a while, Qin Feng determined that although it was indeed a work related to the missing, there was indeed a problem.

But they are all within the scope of normal work.

The person who was talking about obviously took over the work of the missing person, and then there was something he didn’t understand, so he was discussing it with others.

After confirming this situation, Qin Feng plans to leave.

Although what I just heard was related to missing persons, 2.1 is also a normal work content after all.

However, when Qin Feng turned around, the person who had just talked about the missing suddenly said something.

“I really didn’t expect something to happen, it shouldn’t be like this, I thought it was all right.

This sentence caught Qin Feng’s attention.

Although he talked about the missing person, after saying this, he didn’t say it again.

But Qin Feng thinks this person needs to ask.

This person seemed to know something just now.

After having this idea, Qin Feng turned his head and took a look, and found that the person who was talking about the missing person just turned and left.

Noting this situation, Qin Feng quickly followed up.

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