
Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065 9. Vivienne et al (modern) =========================================================================

War of the Stars.

The game, which is an AOS genre with a strategic element, usually ends in 40 minutes per game.

Of course, the time it takes to end the game varies, but it rarely lasts more than an hour no matter how long it takes.

Anyway, as the title of the game is on the line, it was developed to finish within a reasonable time.

So, just two hours after Vivien started, the game should have ended earlier.

It’ll be normal until it’s almost over.

Nevertheless, she was still sitting in front of the computer and playing the game.

“Darn it…” Damn it……. Damn it……. Damn it…….”

with one’s teeth clenched and constantly cursing

The expression is very serious.

Stained clothes cling to the flesh, revealing the curves of each part.

The fine eyelids are dripping with sweat.

I was so happy when I got the first shot.

What happened in the last two hours?


The distorted eyes stare through the screen.

On the screen, the spider hero Vivienne was standing in a circle on the field.

On top of that, being stuck in the ground looked shabby.

Even if the game is intense, it is certainly abnormal for the game to be over two hours.

There were three main reasons why this situation occurred.

It’s a very small possibility, but it’s a close game where the game goes from one to the other.

Or you don’t end it on purpose to enjoy it.

Or the other way around.

It is of course the third time for Vivienne.

Her performance at the top right of the screen based on the viewing direction is proof.

『1 / 154 / 0』

Killed once, died a hundred and fifty-four times.

It is a common sense figure.

The dead hero comes back to life at the main camp after a certain period of time.

The time taken for resurrection varies depending on the number of deaths, and from the time of death ten times, it is fixed to 30 seconds unconditionally.

Simply calculated, Vivien spent nearly 77 of 120 minutes waiting for the resurrection.

In other words, there was more time waiting for the game than an hour.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh……. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! For real!”

And just died one more time.

Fifteen deaths.

The chat window became even more tumultuous with this phenomenal record.

OpOpLove: Oh, my God, you’really.

YamyYamy: 155 Deaths; Is it a tie now?

TwoMaro: No. The highest record for the last death was 156 deaths. I have to do one more death.

HoHoKoKo2: Vivien, cheer up. crying

Vivienne, who was glancing, gritted her teeth inside.

As I shook my head with the determination to pull myself together, sweat was scattered from my limp hair.

“Let’s get a hold of ourselves…….I can do it……!”

He even muttered as if he was hypnotizing himself.

Well, it wasn’t wrong.

The game has become so long that it is overshadowed by the latter half of the play.

At this point, the growth of the dead is over, and the equipment is fully matched.

However, the problem was that even if the difference between the two teams was severe, they were too extreme.

“Please……, please…”….”

Vivienne, who was trying to escape the main camp carefully after her resurrection.

Heroic mercenary monarch has killed hero Vivien!』

“Jeb-a-a-a-a-a…? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

As soon as he went outside, he was beaten to death by a mercenary king who ran like a beast.

Far from resisting, he lay on the ground without a sound of his voice.

Vivienne didn’t sit still.


Boom, boom, boom boom!

The keyboard and desk shook loudly.

“Really, what a game!”

It was an indignant cry.

In fact, Vivienne was on the verge of tears.

EternalFire: Argh!

KSH♡HSY (CEO – SY Group): Lol.

I’m a Magician Hunter: Sex.

Suramachang is mine (KongChanHo): I’ve never seen this before, but it’s so funny.

On the contrary, the viewer was pleased.

“Jeez, stop, stop bothering me, stop!”

Vivienne, who was barely holding back tears and grinding her teeth, ran out as soon as Vivian appeared.



He’s dead again.

More specifically, he died the moment he left the space where the resurrection took place.

The mercenary monarch was hiding nearby and killed him as soon as he came out.


………Anyway, it’s the same thing that he died as soon as he came back to life.

“Why can’t you play games?”

A voice-bursting shout echoed as far away as the death’s scream.

157 Death.

I’m finally breaking the previous record of death.

Cuma85): Why do you keep dying?

Vivienne is.

“Hey, did I want to die?”

Eventually, I let go of my mind and exploded.

Kilimanjaro: No, you have to be careful if you know what your opponent is after.

“Did I die because I wanted to die? What am I supposed to do when I’m no match for Sang-sung? Or you can deal with it!”

Liverpool (NoBigClub): You’ve got a head start, and now you’re taking it out on us.

“Why don’t you shut up?”

Fresh ramen (Summer97): Congratulations! A new death record!

“No! I got one kill, so it’s not a new record yet.”

FELLAN (dksudgktpdy) : Yes, I understand. When are you going to cry?

“It’s noisy!”

Vivienne, who shouted loudly, breathed hard.

Vivien doesn’t usually fight viewers.

But things are different today.

“Why am I crying? I won’t cry. Never. I will never cry.”

He poured out his anger for a while and then breathed in his nose with a bit of a genuine face.

“I’m so mad at you.….”

He murmured, stealing eyes with the back of his hand, and suddenly stared at the screen.

“Hey, you bad guy. No, you’re a waste of money. You son of a bitch. Do you know?”

He must be so angry that he spits out abusive language without hesitation.

“Yeah, let’s see how you do it. Do you think I’m gonna cry if I die here more?”

Vivienne, who spoke out in a dignified manner, quickly sold all the equipment.

The most expensive armor was purchased by type and moved to the deepest part of the resurrection site.

Contrary to what he said, he seemed to hate to update the death record.

Definitely, it’s hard to kill if you hide with gloves all over it.

In particular, the resurrection space was originally designed as an impossible place to occupy, and there are many defense facilities set up invincible.

However, only occupation is impossible, and entry itself is not impossible.

The ability to turn equally invincible in a short period of time was a skill that some heroes had.

And the mercenary monarch is a hero with the fraudulent invincible nature of incarnation.

“Look, I’m going out…….Huh?”

In other words.

“What, what, what, what! You can’t come in like that!”

The great mercenary monarch said that the use of incarnation can withstand a tidal wave of artillery.

To some extent, of course, it was enough time to kill Vivienne.

It’s more than enough.

In fact, Vivian’s physical compartment is beginning to shrink to geometric levels.

“Argh! Argh!”

Every time he was hit, Vivien screamed as if he were hit.

I bought a lot of armor, so I didn’t die in one or two shots like I just did, but considering the speed of the mercenary monarch’s attack, it was only a second to live.

Vivienne, who was losing her stamina in Chang-gil, fell out with a mournful cry without any time to control her.

At the same time, the mercenary monarch, who escaped from the resurrection site, lifted the incarnation and burst into laughter at Vivian’s body.

So, 158 Death.

It was a moment when the best death record was broken.


In the end, tears burst.

Vivienne, who couldn’t overcome the rising resentment and humiliation, forgot her face and cried.

I tried not to allow a new death record to be updated, but there was another dark history.

At last, the audience was very pleased with the tears and began to shoot the gold coins they had prepared.

Thanks to this, the chat window flashed gold, but Vivienne fell down and cried so hard that she couldn’t see her.


How long has it been?

The tears that had been spreading for a long time suddenly stop.

Soon after, his shoulders died down as if he were trembling.

Vivienne had her head down.

I can’t see whether it’s because I’m lying down or what kind of expression

But something is different than usual.

Should I say the atmosphere?

It was then.

Vivienne, who had been silent for a considerable amount of time, turned her head out of the blue.

The two eyes, which are swollen and red, stare fiercely at the screen.

The game was over before we knew it.


a hoarse voice with no emotion at all

“You, you’re a human being like this? Answer me. I know you’re watching.”

Dental spider Vivian: Okay.

“Do you like playing with people like this? You’re good at games, do you want to bother others?”

Dental spider Vivian: Okay.

“Who are you? Who do you think you are? You shoot me all the time. You ruin my show. In what capacity? Huh?

Dental spider Vivian: Okay.

“What have I done to you?”…?”

Dental spider Vivian: Okay.

The voice went to the end and was teary again.

“…What kind of bastard are you?”

And that’s the limit Vivien put up with.

For two hours a day and a night, the game, no.

Rather than a game, the game had more time to die than an hour, rather close to torture.

A war in which all kinds of humiliation and humiliation were endured with evil, but no improvement was made.

Instead of taking sides, viewers who say something.

In addition, even though he brought it up seriously, he was exasperated by his opponent’s short answer, which made it clear that he was mocking.


A loud shout shook the room.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Thank you for your patience.

I’ll resume the series from today.

I’ll tie the knot quickly for the remaining 3 episodes.

Oh, Memorize Visual Nobel Season 2 is out.

I think a lot of people already know.

You can watch the first and second episodes of season 2 for free if you go to

If you sign up as a member, you can watch up to episode 3 for free. 🙂

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