Chapter 211 : Four major domestic mobile phone brands

In the 21st century, the spread of news is very fast, so fast that many people do not react at all.

With the release of Niele S, the data of core components suddenly aroused the attention of the masses, and even the last announcement was thoroughly excavated by people.

Until now, everyone understands that perhaps Longteng Group’s silicon crystal technology can be applied to batteries long ago.

It is only because of the daily confidentiality of the business that the release of the news is delayed.

But it is undeniable that the research time of Longteng Group in silicon crystal materials is not long, perhaps only a few months.

Even in the world, the time from discovery to application of this new material is the shortest. In particular, the use of silicon crystals in batteries has led to the research of many top experts in materials around the world. The low cost and fast application are enough to become the conditions for popularization.

Compared with graphene, the prospect of large-scale application of silicon crystal batteries is obviously more objective. Who can be uninterested?

Of course, 18 is still going to be Longteng’s second-generation mobile phone-Nirvana S is more eye-catching.

Before the press conference, the official Longteng Group had gathered countless writers.

“If the wall is not convinced, just take Longteng!”

“With Niele S, my mother no longer has to worry about my studies.”

“Please give me back to my wife!!!*

All kinds of comments are strange and strange, but compared to the previous discredit, this time netizens’ support for Longteng Group is obvious.

Nirvana X and Kaitian ONE have brought Longteng a solid brand in the past year, and now it’s time to make a difference.

On the same day, Longteng Group opened the pre-sale channel on the official website and Jindong Mall at the same time, and the pre-sale volume exceeded 10 million in just five minutes.

All the media at home and abroad were shocked by the news.

Many people even threatened that Longteng Group had surpassed APPLE and became the world’s most popular mobile phone manufacturer.

Nirvana S has surpassed the previous Nirvana X in terms of appearance and configuration. Simply APPLE mobile phones can no longer prevent others from entering the city.

Not only domestic, but many foreign mainstream media are also reporting on Nirvana S, but more often the theory of Dragon Threat is prevailing.

“A genius or a madman’s masterpiece?” “——The British Times “The beginning of China’s dragon rule over the world? “-Time Magazine “The Gorgeous Transformation of Plagiarists-Nirvana S”-BBC

“The artificial intelligence monopoly continues. 》——CNN Following Pangu-Smartphone Manager, Longteng once again appeared in the eyes of the people of the world, and this time it brought uncompromising future technology to everyone.

No one questioned the existence of Niyeh S, because from any angle, Niyyeh S has reached the transcendent limit of the world’s mobile phones.

At the same time, the domestic short video about the Nirvana S mobile phone conference was quickly spread to foreign websites.

A video on Facebook, a well-known website, has reached an unprecedented tens of millions of clicks in just three hours, and the comments are even more amazing.

“Oumaika, is this alien technology?”

“The crystallization of the mysterious magic of the ancient oriental country, Nieri S is simply too beautiful!”

“I must buy a Niele S, which is not only a mobile phone, but also a unique handicraft, a masterpiece of human wisdom.”

Because Nirvana S is so perfect, it constantly attracts people’s attention. Almost everyone who saw Nirvana S was deeply conquered by it.

Among other things, the price of an APPLE phone alone is lower than that, which is enough to make the world tremble.

Coincidentally, after Longteng Group announced its silicon crystal battery technology, many domestic and foreign companies visited in person, hoping to get new products.

From automobiles to electronic products, almost no one wants to fail.

The countless battery orders completely smashed Longteng Battery Company, and everyone was busy, but the employees up and down did not complain at all, but smiled.

Because Longteng Group has a complete and user-friendly salary and reward system, as long as the corresponding project profit reaches a certain level, even the logistics staff will receive bonuses.

There is nothing more inspiring than a red RMB.

Lin Feng, the chairman of the group, was not idle either. Taking advantage of the blank period when the silicon cell was developed to the release, he realized what he inherited last time.

The holographic projector has already made samples, just after testing the relevant performance, after all the tests pass the test, this cross-age product will come out of the laboratory and appear in front of people.

“Boss, Mr. Jiang called and said that several domestic mobile phone manufacturers have sent responsible persons. I hope to see you.

At two o’clock in the afternoon on July 2, Mo Xinya hurriedly walked into the chairman’s office to report.

Hearing this, Lin Feng pondered for a while before he said: “Tell Jiang Feng to let all the people from these mobile phone manufacturers focus on the conversation tomorrow.”


Mo Xinya hurriedly went down to make arrangements.


In the early morning of the next morning, Lin Feng wore a suit and rushed to the group headquarters building for an unprecedented time. What he didn’t expect was that this time the four major domestic mobile phone giants, Rice, Warwick, Caizu,

0PP0 sent 840 people at the helm respectively, and this weight is not heavy.

“Chairman, you are really rare.”

As soon as Lin Feng entered the headquarters, CEO Jiang Feng greeted him, and couldn’t help joking.

In fact, having known the chairman for so many days, he has always been dressed in casual clothes to show that there are very few such formal occasions, which surprised everyone.

“It’s time to change the style. After all, I’m so handsome.”

Lin Feng smiled and replied, “But I’m not used to wearing a suit for a long time.


Jiang Feng beside him couldn’t help laughing.

However, C00 Yu Lei nodded, expressing his satisfaction. In his impression, it would be a bit rude if he didn’t wear a dignified formality in such occasions.

While there was still plenty of time, Lin Feng, Jiang Feng, and Yu Lei held a short meeting in the conference room and asked many questions about the four heavy domestic mobile phone giants today. There is no doubt that the four major domestic mobile phone giants can survive the attack of APPLE until now, and the more they live, the better. The four major domestic mobile phone giants all have their own specialties.

If you blindly despise them, you may end up miserably.

Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance.

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