Mercenary War

Chapter 2359

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, the text 2,359 chapters do not understand, floating astronomy
Gao Yang went back to the tent and slept for half a night, then he got up early to start checking the situation.

As the top official of a camp, there must be a lot of things to deal with. After Gao Yang got up, he went to see their temporary simple field hospital.

Andy He and Albert were busy all night. When Gao Yang got up, they just went to rest. There were dozens of wounded and there were no serious injuries. It was very troublesome and time to take time, so the time is not too long, but two The military doctors are all tired.

After the place where the wounded were placed, several people who looked after the wounded stood up. One of the older soldiers stood up and whispered: “Sir, you are here.”

Gao Yang nodded and said, “How is the situation?”

“There are four brothers dead, but the doctor said that the rest of the brothers are fine. If you take care of them, you will not be in danger.”

When he said this, the veteran looked grateful because there were many people who would take them to fight, but there were not many people who would save them.

Gao Yang patrolled the wounded and whispered: “The conditions here are too bad. I have already contacted your people. Someone will pick up the wounded and place it in a better place. You should take good care of these. The wounded, don’t make any mistakes.”

“Please rest assured, sir.”

Gao Yang left the tent where the wounded were placed, went outside, and shouted to Liang Dong: “Squad leader, no, mouse! What to eat for breakfast?”

Liang Dong’s frowning face said: “I can’t do it. Today’s things haven’t been delivered yet, but I’ll send it soon, and I won’t bother you.”

Gao Yang looked at his watch and said: “It is estimated that Salim will come with supplies. We just got through. He said that it is coming soon. Don’t eat meat this morning. It can’t stand the meat.”

Liang Dong smiled bitterly: “It depends on you. You and others are asking for some food. If you don’t want to send meat, I don’t want to change the pattern.”

While talking, Gao Yang saw the dust on the foot of the mountain not far away, so he smiled and said: “The supply is here! Prepare to cook.”

Salem took a taxi team to the mountain. He did come with supplies, but what happened to Gao Yang was that Abdullah came with Salim.

When the supply car arrived, Liang Dong began to direct the unloader to put things in his designated position, while Salem and Abdullah came with a group of people rushing toward Gao Yang.

After shaking hands with Abdullah, Abdullah said with enthusiasm: “Congratulations on the victory you achieved last night. Although I couldn’t catch the mouth, I know that this is very difficult to fight, the strength of the enemy. Out of the imagination of all of us, I heard from Salim, without you, this may not be able to fight!”

Gao Yang grinned and said: “This is the purpose of our visit.”

Gao Yang was a little absent-minded, because he was paying attention to what supplies he had sent today, and after looking at the things he had sent off, Gao Yang couldn’t help but be disappointed.

There are only meat and flatbreads, as well as the karts that are bundled into one hand, and the water that is in the barrel that looks dirty. Nothing else.

Carter seems to be very appetizing, but Carter is a soft drug. No matter how much Gao Yang is craving for vegetables, it is impossible to touch it.

When the people who watched the sharp knife commando began to receive the triumphant joy, Gao Yang couldn’t help but frown, and then said to Abdullah: “Mr. Hussein, I take the liberty to ask you, can you give If we engage in some vegetables, we can do anything. If we can’t get that amount, we can do it. It’s enough for us to eat. It’s hard to adapt without vegetables.”

Abdullah immediately said seriously: “Please rest assured, I immediately set out to solve this problem for you, do you have other needs?”

Gao Yang pointed to the fingertip knife commando and sighed: “The casualties were really bigger last night. I need to add some more people.”

Abdullah immediately said: “I will give you the most elite soldiers!”

“No, no, can you give me some recruits? It’s the kind of recruits who haven’t gotten trained before, and the new recruits don’t use the habit of karts. This is very important!”

Gao Yang scared one and quickly refused Abdullah’s kindness. But when he heard Gao Yang’s request, Abdullah was a bit embarrassed: “Don’t eat Carter’s soldiers, this…no, But I think about it, I think about it.”

At this time, Salim screamed at the side: “Petram, we have other things, and other things can be discussed later. Can we solve the important things first?”

Gao Yang is the color: “Of course, you said.”

Salim looked at Abdullah. Abdullah coughed and said: “The battle was officially started last night. It was earlier than we expected, but there is no problem, we have mastered it. The initiative, but in some key positions we encountered obstacles, in a position close to here, the battle is very intense, I thought you have a cannon, and the range is enough to cover the battlefield.”

Abdullah did not say exactly where it was, but Gao Yang did not intend to ask, he just said immediately: “Do you want to use the cannon here?”

Abdullah immediately nodded: “Yes, the most important thing is your artillery!”

Gao Yang immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said: “The wild duck, ready to transfer the position and attack, is finished.”

After telling Leibrov to prepare, Gao Yang was in front of Abdullah: “Is the position on the map marked? Do you have artillery observers?”

Abdullah waved his hand and walked up with a big map. The loud voice: “The position has been marked, but we don’t have an artillery observer.”

Gao Yang raised her hand: “I will talk later, we will come here.”

Gao Yang took Abdullah and their group went to Rebrov’s artillery position. After calling Rebrov, Gao Yang said: “By the bombardment according to their designated position, you are an expert, you Do it yourself.”

Several people spread the map. After Leibrov looked at it for a while, he looked up: “This map doesn’t work, but we have maps for artillery, so there is no problem with the map, but is there an artillery observer? Is it with infantry or simple? Firepower strikes? Do you need a bombardment Xu Jin? Does the enemy have counter-measures? Or do the strikers who fight the target have counter-attacks?”

After Leibrov asked and translated the series of questions, Gao Yang immediately had a problem, that is, none of the people brought by Abdullah knew one cannon, none of them.

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