Chapter 137 : The military’s Medusa project’! [Subscription required]

Jamie saw the weirdness at a glance, because the server did not provide a one-time download of so many files.

Even if the registered users of the forum want to save the pictures, they can only save them one by one with the mouse, so Jamie immediately knew that something was wrong.

According to the log file, Jamie checked the pictures downloaded by the other party and found that most of these pictures seemed to be satellite photos. Then, based on these photos, he found the post where the photos were located.

After some reading, he finally knew that these photos might be masterpieces of the legendary “Medusa Project”.

“Damn it!” Jamie cursed, and quickly blocked the reply from the guy who made the bold prediction, because if his guess was not wrong, he might have accidentally leaked the connection.

Jamie had completely forgotten Sally’s date. He pulled on his red tie and his brain spun at high speed.

“Why are the intruders interested in these photos?”

“Is it a purposeful invasion or accident?”

“Does the military’s’Medusa Project’ really~ exist?”

While thinking about it, Jamie continued to check the log records, and finally found the fake log for more than two minutes before the download record of those pictures.

“damn it!

Jamie is vaguely aware of the seriousness of this invasion, which may involve foreign spies. According to the regulations, he should report it immediately, but Jamie is angry that his authority has been challenged, and he decides to personally teach the intruder severely.

At this moment, on the other side, Chu Hao is working hard.

He decided not to wait any longer. This time the invasion was a certain network of the M Empire military. He intuitively believed that the downloaded pictures were very important. If found, it might be really troublesome.

He sat on a chair, then quickly opened a terminal interface, tapping quickly with his flexible fingers, and sending instructions quickly through the terminal.

Soon, through several springboards, Chu Hao reached the computer that saved the downloaded pictures. That is a machine equipped with a MAC system.

MAC is much harder than wins.

He checked the download process and it was almost done.

It is worth mentioning that the pictures downloaded by Chu Hao are saved in a special folder, a very special folder.

Cautiously, he found the log file of this system and scanned it quickly. Suddenly, his pupils contracted and he didn’t stop in his hands.

……For flowers 0……

In less than five minutes, he had cleaned up the traces of the last broiler, then immediately quit, and finally disconnected the network connection of this computer.

“Huh–” Chu Hao leaned back, leaned back on the chair, and exhaled another long breath.

An office in M ​​Big Empire Hexagon Building.


Sitting in the office are seven or eighty twenty-something boys and a middle-aged man. They are now fully engaged in operating the luxurious computer in front of them.

There was no one talking in the whole office, but it was very lively. It was the sound of them quickly tapping on the keyboard, like rain hitting a jade plate, one after another.

“Fuck!” a small, acne-prone face, and a henhouse with messy hair, the M Empire boy cursed a little angrily.

Chewing gum in his mouth, he still fixed his eyes on his 19-inch LCD monitor, and said: “Group leader, the target is lost. He has found himself being tracked.

“What a coward, he disconnected the broiler’s network connection! Give me a little more time, I will definitely be able to catch him!”

This guy is not only as thin as a monkey, but his voice is also unpleasant. Eight.

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