
Chapter 196 Merchant ship

A bright moon hangs high in the sky, sprinkled with cold and clear light.

On the silent river, a large merchant ship sailed slowly.

This is a merchant ship from Tianlinfu, which has been sailing for more than ten days, and is finally ready to reach the target location.

After nightfall, due to the limited field of vision, the boat does not dare to drive fast, as if it hits a rock, it will be a disaster accident that destroys the boat and kills people in minutes, so you have to be careful.

Li Long and Zhao Sheng, two experienced sailors, were arranged to watch the night in the cockpit.

In order not to let the ship deviate from the course, there must be someone at the helm in the cockpit at all times, otherwise dangerous accidents are likely to occur.

It’s just that the river is calm and tranquil, and there are no winds and waves, so there is almost no deviation from the course.

Besides, on the river, the temperature will begin to drop sharply after nightfall. The two are also eating peanuts and drinking and burning knives to get rid of the cold.

After all, it’s still some time before dawn, and it’s hard to survive without the stimulant effect of alcohol.

“Zhao Sheng, I heard that there was an accident on the auspicious ship two days ago, and I haven’t found it yet.” Li Long was bored and began to chat about some strange things.

“I’ve also heard that the Ji Yun ship is not a small ship, so why is it suddenly disappeared?” Zhao Sheng nodded politely, also feeling a little strange.

“Who knows, who can explain the matter on the river clearly, maybe it will be taken away by the Dragon Lord.” Li Long poured a burning knife, his throat was burning, the wine rose in the mind, and his face A flush.

“That’s what I said, I think it may have sank when it hit a reef. Then it sank into deep water, and even the boat and people couldn’t be found.” Zhao Sheng bit the peanuts in his mouth, Makes a ka beng crisp sound.

The most common reason for a ship to sink is to touch a reef.

I don’t know how many lives were buried on the hideous reefs under the river.

“Never mind, as long as our ship is safe and sound.”

“When Ningshui City is over, we can go to the Hundred Flowers Building to find those little ladies who are happy. I But I heard that this little lady in Ningshuicheng has watery skin.” Li Long laughed.

“That’s right.” Zhao Sheng, who is also a fellow man, laughed the same way. .

The two met and smiled at the same time.

The topic between men, chatting and chatting will lead to somewhere inexplicably.

It comes from some kind of nature.

Li Long and Zhao Sheng chatted hotly, and they didn’t stop talking.

It didn’t take long for Li Long to feel that his bladder was about to explode, and he couldn’t hold back the urge to urinate any more.

By regulation, the cockpit must be manned no matter what.

If the two of them go out at the same time and are discovered, the consequences are quite serious.

Zhao Sheng was also in a rush to urinate, but when Li Long brought it up first, he could only helplessly say: “Then you go quickly and return quickly, I can’t hold back.”

“Okay! Good brother, you wait for me to come back.”

Li Long seemed to be really unable to hold back, and ran out of the cockpit without saying a word.

For a time, Zhao Sheng was the only one left in the huge cockpit.

However, Zhao Sheng was tortured by the urge to urinate at the moment, and he didn’t feel scared in his heart. He just hoped that Li Long would come back soon so that he could be freed quickly.

I can wait and wait, but I still haven’t waited for Li Long to come back.

This made him secretly anxious.

“What the hell did Li Long do for so long?”

“is it possible that what happened?”

Zhao There was a bad premonition in his heart.

In the middle of the night, he knew with his knees that Li Long must have gone to the deck to solve it.

But this guy drank a lot of alcohol, and if he didn’t get confused, it would be miserable if he accidentally fell into the river.

It’s not like this has never happened.

Thinking of this, Zhao Sheng couldn’t care so much, so he quickly walked out of the cockpit to look for Li Long. After all, human life was at stake.

The front deck can be seen from the cockpit. Li Long’s silhouette has never appeared, so he should have gone to the rear deck.

Zhao Sheng carried the lantern to the rear deck, and the river wind blew.

The lantern was blown out instantly.

My vision suddenly fell into darkness.

Zhao Sheng was also chilled by the Jiang wind, and his body kept shaking.

Tonight was a good night, with no dark clouds blocking the moonlight, but barely able to see the surroundings.

“Where did this guy Li Long die?”

Zhao Sheng looked around on the rear deck, but found nothing.

“Forget it, let’s wake the owner and them.”

Zhao Sheng thought about it and made a decision in his heart.

After all, the lack of a living person is not something he can handle.


Just as he turned back to the cabin, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.


Zhao Sheng was taken aback.

I was looking around on the deck just now, but I didn’t find anyone, so how could the sound of footsteps appear?

Is it Li Long?

After all, it’s very late at night, so he didn’t sleep with himself.

Turn around.

Not Li Long!

is a middle-aged man instead.

However, Zhao Sheng breathed a sigh of relief and said anxiously: “Master, Li Long has been disappeared.”

This middle-aged man is the owner of this ship .

It’s just that he didn’t seem to hear Zhao Sheng’s words, he didn’t respond, and looked at Zhao Sheng intently.

“The owner??”

Zhao Sheng was a little nervous when he saw the owner’s eyes.

Under the moonlight, the owner’s look paled like a blank sheet of paper, face pale.

With the stiff and sluggish face, Zhao Sheng felt like a dead man was staring at him!

A pool of unknown liquid flowed out from Zhao Sheng’s trouser legs.

I had been holding back the urge to urinate, but I was so frightened that I was directly scared to urinate.

chi chi chi ~

At this time, a rustling voice suddenly sounded from behind.

The sound was sharp, like metal scales rubbing against a wooden board.

Zhao Sheng was so frightened that the soul flew away and scattered, but did not dare to look back.

He was afraid of seeing something terrifying.

But this very weird owner in front of him also made him feel like falling in a ice hole, inexplicably cold.

Suddenly, Zhao Sheng’s eyes swept away, and he became even more frightened.

He found that the shipowner’s body had no shadow under the pale moonlight.

This is simply impossible to happen.

How can people have no shadows?

Zhao Sheng only felt his scalp go numb and goosebumps all over his body.

There is only one possibility.

That is the owner of the ship in front of me, not a human!

Just then.

Zhao Sheng felt something slippery wrapped around his neck.

The thing was slowly closing, making him breathless.


“Is there anyone who can help me?!!!”

Zhao Sheng’s mentality completely collapsed and he desperately tried his best. screaming frantically.

but got no response.

As if this merchant ship was the only one left alive.

A living person ready to die.

The creamy thing contracted with irresistible force.

Zhao Sheng couldn’t even speak very soon, his brain began to lack oxygen, his face turned purple, and his eyes were full of boundless fear.

(End of this chapter)

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