
Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Break up, for a while. =========================================================================

Dark clouds were floating in the sky through the window. It was not thick enough, but the fog was faintly hovering in the atmosphere, and drizzling rain fell occasionally. Looking at the raindrops that hit the windows, Kim Han-byul felt her mood calm down.

I can’t say it’s cozy, but I felt comfortable. Even if it was a sentimental feeling that didn’t suit the current situation, it felt much better compared to when I was in the forest and when I was chased by strange things after I came out of the forest.

“And if you look at it…When I was a kid, I used to love the rain.’

Kim Han-byul liked rainy days since she was young. Listening to music while walking on a rainy street with an umbrella was a small happiness to feel in a boring daily life. Suddenly, I was desperate for a cup of coffee. With a cup of hot, tasty coffee to warm up, I thought I could forget everything around me for a moment.

Kim Han-byul looked at the world reflected through the window with a sad face. Seeing the gray shadow cast over his body, it seemed that the time of evening had come. After going through so much today, I was filled with mental as well as physical fatigue. Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she turned her head. I could see a large room about 20 pyeong. There was everything there was. Food, water, bedding, toilets, even showers.

While running away, I saw a city and came inside, and when I entered, Kim Han-byul felt a strange sense of incompatibility. The city was so quiet and it was as if no one lived. At first, she looked at the city and thought she had died. In the meantime, a medium-sized building found. The building, which was painted black on the roof, was especially noticeable. I don’t know if I was lucky, but when I came in as if I were attracted to something, most of it was all set up.

The body and mind demanded Kim Han-byul to sleep, but it was still a delicate. Ansol was still in a state of chaos and Ahn Hyun was busy taking care of her. And Lee Yu-jung….

Kim Han-byul, who was following Lee Yu-jung’s footsteps, was able to find her easily. Before she knew it, she was holding a knife that Kim Han-byeol had beautifully placed next to the front door. Han-byul sighed lightly and opened her mouth because she had a rough idea of why she was acting like that.



“Put the knife down.”


Lee Yu-jung unlocked the front door without even listening. When he heard a loud sound from the front door, Ahn Hyun opened the door and came out. He immediately frowned at Lee Yu-jung’s knife.

“Failure. Put the knife down and wait.”

When Kim Han-byul’s voice was heard, Lee Yu-jung was staring at Kim Han-byul with an angry face.



“I’ll bring Soohyun, so you guys wait.”

“Oppa. Soohyun oppa.’

I recite his name in a small voice. Kim Han-byeol’s idea came to mind. From the first time I saw him, Kim Han-byul thought he was similar to Kim Soo-hyun. I could feel something different from when I saw it at the vacant lot. Always calm face and confident voice. And calm eyes. Maybe that’s why I talked to him on the hill and was drawn to his judgment. Kim Han-byul stared at Lee Yu-jung for a moment and continued.

“You’re not the only one who’s worried about him. There’s nothing else we can do even if we go there. It’s just helping to wait calmly.”

“He might still be waiting there. I’m telling you again, if you’re not going, get out. If you don’t go, I’ll go get you.”

“Lee Yoo-jung. Hanbyeol is right. Put the knife down for now.”

When Ahn Hyun’s stern voice was heard, Lee Yu-jung immediately turned her head. She was snorting at Ahn Hyun and Kim Han-byul for a while, but soon continued with a sarcastic voice.

“You’re so mean. My brother might be wandering around looking for us by now. What?”

That’s too much. This word had a lot of meaning. Everyone felt a tingling sensation in their chest when they heard it. However, Ahn kept his mouth shut but was not Kim Han-byul. She stared briefly at Ansol, who was still lying in the next room, and then opened her mouth.

“You couldn’t help it. It was a dangerous situation for us to rush in. Maybe if it wasn’t for that kid, everyone here would be dead now.”

“Who doesn’t know? That’s why you avoided it and brought Sol here. Are you done? We’re safe. Are you done? You’ll find it yourself, right?”

Kim Han-byul felt uncomfortable in her stomach when she saw Lee Yu-jung sarcastically criticizing her with questions. From the beginning, yelling and speaking informally was very annoying. Kim Han-byul answered coldly, with her mouth slightly raised and a sneering look on her face.

“Then get out. Go out and find as many as you want. I don’t care if she dies.”

I thought it was a shame to say it myself, but it was already spilled. Ahn Hyun, who heard the story, looked at Kim Han-byul with a surprised face. Lee Yu-jung looked shocked for a moment and soon let out a faint laugh.

“You’re really, really a jerk. Did you sacrifice yourself to save this kid? What a disappointment. I guess all the people who were worried about not going were acting.”

“I told him not to go. But he’s the one who said he’d do it. Why do you blame it on me?”

“You. Whoo, no. It’s not worth talking to a piece of junk like you. Just shut up. A cold woman with no blood or tears.”

Kim Han-byeol, who thought he would scream and rush at her, was a little surprised by Lee Yu-jung’s unexpected response. And I felt my pride hurt by the way he ignored me calling himself trash. She was unconscious, but Kim Han-byeol’s breathing had already become more harsh than before. Then, there was a slight mingling of anger in the speaking voice.

“You’re talking too much. Is there anything wrong with what I’m saying?”

“I don’t know. I don’t care about that. But at least I don’t want to live pretentious like you.”

“Are you done talking?”

“He’s young and he’s staring straight. What are you going to do? Should we tear each other’s hair apart? Arthur, if you don’t want to scratch that white face, just shut up your pretty mouth.”

“Everyone, stop it!”

Ahn Hyun, who failed to see the increasingly high-level argument between the two, shook off the two with an angry voice. With the momentum, Lee Yu-jung and Kim Han-byeol stopped talking without realizing it. Ahn stared at the two with his silent eyes for a moment and reached out to Lee Yu-jung.

“Give it to me.”

“…I don’t want to.”

Looking at Lee Yu-jung hugging the knife, Ahn Hyun sighed deeply again and continued with a weak voice.

“I’ll go find you. Come to think of it, I think you’re right.”

“…Really? Then let’s go together.”

Looking at Ahn Hyun, who suddenly changed her attitude, Lee Yu-jung was unhappy but welcomed. Ahn Hyun replied, shaking her head weakly.

“No. It’s more comfortable to go alone. I might have them earlier. You and Hanbyeol, take care of Sol.”

“With him? No. I can’t trust him anymore.”

Looking at Lee Yu-jung, who continues to criticize herself, I felt something emotional soar in Kim Han-byeol. What I’ve been holding back for a while ended up exploding. But she had her own cool head. When you are angry, your voice does not rise and burn like Lee Yu-jung, but on the contrary, your voice turns cold and cynical. She opened her mouth to Anhyun in a voice that had never been before.

“Don’t go. If I go, I’m sure my brother will be beaten.”

“Why don’t you shut up?”

“Just shut up on that’s all right?

“What? You? Say it again.”

When Lee Yu-jung came forward with a glare, Ahn quickly took away the knife that Lee Yu-jung held. However, Kim Han-byeol’s words were flowing like a burst of water.

“You don’t even know. Don’t walk away. What did you think we’d all be doing without him? Didn’t you see how the knife and the fist didn’t work? Why the hell are you going to do that when you’re gonna die?”

“These two-year-olds are…”

“You must be cursing because you have nothing to say. You think you know where your brother is and you’re going to bring him? If you have a head, think about it.”

“That’s a good excuse, isn’t it? Now you’re showing your true colors, right? Don’t you remember we’re here right now because of you? Hypocrisy shivers as much as it can and only thinks of beating others’ backs. I can see the answer. She’s a lot uglier than him, isn’t she?”

Kim Han-byul distorted her impression for the first time when she compared herself to a trouble maker, or even more. Whether anger soared, Kim Han-byul raised her tone with a trembling voice.

“The dead are the dead! What’s wrong with a living person wanting to live?!”

Whether the horse was a catalyst, Lee Yoo-jung rushed at An-hyeon, pushing her hard. Kim Han-byeol was also about to bite his teeth and raise his hand to the extent that he would at least put his cheek up.


“What? What’s all this fuss about?”

The unlocked front door opened and a young man entered the door. Calm face, confident voice, and calm eyes. Finally, a crossbow tied to the left arm. Everyone in the room watching him stopped breathing at the same time. The atmosphere in the room, where the conflict peaked, seemed to have disappeared like a lie.

“I’m glad everyone’s okay.”

He smiled gently, loosened the crossbow in his left arm, and raised his right hand to greet everyone.

He was Kim Soo-hyun.

============================ Review of the work ============================

1. typos and contextual corrections.

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