
Chapter 008

Room of preparation. It was really a space to see for a long time. The room of preparation was similar to the shape of the room of the earth so as to think that it was a private private room if an unaware person saw.

Suddenly, angels seem to be taking care of what they do not need. When I first came here, I had tried to open the front door because of an environment similar to the earth. Of course, the door did not open, and the memory of a sense of despair came to mind. The angels seemed to think that maybe they intended to do something.

“Time left until passage ritual: 03 minutes 27 seconds” “It is 3 minutes 27 seconds. I have to hurry. ”

I approached the big box in the middle of the room. We sat down in the corner and opened the box. My old nostalgia is gibbons, nothing like that, and my concern was to get dressed quickly. If it is transmitted to the rite of ceremony in the condition that it is nothing but a naked nakedness, it will not be able to take off the stigma called the transformation from the beginning.

I can see at a glance that the performance of skirts that are attached to the body is the best. But the courage to wear a dress did not come. I listened to this for a while and I just picked it out with simple clothes. The clothes that I chose were all ordinary clothes, such as underwear, socks, shoes, tops and bottoms. Just because I did not want to burn the time, I picked a dark system.

To be honest, rituals of passage can now pass through the state even if it rushes to the body without a day. No, it was not a job to harvest everything you wanted. However, I do not think I will jump from the beginning. One of the biggest reasons why I have lived in Hall Plane for the last 10 years is that I have always kept my 30%of my talents. I really tried not to reveal myself except when life was on the stern.

‘What weapons to choose … . ‘

In the process of selecting weapons, I was a bit worried. You can grab a boss monster at the rite of passage just by bending your hand right now, but it is a good idea to take one for convenience. But there was one plan I had planned for this rite of passage. So, I do not know whether one long sword and a crossbow that can be removed. I filled up the crossbow arrows and closed the box.

When I looked up the air with a full arrow, I could see that the remaining time converged to zero exactly.

“The time of preparation is over. I will summon the user Kim Soo-hyun as a passage of rites. ”

OK Am I the slowest? ”

OK. Anyway, the user is Kim Gun Soo. So let’s proceed with the transfer from now on. ”

It was then.


When I realized that the summoning order was spreading in the air, I felt the pull of the umbilical cord pulling. It was the beginning of summoning.

* “Transfer completed. Passage ceremony is a test to judge whether or not you qualify to enter the Hall Plan. If you survive for 7 days or arrive at Warpgate in the center within 7 days, you are accepted. Good luck to users. ”

The transmission is over. I drank a refreshing air coming in my nostrils and I looked around. At that moment, the air around my son-in-law felt a subtle change. Looking at grass, trees, and soil, the present place was seen as a forest empty space. The air was as fresh as the forest, and the wind was cool, but I was soaking the surrounding area full of unpleasant stickiness.

‘Let’s see what users start with once?’

The rite of passage is personally very important. Hall plane is a place where you can never live alone. Even if you use it, you need a colleague to work with.

The rite of passage is the space where modern people who have everyday life experience the first ever non – daily life. And here is the condition of ‘survival’. It was one of the core of the rites of passage that modern people who do not know anything can join forces to achieve conditions.I’m a special case of the second round, so let’s make it an exception.) As a result, many colleagues who survived the rite of passage even made a positive bond with Hall Plane. And, I was going to search for my colleagues to continue my relationship at this rite of passage.

‘Of course not everyone should accept it as a colleague.’

The place where I am now summoned is a kind of starting point for the beginning of the rite of passage. In other words, a starting point. Ten years later, I was talking without feeling, but the rite of passage that I entered without knowing anything at first was a nightmare itself. After all, if I went to Hall plane, I would have got a trauma.

I slowly calmed my mind and started looking around. Nevertheless, the users were not alone. With the unstable face in the center of the vacant lot, people who have been sitting in the unusual spot have come into my eyes. And even to look at me.

“Oh brother … . Did you see him just transferred? ”

“Sola. It’s quiet. ”

ottoke We’re not the only ones … ”

“Stay still. He looks just like us. ”

When I hear the conversation between the two, it looks like a brother or sister. I walked to the place where people gathered. The atmosphere of the vacant lot was quietly quiet. It will be a chaos if you ask me to survive the ritual of passing through the ridiculous rite, but all of the people here have heard some stories from the angels. I did it.

‘This is the starting point. Looking back into the past, so when the 1st Annual tea met your Hells now …. What happened afterwards … . ‘

Count the number of people in a vacant lot for a total of eight people were sitting and Bonnie. Can we join forces with these eight people in the past seven days of rites of passage? I confidently say “no.” I can answer that.

There was conflict in my mind. This is not a hall plane yet, but once it passes, it will not come again. It was not a shame to save everyone who was here with my strength. But I honestly did not want to, and I did not even think about it.

It was absolutely something to be avoided to show your abilities in front of these people. Original reputation or what is known is the most influential through word of mouth. There are Hall Plane users who lead the way in keeping their vested interests, but there are users who use magic or beat the monsters with overwhelming excellence before they pass the rite of passage? If such a rumor spreads, it might have been a question of murder to the “bumbers” on that day, not to mention a lot of troubles.

And I was not a good man. I have been doing good things while living on the Hall Plane, but I have been uneasy about bad things as needed. Robbery, looting, rape, even murder. Of course, in the world of Hall Plane, nobody was to blame, as these are accepted as normal.

The most important thing here, however, was the need to pick. If you meet someone who can make you a colleague, you have to be a nanny for at least a year until you serve as a user.

After entering Hall Plane, my first plan was to collect my colleagues. The rite of passage was a very suitable space for this plan. I set three criteria for selecting colleagues. First, ability and potential. Second, propensity. Third, marriage. I have spoken to and fro, but the point was to keep my colleagues alive by my standards, and if not, I would not mind killing or not.

‘So let’s use the third eye?’

Except for the siblings who were stuck on the empty space, they were at a distance from each other. I decided to sit in the right spot and then observe people calmly. If I was really lucky, I might have a familiar face.

The first thing that came to my attention was a woman in a banker’s outfit. The impression was plain as a whole, but the rounded pupils were shaking and the lips were shaky and it seemed that they still could not accept the reality. I could understand his mind, but decided to activate the third eye. I just picked what I needed … .

Player Status 1. Name: Hyborim (year 0) 2. Sex: Female (27) 3. Height / Weight: 164.7cm · 58.3kg 4. Propensity: Middle / Chaos (Neutral · Chaos) [Strength 5] [Durability 8] [Dexterity 11] [Stamina 7] [Horsepower 9] [Luck 11] (The remaining skill points are zero points.)


I turned off her user info window immediately with a sneer. Initial stats are also affected by the physical body, but above all, the potential of the user is multiplied. In other words, it was said that the physical abilities of women are not lower than those of men unconditionally.

However, the potential of a woman called Hyorim is too low. I did not have any use for my standards even if I went to the hall plane after saving those users.

Talking about it for a while, if you go to the Hall Plane after practicing, you can really improve your stats in the beginning. I am now a member of the limit state of physical fitness, but I do not have a limit to the users who started normally? Anyway, even if you consider such things, users who will be able to reach a certain level in the future will be able to see spikes. But what the hell is this guy … .

I kicked my tongue and I turned my gaze towards another person. The next goal was a brother and sister sitting together. The male had the appearance that it seemed to be at the time, but the day was standing even if it looked at the thing which fogged the mistress. I was younger than I was, and I could not see what I was saying. A sword and a shield are visible on the floor around the brother and sister. It was a good choice for me.

The woman on the side was stuck to the side of the male, but the solos looked like they would be tinged. . It was a brother and sister. Anyway, I could not see my face in detail because I bowed my head, but it looked much better than my brother.

Player Status 1. Name: Ahn Hyun (Year 0) 2. Sex: Male (22) 3. Height / Weight: 178.8cm · 73.2kg 4. Propensity: Neutral (True) · Neutral) [Strength 48] [Durability 47] [Agility 52] [Stamina 51] [Horsepower 35] [Fortune 56] (The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

Player Status 1. Name: Ansol (Year 0) 2. Sex: Female (19) 3. Height, Weight: 160.1cm, 45.2kg 4. Propensity: Lawful · Good) [Strength 8] [Durability 17] [Dexterity 15] [Stamina 21] [Power 75] [Fortune 100] (The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

‘Crazy, what the hell? 75 horsepower from the start? Good luck? ‘

Ability to get out of common sense. The moment “billion.” I could almost make a sound, but I could barely prevent misfortune by clenching my lips.

Strictly speaking, Ahn Hyun was a talented person. Passage can pass lightly on the assumption that he is not unusual in that case. And it had the potential to survive enough to enter the hall plane. It is a little bit truthful, but comparing the starting ability is higher than I was.

Anyhow, I adhere to Ahn Hyun’s stats, and this is ‘I can do that.’It was enough to be able to think.

The reason I was really surprised is because I saw the female stamina of Ansol. That was bizarre itself. There is no seeing muscle strength, endurance, agility physical strength. However, starting from the start, 75 points of power magic stats, 100 points of good fortune was really out of the common sense of the Hall Plan. I slowly stared at the memory.

‘I do not remember seeing Ahn Hyun … . Ansol is … . Wait, please? Sol’

The moment I recalled the name of Sol, the secret class I saw at the picking of career privilege suddenly ran over my head.

Secret class of the brilliant priest has appeared on the first floor Hall plane. Was it called the captain of the end of the priest class with his tinnitus? At that time, the user named ‘Sol’ got the class and recalled that he was recruited from Odin Clan, where the best users gathered.

Ansol, and Sol. The name is the same, but it seems that the possibilities are enough even if I look at Ansol’s ability. If they are siblings anyway, there is a high possibility that they should alive both. Anyway, it was enough to welcome as a colleague, because it was two with the ability which is not comparable to a banker.

Because the two previous impacts were so powerful, we decided to look counterclockwise this time. Then the second one was the two men.

The male sitting on the left side was a male who looked older but had a smaller but better body. The slightly curved nose and odorless skin made the impression more vicious. And it seemed that he was trying to grasp the situation in his own way by continuously gazing at various directions.

Next, the male on the right was a student in uniform. It was a very young impression with white tiny spots and tiny dots under the eyes. It seemed to be nice to the outside, but it seemed that it was not easy to shake the whole body and embrace the knee with both arms.

‘I do not remember … . Want to see user information? ‘

Player Status 1. Name: Park Dung-geul (0 year old) 2. Sex: Male (39) 3. Height / Weight: 173.4cm · 73.2kg 4. Propensity: Devil · Chaos) [Strength 31] [Durability 26] [Agility 39] [Stamina 29] [Horsepower 29] [Luck 7] (The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

Player Status 1. Name: Lee Shin-woo (Year 0) 2. Sex: Male (18) 3. Height / Weight: 170.7cm · 58.4kg 4. Propensity: Lawful Good [25] [Durability 23] [Agility 21] [Health 27] [Horsepower 35] [Fortune 57] (The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

Ahn Hyun and Ansol were so surprised that they were not bad.That does not sound good.)

The basic ability of Park, Dong-geul can survive the rite of passage. It just takes a propensity. The tendency of evil and chaos rarely comes together. The sound that comes out of this together is likely to be a criminal in the modern paced Hyundai, and is likely to be a ‘booger’ in Hall plane.

On the contrary, Lee Shin-woo was a little lacking ability to pass the rite of passage but magical power was enough to see. And given the fact that lucky stats just started, it was showing high potential. It is rare that the order and the lead come out at once, but the nature was good.

I was not in the mood to see all of myself or the next person except for the man who was paddling horn. In Park ‘s eyes, unpleasant desire was shining. The eyes filled with greed were mostly fixed to women. I’ve seen that kind of gaze thousands of times, and I once had that kind of eye. It seemed to be able to roughly guess the identity of the desire for some reason. And it’s just a guess, but it seems like you know what crime was committed by a beating criminal.

Especially when I looked at Ansol by the side of Ahn Hyun and looked at my appetite again, I became convinced. I do not want to blaspheme now, but I could not help seeing it.

It was the moment when I tongued my tongue and activated my third eye towards the remaining two women.

“Oh, a wretch.”

At that moment, a voice of Park Dong – geul ‘s voice sounded strong in the empty space.

============================ Late Works ==================== 1.
2. Correcting typo and context.

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