
Chapter 018

There were quite a few dead men in front of the monument. Each one of them had an arrow on it, and it looked like seven. Of course, there were still more than the number of Deadman’s ships that were still being treated. It was like he wanted to bite me somehow when he saw that he crashed his collapsed colleague ‘s corpse.

“I try, I try.”

He poked his hands into his pocket to hold the arrows humming, but nothing was caught. I was able to pull out the deep-fingered arrow hair only after it was churning out the puffy air in my pocket and rubbing it hard to the bottom. I thought I should collect the arrow that was already shot on the way back.

Not all dead men were gathered yet. The dead men who were in the distance seemed to run to the hurrayle, but it seemed better to withdraw roughly from this point. Even if three or four are left for the party, it will be enough to handle it alone.

Then, looking down, the dead men were clamoring with their mouths waving their heads back and forth. I rubbed my head in the same way and shook my head.

‘What am I doing now?’

When I saw them, a smile smiled, and I covered my mouth with reflection.

It seems so exciting. I had little emotional ups and downs since I came to the Swordmaster as a Hall-Plane first-time user. Especially in the situation before the battle, I always tried to get cold and cold like ice. So I was able to survive the battle of Atlanta recapture and Ragnarok surprise battle, which is considered to be the best battle ever.

This feeling has been a long time indeed. When I saw the allied forces with overwhelming power cars, I was overwhelmed by the feeling of slaughter that I did not forget my eyes. And it still did not seem to be possible to control the emotion. It was not a disadvantage as it was then, but I was feeling the excitement of expecting something to melt into my whole body.

The more monsters we see on the monument, the more likely it is that the emotional nature will explode and jump off into the forest. The deadmen who were climbing up the stone were crying with a loud voice. I have come up to it, but I am going down and the heat is reaching out.

Guys. There is a lot of snow to see here. So let’s go a little further inside. ”


I do not know if you understand me, but Deadman cried out.

I started to go into the forest with a slow pace. I originally intended to jump in power and open the streets in a flash, but my mind changed. It will make me come to some extent to not miss me in the middle.

As soon as I came to the temple, I shot the crossbow lightly toward the dead man falling down. Deadman, who was so hard to come up, hung hungry arrows in his head. After I checked the guy who was hanging his head, I turned right into the forest.

Grunge! Grunge! Grunge! Grunge! Grunge!

When I heard that crying, I felt that I was getting used to it. It seemed like I was caught, and it seemed to me that I was too much to run. There was a different thrill that the sound of the teeth banging from the back immediately elicited. It was then.



But I was so excited. For a while I was standing in the middle of the trees, drawing an S-shape, and I felt something banging on my left arm. I looked around and was amazed that one dead man could look at my left wrist with a strange face. Maybe I was not the one I dragged around, but I was hanging around here and luckily hitting my teeth in the course.

Honestly, I was not sick, but I was more surprised at the bite of my arm. And the surprise came soon with anger. No matter how lucky I was, my pride was bad. I looked at my cuff with a disgruntled voice and looked at Deadman.

“What you looking at.”


You made me surprised. Fuck ah. ”

Deadman ‘s eyes were strange, cuffing his wrists. I asked him because he did not get his teeth. Well, of course. You say that your durability ability is 92 points and you chew my flesh? When I swallowed the right hand of the anger with the profanity, I could see the head popping out with bread.

While I was playing monsters for a while, the dead men who were following me in the hoorlevoque packed me around. Some of them seemed to think they were all caught. I glanced at the distance that I ran for a while and released my wrist lightly so that I would be okay.

Grrang. Grrang. Grrang. Grrang. Grrang. Grrang. Grrang. Grrang.

I heard a cry from everywhere, but I was never afraid. Compared to the hell losers who had fallen into the hell of the old hell, they were pretty charming. I was hoping and hoping that these would satisfy my needs even a little.

“Please take care.”

I gave a friendly greeting and answered Deadman with his teeth. They do not know that they are polite. I also aimed at the deadman’s head, pushing in with a bunch of coins, and stretched out his fingers. One guy at the front. Quiz!

The feeling that the fingers dig into the head was what I felt like going through a rotten log rather than a man’s flesh. As he looks up at the dead man who has been pushed to the back of his head, he lifts his arms and hangs on his fingers and darts. And the Deadman who witnessed the scene stopped at once.

terrified Do you think people who always think of humans as food? That they can be hunted unilaterally. Yet I had a wonderful idea inward. I do not know whether it is thought or instinct. If you look at the prey, those who are running without any help are stopping my footsteps for a moment in my presence.

I did not want to leave it though it was nice. I lightly emptied the magic power of the monster’s hand in his hand, shattered his fingers. Despite sending a signal to the dumbbells, the deadmen stepped back.

I was not going to use long swords. There is no problem without it. If I broke one of the twigs that are now in my possession, or if I only remove the abandonment, I can replace it with enough lethal weapons. But I was thirsty for the slaughter and I wanted to feel the taste of it to solve the thirst. I banged the joints of my hands and asked a deep smile. And suddenly one thought ran over my head. I seemed to know why I could not stop laughing before.

I was hungry for my instinct. I have repeatedly wielded a sword to live for 10 years, and it seems that the nature itself is soaked with blood. As I watched the monsters step by step backward, I twisted my mouth.

* “I think your brother did well. Everybody get up. I have to cross that wall quickly. ”

The forest where the monsters roamed until just before became silent like a lie. Looking at the lush forest, Ahn said with a strong voice, but the atmosphere of the party sat down. As he said, Kim succeeded in dragging all of those around him. The monsters that were struggling a little while ago were not able to see the nose. But apart from that, it seemed that the hopeless feeling was wrapped around everyone ‘s body.

“brother is… . Is it okay? You know me. We are just now … ”

When I told him in a dead voice that I did not like him, I felt that I was getting tired. But it could not be exposed. Suhyun said he believed in himself and that he should protect his party. I could not betray that expectation.

“That’s not allowed!” Do not be bullshit and get up quickly. What would you do if they came back? ”

“Do not you worry about your brother?”

“I believe in you. You said so too. Do not be a fool to come back. ”

Ahn Hyun-kun said at a glance that Yu-jeong had finished his mouth. However, when I looked at her face, she seemed to feel helpless to all of her body. However, he shook his head and comforted himself, saying that he should keep his mind up.

“I believe. I will trust you as your brother believes in us. ”

After he finished speaking, Ahn stood up and looked around. Fortunately, Deadman did not even see one. Ansol carefully woke up and woke up and woke up from his position. Just as he was about to leave the hiding place, Yoo Jung jumped on the shoulder of Kim Han –

“Hey. wake up. Why are you bumming all of a sudden? ”

”…….”There was no answer from Kim Han – seum. She looked at her with a cold face, like her first, and slowly got up and walked out. After confirming that everyone came out, he opened his mouth with a stone wall in front.

“Come on everyone. You can escape from this dreary forest if you see the stone wall in front of you. I’ll do it first. I do not know if there are any other risks out there. ”

At the end of Ahn Hyun, Ansol and Yoo Jung agreed and nodded with an uneasy face. However, Kim Han-bum was still silent. She was staring at the forest where Kim Soo-hyun disappeared from before. Then she immediately turned his head to see if he felt the stare of Ahn Hyun.

All right.

What do you know. Ahn sighs inside but does not appear on the outside. When I have a brother, I helped each other and moved well, but now that I have lost my brother, I feel squeaky from the beginning.

“…I do not know how you feel. I am the same. By the way, if we go into the woods this way, you will not have any sense of sacrifice. Suhyun is the opportunity that your brother made with his life. And your brother asked me for your safety. All we can do now is to go beyond that wall and wait for your brother to return safely. Everyone is upright. ”

Even so, the stagnation atmosphere did not improve. A fraud that has fallen once does not recover easily. I knew that I was trying hard myself, but everyone was shutting my mouth shut. The more I told him, the more I felt Kim’s space was larger than I thought. It seemed that the uneasiness that I did not know for a while was coming up smoothly. Ahn Hyun finally closed his eyes to the burden of coming.

The rest of the men reminiscent of a man with a calm face with a crossbow. Just half a day after they met, Kim Soo-hyun was in their minds. It was Kim Soo-hyun who was able to quickly get out of the open space, to save the Ansol that would be bitter to the monsters, and to fight the monsters when the team was in danger of being divided by Park Dong- In an important phase, he was always a fence that would be a support for his party.

But now the fence has disappeared. It may not come back again. And the remnants felt emptiness in his empty space.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== 1. Correcting typo and context.

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