
Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Split in half. =========================================================================

“There you go again. If you stay still, you’ll be halfway there.”

Park Dong-gul frowned at the tackle, but did not respond. And he opened his mouth in a softer voice than before.

“Didn’t you hear what this lady just said? I told you not to argue with each other.”

“Why don’t you look back on what you’ve done so far and tell me?”

“Well, that’s true. But why don’t we at least listen to each other since we’re here to give our opinions?”

People all swallowed the wind when they saw Park Dong-geol, who readily acknowledged it. The talker now slightly frowned at what he thought he had eaten wrong.

“First, I apologize to everyone for what I did in the open space. And I don’t want you to listen to me too much even though my tone is rough. It’s because I used to talk like this, but I didn’t have any bad feelings for you guys.”

Park Dong-gul looked around and lowered his head a little bit. There was still a discontented look, but it was much more relaxed than before. He gradually moved to the center of the group and looked at the reactions around him. Perhaps he thought it was worth talking about, but Park Dong-gul immediately got to the point.

“I agree with some of what this banker lady said. Yeah. It’s not right to argue now. Let’s bury each other’s bad feelings for a while and figure out how to get away from them. What do you say?”

“…then tell me.”

“Just as I said. Some are sympathetic but others are dissatisfied. First of all, I want you to realize for yourself what your situation is like.”

“What part of you are unhappy with?”

Lee Bo-rim grumbled a little and asked, and Park Dong-geol answered with a gloomy smile.

“It’s natural to look for a way to live, but I don’t think I can do cooperation. Cooperation? That sounds good. But from what I see, from what I feel, I can only hear the sound of a dog eating grass.”

“I was wondering what you were talking about. Then get out, run away and live alone.”

Park Dong-geol did not budge at all, although the talkative woman snorted at him. Rather, he shook his head with an acceptable light.

“Of course, it’s not that I didn’t think about it.”

“Then get out.”

“Just listen. Listen to the end, huh? Listen to the end and tell me.”

When Ahn Hyun gave her a hint, she could keep her mouth shut even if she was angry. Park Dong-geol continued his speech leisurely, receiving the attention of all his party members.

“I’m ignorant, and I’m rough. But I don’t know how to lie. It’s simple. I’ve just felt and thought a lot as I ran away from the vacant lot and almost lost my life. Since then, the word cooperation has been quite intrusive.”

At Park Dong-gul’s words, everyone trembled to remind them of what happened in the previous vacant lot. Perhaps he waited for such a reaction, but Park Dong-gul’s throat moved slightly.

“To be honest, I wasn’t nervous, I was really scared. It’s embarrassing, but I almost peed when I was shivering. Think about it. Those guys I’ve always seen in movies and TV are actually in front of me. If that guy over there didn’t move fast, most of us would have been a delicious meal for those monsters by now. So I thought about it. I’m not bragging or threatening, so don’t get me wrong. I’m a guy who’s had some kalbap. Whether it’s a knife or something, you don’t hesitate to kill people or animals now. Why? Because I don’t want to die. I was surprised and embarrassed because it happened so quickly in the open space, but I want to live. So if that happens again, I will wield this weapon to survive.”

Park Dong-gul’s words were long. And it’s not over yet. However, people began to doubt and concentrate a little on his words. I knew what he was thinking, so I kicked my tongue inside, but it was something to wait and see. Soon he was leading the conversation, pointing at each and every one of them.

“I don’t know about anyone else, but it looks like the bully-like orra has been working out. I’ve got weapons, I’ve taken care of monsters.And you there. If you can act as well as your mouth, it could be a little help. Not to mention the crossbow guy. Yeah, these four can definitely help each other. In other words, there is room for cooperation. Don’t you think so?”

The faces of Ansol, Lee Shin-woo, and Lee Boram, who listened to Park Dong-gul, were deeply shaded. In other words, they are not helpful. Soon after, Lee Boram raised her voice with courage.

“So you can’t work with people who don’t help?”

“Calm down. Calm down. I’m not done talking.”

“What the hell….”

“Then can you do it like that guy or the crossbow guy over there? You think you can stab monsters with rocks or knives? I don’t think he’s coming. Especially you and the kid next to him just screamed every time they came out. The woman over there kept her mouth shut. I didn’t disturb you. I wouldn’t have said anything if it were that bad.”

The woman Park Dong-gul pointed to was the woman who asked me why I was away. She still remained cold and calm.

As time passed, Lee Boram opened her mouth in a trembling voice in the past. His voice was quite down compared to the beginning.

“So the conclusion is to abandon the unhelpful..”

When I saw Lee Bo-rim, who was speechless, I thought about the character Park Dong-gul. It wasn’t that he didn’t know what he meant, but it was still a little reconsiderable. At first, I thought he was just a poo in his head, but he was understanding the current situation quite accurately and telling his own logic. No matter what it’s all about.

Looking at Lee Bo-rim, who was discouraged, Park Dong-gul revealed her yellow teeth and said in a voice that restored her confidence.

“Why are you so ahead of yourself. I didn’t say that yet. Don’t be so sensitive already. The world is give and take. Then, cooperating with each other will work when you show some helpful behavior. What do you think if we just go outside and pretend that we’re cooperating? The bully is busy taking care of his girlfriend, and I’m glad he doesn’t get in the way of that kid. I mean, I don’t want to protect and cooperate with those dumb people. My life is the most important thing to me. Aren’t you guys?”

The talkative woman was wiggling her hands to see if she had anything to say. The female banker’s face was clearly red. She seemed to have nothing to say, although she clenched her fists and trembled. Park Dong-gul, who had seen them in such a relaxed manner, started to say things like “clean up” as if he felt it was time to finally make a winning move.

“The most important thing about my life is anyone here. If you admit it, let’s talk straight. Some people here can’t cooperate. Just looking at it now, you’re blindly determined. There’s a little boy. Right?”

When he was pointed out, Ansol looked at Hyun with a puzzled look and his mouth shut. The munching mouth seemed to have something to say, but I lowered my head again to see if I couldn’t speak as I thought. Park Dong-geol continued, “When I saw him, I shrugged my shoulders exaggeratedly.”

“He knows that, so he told me to walk on my own. When the crossbow guy asked me to go with him, I didn’t have to be like that. Huh? What’s wrong with everyone? Did I just say that again?”

It’s not to the point of crap. Regardless of the inside, it could be seen as an accurate assessment of reality. The problem is that he literally threw a stone fastball to people in need.

“If you think I’m wrong, prove it now. Go down the hill right now and grab a monster or two and bring it to me. Then I’ll shut up right away.”


Park Dong-gul stepped down and returned to his seat as if he had said everything he wanted to say. I was curious about other people’s reactions. He turned his eyes and began to look at the faces.

Ahn Hyun closed his eyes as if he was deep in thought, and Sol was shivering as he looked at him. But the most pitiful people were Lee Bo-rim and Lee Shin-woo. It was clear that Park Dong-gul talked about the two in the first place. The two were nervous, clashing their teeth to the point of being visible. No one talked about it for a while, but it was Anhyun who first opened the door.

“I understand what you mean.”

Ahn Hyun, who usually remained silent, glanced at his brother and said in a clear voice.

“Sol is not my lover, but my own brother. I have no intention of abandoning Sol.”


Ahn Sol hugged Ahn Hyun’s body as if he was moved. Park Dong-gul also looked at the two and answered vaguely whether he didn’t know.

“Brother and sister, I didn’t know that. Then there’s nothing we can do. But it doesn’t change anything. Who’s sure the same accident won’t happen again?”

Things were going pretty well. Since he can’t aim at Ahn Hyun, Jim Dung will target Ahn Sol and pressure Ahn Hyun. Park Dong-gul eventually chose to separate himself. Instead, people were shaking for sure, not quietly going out quietly. Ahn Hyun said nothing more and the hill became so quiet that he couldn’t even hear his breath.

“Well, don’t think too bad. Jukdo rice, in limbo this now, but words are to be a little longer? I think there are a lot of people who hate me.”

“So, what do you want after all…”?”

However, when asked by a talkative woman whose sharpness was less than before, Park Dong-geol answered immediately.

“I want to make a decent team here.”

============================ Review of the work ============================

1. typos and contextual corrections.

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