Mercenary War

Chapter 449

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, the body of the four hundred forty-nine chapters, heroes! Floating astronomy
Thanks to his experience in Africa, Gao Yang is not familiar with the use of bows and arrows, but the bows he used are very small, not very powerful, and the head is not very good. The method of use is to ambush or quietly approach. After the prey, shooting at close range, so Gao Yang archery is no problem, but if you are far away, you can’t guarantee it.

If you want to whistle, in fact, you don’t have to have a long range. It is the key to quietly approaching, so Gao Yang asked Ivan to buy him a sports recurve bow, plus dozens of target arrows.

In general, the recurve bow is more accurate than the pulley bow. The modern archery competition is basically the world of recurve bows. Because it is used at close range, Gao Yang wants an entry-level recurve bow. With only 30 pounds of pull, some auxiliary accessories are not needed, just a bare bow.

Lucica can use the blow arrows to touch the whistle, but in Bogotá, the blower is harder to buy than the recurve bow. It is not easy to buy a ready-made blower. Finally, Ivan is from a dark day. The Indian aborigines bought a wooden blower and dozens of blow arrows.

Gao Yang The hotel they live in is in the downtown area of ​​Bogota, so they certainly can’t go straight from the hotel in broad daylight.

When the day was dark, Ivan’s team took Gao Yang and they received a manor from the hotel on the outskirts.

In one room, there are four people who are fully armed. Two of them are bodyguards who have been with Ivan. Gao Yang has seen them several times, but Ivan never introduced his two to Gao Yang. Two bodyguards, while the other two, Gao Yang, were the first to see.

All four of Ivan are wearing black combat uniforms. Carrying an AK74, there is a large night vision device on the helmet. What’s more, there are two separate cameras on the night vision goggles, all of which are equipped with an Ak74 and a gun with a silencer.

I don’t know if there’s a problem with each other, but I’m going to fight together. I can’t even name my name. Ivan pointed to a bodyguard who always followed him: “Ram, let me introduce you. Anton. Nove, out of the special forces of the Ministry of the Interior, you can call him a shield.”

“Sergey, you can call him a barrel, like Antonov, and the special forces of the Ministry of the Interior, but they are not a unit.”

“Samuel. You can call him a hammer. He is from Alpha. I guess you know this unit.”

“Brekhovsky, you can call him a bear, the General Staff of the Gruvian Force, the airborne troops.”

Ivan introduced his four men one by one. And his four subordinates are really a unique source, all from the special forces.

The composition of special forces in Russia is very complicated. It basically belongs to three categories. The first is the fsb special forces of the General Security Administration of Russia, the former KGB special forces. Famous for including Alpha, the signal flag. Barriers, beta and other commandos, of which Alpha is mainly active in Russia, and Samuel is a former member of Alpha.

The second is the Gruou Special Forces of the General Intelligence Service, which is the special operations brigade of the Army and the Navy. In addition, there are also special airborne brigades belonging to the independent arms. This type of force combat mission is similar to the Chinese military special operations brigade. Or the military special forces such as the green beret of United States, the Russian Gruu special forces have very few appearances, more mysterious than the Alpha and the signal flag, and Brygowski is the kind of force. .

The third is the mvd special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is similar to the special armed forces of China. The special forces have many tasks, and one of the most important ones is to take care of the security of the political leaders and the senior officials. The bodyguards were also selected from such special forces, and both Antonov and Sergey came out of this force.

Antonov is not too tall, nearly one meter or eight, but very honest, in his 40s, standing in front of Ivan seems to be an ordinary middle-aged person, neither powerful nor conspicuous It belongs to the kind that can not be separated from the heap of people, and Sergei is also the same, although the man is slightly higher than Antonov, but it is also the appearance of an ordinary person, not showing the mountains. After hearing the introduction of Ivan, Gao Yang understood why Antonov and Sergey were always with him, because these two people must have been responsible for the security of the important political leader.

As a bodyguard, personal strength must be excellent, but more importantly, when the object of protection is in danger, the first thing to consider is not to kill the enemy, but to stand up and protect the object from the bullet, so Ivan Antonov and Sergei’s bodyguards are also professional counterparts.

As for the Samuel, who is from the Alpha Force, and the Brezhinsky from the Gruu Special Forces, it is no problem to let them carry out aggressive operations, but it is not enough to work as a bodyguard.

When Ivan introduced others one by one, Gao Yang had to introduce the members of the Satan Mercenary Group. When introducing to Geluo Liaofu, Geluo Liaofu nodded to Brygkinski. “You are an airborne soldier. The original troops are also affiliated with Gruu. Are you from the 45 Special Group of the Airborne Independent Guards?”

Brelkinsky’s eyes lit up and said: “Yes, I was from the 45 group, but when I was in service, the team number was the independent 45reconnaissance group. In the year I retired, the number changed back to airborne. The 45 Special Group of the Independent Guards of the Soldiers, how come, are you also from the 45 group?”

Geluo Liaofu smiled and said: “Yes, I am the 218 special combat battalion of the independent airborne troops. Since I formed the 901 group with the 45 battalion, I am the 45 group.”

Bolkinovsky can be said to be awe-inspiring. He looked incredulously: “You are the old 218 camp? Then you must participate in the Chechen War? Is your rank?”

遇到了同一个部队的comrade-in-arms ,Geluo Liaofu 显得心情很好,他点头微笑道:“没错,参加过,94年12月2号到的车臣,95年返回了莫斯科,然后紧接着参加了混成中队,又去了车臣,在格罗兹尼待了一段时间,然后,第二次车臣战争又去了格罗兹尼,在1999年12月份又进入了格罗兹尼,在2000年2月收复了格罗兹尼之后,我很快就退出军队了,嗯,我退役的时候军衔是准尉排长。”

Bolkinovsky’s ambiguity is a righteousness, and then raising his hand is a salute. He said: “Sir, the second assault brigade of the 45reconnaissance group, the sergeant Brygkinski salutes you!”

Geluo Liaofu replied very seriously to a military ceremony of Brelkovsky, and then chuckled: “I have been out for many years, and I am very happy to meet the old troops for the first time.”

Geluo Liaofu is very happy, but Brezhinsky is a look of hope and expectation. After Geluo Liaofu finished speaking, he cautiously said: “Sir, the 45 group has participated in two Chechen wars, and is a soldier. Or the junior officer is involved in the war. It seems that there are only seven people. I remember that only one of the seven people was retired in the position of platoon leader. The man is called Yuri Geluo Liaofusky Ivanov. I want to know that person. Is that you?”

After a moment of silence, Geluo Liaofu finally nodded and said, “Yes, that person is me, hey, how did you know about me?”

Brekinsky breathed quickly. He looked at Geluo Liaofu with a adoring look. “My mother, I saw a living legend. Why do I know you because your photos and names are hung in On the wall of the honor of the 45 group, in order to avenge the comrade-in-arms that died in the first Chechen war, and insisted on retiring after the second Chechen war, you won the title of hero of the Russian Federation alive and won a The level is the National Medal, and I won the Brave Medal. A legend like you, I don’t think it’s hard to know you, sir, as your descendant comrade-in-arms, I highly admire what you have done, but I I don’t understand why you didn’t promote to a senior officer. Why do you insist on retiring?”

Listening to a bunch of voting titles that Brezhinsky said, Gao Yang, who are very familiar with Geluo Liaofu, are stupid. After Brygowski asks the last question, Gao Yang More than Brygkinski wants to know, if Geluo Liaofu is promoted to a senior officer, it must be 10,000 times better than a mercenary, and even if he retire, it is enough to let Geluo Liaofu lie on the credit book. It’s only a lifetime.

After a moment of silence, Geluo Liaofu shook his head and smiled a few times. He said: “I really don’t know that I can still go to the honor wall of the 45 group. As for why I insisted on retiring, the reason is very complicated. If I don’t want to give the dead brother. We avenged, I retired when the first Chechen war ended, and I avenged my brothers in the second Chechen war, so I immediately retired.”

Gao Yang couldn’t help but say: “Fuck, you told us that a big man sent you a medal, and then you retire, but you didn’t say you are a Russian hero.”

Geluo Liaofu’s experience and the honor he received, and the first time he saw him in Gao Yang’s impression, the contrast was great. When he first met Geluo Liaofu, he was a free mercenary, and it was for five hundred dollars. A free mercenary who can fight a battle, a Russian hero to be the lowest cannon fodder, although it was the reason of his friend at the time, but this contrast is still too strong.

Geluo Liaofu shrugged and said: “I don’t have any pride in this heroic title. No, there are only a few people left in our commando team. Everyone’s credit, but in the end, I got the medal. What can I do? Are you proud?”

After a faint sentence, Geluo Liaofu waved his hand with a smile and said, “Well, don’t say that my past, we still have tasks, don’t waste time, get busy first.”

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