
Chapter 00001

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): Kim Su-Hyeon (10-year) 2. A class (Class): General Inspection (Normal, User, Master Sword) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): Terra 4. Affiliation (Clan):-5. Jin gang · Nationality: the world wants to come out of hiding now, contemplating the Summit (Summit) · Korea 6. Gender (Sex): male (33) 7. Kidney · Weight: 181.5 m c · 75.5kg 8. Inclination: order · Chaos (Lawful · Chaos) [muscular 86] [duration 92] [agile 96] [health 78] [HP-48] [good luck 36] (the remaining ability points are 0 points.)

Achievement (21) Special Ability (1/1) Potential Ability (4/4) I have no idea. I just roll a small ball in my left hand in a hollow feeling.

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”

decade During that long time I was so eager and accomplished what I had dreamed of. But, it does not disappear. The feelings of loss and sickness that filled my inner space still harassed me.

“User Kim Soo Hyun. May I ask you again? ”

A beautiful but beautiful beauty knocks on my ear. I was slowly picked up by his voice and lifted his head. As I moved my head, the floor of grayish brick was touched by my eyes. Then, when the space of thirty pyeong was covered in the sight, the gaze which was rising gradually stopped.

A ‘summoning room’ that announces the beginning of everything and finishes everything. And on the rectangular altar in the center of the room, the wings that scattered the white light were dimly lit. I felt an empty feeling and fixed my gaze on the ‘angel’ sitting on the altar.

“I will reaffirm the request of user Kim Soo-hyun. Do you really want to return your Hall Plane time? ”


Slowly nod your head and gaze at the angel in front of you. The beautiful appearance that can be called the peak of the beauty, the smooth skin which does not even see the tee, and the breathtaking attire which shines at first glance at first glance at first glance, too. All of it was only looking at me.

But there is no desire. The beautiful figure of the angel, the glance of the eye. None of them could shake my heart that had already died. I have lost all my emotions since ‘the day’.

“I just can not understand. I and all the angels can not understand you. ”

“No, I was wrong. I do not want your understanding. Seraph.

My voice in my ears is too cold. The voice of the angel, Seraph, was shaking thinly, unlike usual. I have no recollection of Cerroff ‘s agitation except for today. If so, what I say is shocking.

Although he seemed to be shaking for a while, Seraf quickly recovered his impression. And I started to calm down with a polite voice.

“User Kim Soo-hyun, you are the first user who has achieved all the duties of Hall Plane and has won the summit.”

By the way…

“But not. I got the zero code I wanted so much. You have a ‘qualification’. You can do everything you want in ‘qualification’ allows. ”

Seraph. The talk is over. ”

“Return to Earth? the filtering element. You can return to Earth with your abilities now. Remain on the hall plane? That’s good too. If you have zero codes, you can be a king over all continents, or even more. ”

I do not think I will stop, I give a sigh and put my right hand on my back. I felt familiar with the handle of the sword that came into my hand.

“Hoo-yu, it’s been ten years since I’ve been deceived. Now I am exhausted. Seraph. I will not tell you any more. No matter what you say, you will never reconsider the use of zero codes. ”

Grasp the handle to make it crumble and generate magic along the circuit. Seraf, who had read the energy that rose from my whole body, asked for his mouth. But it was a while too. Soon the emotions of her face, which seemed embarrassing to me, came upon me. I do not think I will give up persuasion yet.

“Ownership of the Zero Code is owned by Mr. Soo Hyun Kim. We do not have the power to touch it. So it’s even more sad. It’s a bad idea to simply use that great power to return time. ”

“…….””Finally, I’ll check. Does the user Kim Soo-hyun really want to repeat the painful 10-year time? ”

The words of Seraf, who had spoken, were now nearing a pause. Suddenly, a laugh that did not originate from inside came out. It was a laugh without any reason.

I laughed silently for a while.

* This is not the earth. Another world called ‘Hall Plane’, where life is different from the daily life enjoyed by modern people, and an unusual life takes place.

I closed my eyes. And I began to look back at the things I had experienced so far.

When I first came into Hall Plane, it was about 10 years ago when I was 23 years old. The last memory of my life on Earth is that I have only two full years of military life and a pleasant return home.

When I returned home and returned home, I fell asleep in the train, and I was summoned as the ‘room of summons’ here. And in front of my mind, there was an angel who sang white wings that only existed in imagination.

A situation where you did not know anything and could not see anything. I was in a situation where it was like a lightning bolt to me, who was literally blowing my dream of returning home.

It was neither a dream nor an imagination. When I accepted it as reality, I begged the angel to send it back. But the next place I moved was a place that proved the user’s qualification, called the “rite of passage.” I was chased by the monsters who were there for the first time and forced to take the test.

The designated test period is 7 days. It was a battleground for survival only. In the face of innumerable life threats, it was only after a week that I was able to qualify as a ‘User’ who could enter the world of ‘Hall Plane’.

But the rite of passage was not the end. The Hall Plane was a real start. If the rite of passage was a survival war for seven days, the Hall Plane was a helpless hell that never knew when to die.

And living in Hall plane started.

I just wanted to live. Because I wanted to live, I had desperately adapted to the idyllic world of Hall Plane. I was hoping for a word from an angel that I could go back to the end, and I spent a very long period of ten years. Yeah, I just wanted to live and I wanted to go back. With my bonds that can not be broken.

“User Kim Soo Hyun. What are you thinking? Have you ever thought … ”

When I think of the word ‘bondage’, the feeling of buzzing rises. I shook his head hard. What was important now was not immersed in recall.

“Oh, I thought for a while. It’s a painful ten-year repetition … . Seeing that saying, do you think there is at least a conscience? ”

“…….”Sy! I experienced the pain that you did not have to suffer because of you. It’s been 10 years. ”

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”

Seraf’s gaze observes everywhere in the world whether he is going to read the psychology. As soon as she says hush, her beautiful lips open and a calm voice flows.

“If you’re thinking about user Yoo Hyun and user Han So-young … . I know what you want. User Kim Soo Hyun. I have a very reasonable idea. Your GP now has enough points to activate your wish several times. You do not have to go back to the past using zero code … ”

‘I hate to admit, but he was right.’

I thought that word would come out. Even before Cerfa’s words ended, I pulled a knife from the sheath and wielded the sword with all my might.


The air tearing and erecting sharp pore sound. The wave I sent out shook the altar where Seraph sits. But that was all. The waves were gone without trace on the white shields she caused.

“User Kim Soo-hyun … . I understand, but it is pointless. I think you’ll probably know for yourself. ”

I know. Users can not harm angels. Nevertheless, the swinging of the sword was a manifestation of my intense commitment to never changing my will.

“It was just before the death of Astor. After all, you guys are the same guys. ”

“Are you going to believe the devil’s words now? Are not you anyone else? ”

“It’s true. Neither this nor that. After all, the conclusion is no different. ”

“Wait, wait a minute … . I think you already have enough explanation for your requirements. ”

“I am not qualified. I can not be qualified. So I turned back the time, and I was going to make a qualification again, but I have a lot of complaints. ”


Ping Ping

“Do not yell, I did not eat. And call the name with the proud name. As you always did. ”

Once again, the wave flashed and fell. Seraf was gazing at me with a sad look that I could not believe in. Do it or not. I fixed her sword, which is pointing at her, with a loud light. Then, as hard as I can, I start to see a little flaming fire on my blade. Seraph looked at the end of the sword and licked his lips.

“I’ll warn you last. Remove the sword right now. No matter how you can use the settings, your source is human. If you think that you can kill a person with a higher level of class, I would like to say it is Osan. ”

Really? So where should we try it? I’ll have you take away all your buds and ask the Zero Code to kill you guys. ”

“Certainly the permissions are up to you. However, the zero code is invoked unconditionally through us. I hope to wake up a futile dream. ”

“You are confident. I wonder if there is a way. ”

Wed User Kim Soo Hyun. Ha… It is a meaningless argument. But…

Seraf sang as if there was something more to say. However, I felt all my lips as soon as I felt the cold anger and sincere feelings of sadness that rose to my sword.

“…….”“…….”For a while, there was a heavy silence between me and Seraf. I calmed the boiling excitement and slowly lowered the sword. I listened to the Zero code in my left hand in a lonely mood. A piece of small and pretty beads that is emitting a deep blue light. What the hell … .

Seraph. I hate fighting anymore, I do not want to talk. If you understand my feelings, and if you really think of me. request.”

The moment I pulled the word out of favor, the eyes of Seraf, who was in sorrow, turned round. I stretched out her hand holding the zero code towards her. Now I am firmly determined.

“I’ll ask you again. I want to go back to 10 years ago. When I first came here, in those days. ”

Did I read my earnest will? At that moment, the Zero Code, which emitted the light for the last minute, begins to emit a luminous flock of light. I stretched out my hand, which was holding tightly. And now the glittering sphere came to the floor and flew to the altar with the seraphic parchment. She accepted the sphere with a blank face.

Seraph ‘s empty gaze soon confronted my gaze and complexity in the air.

How long has it been so long to see each other. Soon her lips slowly opened, very slowly.

“If you really want it.”

“…….””I will respect your opinion.”


Seraf looked at me with a slick face, and a speechless face.

“Please do not get me wrong. As I said before, user Kim Soo-hyun now has a significant amount of GP. It’s not a rational act to get rid of it. ”

At the end of Seraf I shook my head from side to side. I will go back anyway, but what is the point of Gold Point (GP) now? But Seraf’s thoughts were different, and she was teasing her hands at a speed that seemed to manipulate something.

“It’s unbelievable, but your will caused a zero code response. the filtering element. As a helper, I will adjust the details arbitrarily. Of course, it will not be much of a nail to harm the user Kim Soo-hyun. I’ll see you soon after work. ”

The work is over? See you soon? I was about to ask what kind of work I am doing to the words that I do not understand. As soon as I tried to take my lips out, I was filled with a mournful voice that I had never heard before.

“I received a request from user Kim Soo-hyun. 27%, 58%, 77%and 100%. Loading… Accepted Passed. Now let Code Name, Zero run. Please be prepared. ”

It’s crazy.

At that moment I heard a rusting machine moving somewhere. At the same time, the Zero Code, which entered Serap ‘s bosom, shattered in the air with a clear light.


The light shining enough to fill the field full of the inside. Still rusty machine sounds, strange sensations that can not be said, swiped the whole body quickly. It is not strange. The sense of space twisting, and the sense of passing quickly. It was similar to the sense that the world felt when the hell of the airs appeared in the Atlanta evangelization battle that day before.

As time goes by, it is shrouded by a group of light that is stronger. Soon I closed my eyes like I was going to be.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== 1. Modify the user information window.
2. Adding Zero Code Activation Conditions and Content.
3. Correcting typo and context.

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