
Chapter 165 Shadows

This Earth Palace has a very complex terrain, and the lighting is so dim that you can’t see your fingers.

Zhou You stopped at a fork in the road.

After thinking about it, he chose the channel on the right.

The Taoist priest Wu Liang came up behind, holding a bronze compass in his hand, mutter incantations in his mouth, and seemed to be calculating something, finally laughed and chose the channel on the left.

Zhou You walked about 20 more miles on the right channel, and found that there were many claw marks on the rock walls on both sides.

These claw marks seem to have been made alive by someone’s fingernails, very messy and bloody.


A strange overcast wind blows in the passage.

The temperature begins to drop.

Zhou You felt that there was a cold and rancid smell all around.

But he looked around and found nothing.


A humanoid monster was lying on the rock wall above Zhou You’s head, two scarlet eyes lit up, fangs grew, and fiercely pounced on Zhou You.


At the same time, a strange sound wave sounded from the depths of the passage.

Like an ultrasound, it’s dizzying.

Zhou You was affected by the sonic attack, and his reaction was a little slow. This time, he found that the owner of the gloomy and cold aura was hiding on his head.


The golden flame shroud instantly enveloped the whole body.

The monster’s fangs bit on the golden flame mask, as if biting an extremely hot diamond stone.

ka-cha once.

The fangs were all collapsed directly.

A scorching hot breath penetrated its body.

The humanoid monster let out a scream, flapping its black wings and about to escape into the darkness.


A crimson blade glow fell like a meteor, drawing a gorgeous arc.

With a puff.

The humanoid monster was divided into two instantly and fell to the top.

The blood it sputtered was actually ash-gray, and it kept corroding the ground.

Zhou You stepped forward and used the Demon Slayer Sword to reveal the monster’s appearance.

It turned out to be a huge black bat.

He has fine black hair all over his body and a pair of black bat wings, but he has a human head, which looks very infiltrating.

“What monster or demon is this?”

Zhou You recalled that there was no record of this black bat.

But looking at the black bat’s claws, Zhou You finally knew who drew the claws of the densely packed aisle.

“It seems that Celestial Grotto is not a good place.”

Zhou You frowned slightly.

From the moment he stepped into this Celestial Grotto, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

It can be seen from this black bat that this Celestial Grotto has long since become a place of absolute murder.

But this naturally didn’t make him stop, but he became more vigilant in his heart.

Continue to move towards the depths of the passage.

I encountered more than a dozen of these black bats one after another.

When Zhou You knew that they would hide in the sneak attack on the top of his head, these bats couldn’t pose a slight threat to him at all, they just cut in half with one knife.

Soon, Zhou You came to a fork in the road.

There is one channel on the left and right.

Zhou You squinted and looked at the dark passage where he came, feeling something was wrong.

This fork in the road is exactly the same as the one he encountered before.

He thought for a moment, then used the Demon Slayer Sword to make a cross mark on the right, and continued into the passage on the right.

There are still densely packed claw marks on both sides, and there are still black bats attacking from above.

And then, the familiar three-way intersection.

Zhou You looked towards the right.

Without his own cross mark.

But he knew that he must be constantly circulating in this passage.

As if caught in some kind of ghost hitting the wall.

So this time, Zhou You selected the left channel.

The left channel and the right channel are identical, there is no difference.

Densely packed claw marks, black bat attack, once again came to the fork in the road.

“No, I can’t go on like this anymore.”

Zhou You stopped.

I feel like I’m stuck in an endless loop.

It is useless to go on like this, it can only consume physical strength and patience.

Falling into the wall of ghosts, must stay awake without any impatience.

He remembered talking to Fat Daoist Priest about Illusion Techniques such as how to deal with ghosts.

According to Wu Liang’s explanation, the so-called ghost hitting the wall is actually a strange magnetic field that radiates out, silently shielding the perception, making people fall into some kind of illusion.

It’s actually very simple to crack, first step, you have to find yourself caught in the wall of ghosts.

This is the most basic, otherwise you can only be trapped in the ghost wall forever, and you will be trapped alive.

The Second Step is to find the source of the strange magnetic field.

This point is very simple for Fat Daoist Priest, after all, spiritual cultivation has a deep research on this thing of energy magnetic field.

It’s a little more difficult for Zhou You.

So Taoist Wu Liang gave him a suggestion, that is, it also forms a terrifying magnetic field by itself, so that it can counteract the treacherous magnetic field to achieve the effect of breaking the ghost hitting the wall.

“Fatty, I hope you don’t lie to me!”

Zhou You coldly snorted.

Speaking, a monstrous murderous intention suddenly spread from his body!

A strange and twisted red ghost appeared behind him instantly, making a strange scream.

As Zhou You kills more and more demons, the silhouette of Demonic Will is almost condensed into a substance, just like the arrival of the Ancient Devil.


The instant the red ghost appeared.

The scene in front of Zhou You is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

Soon, the sight before his eyes disappeared.

Zhou You found himself back in the passage with the black bat he killed for the first time lying on the ground.

“so that’s how it is.”

Zhou You understands.

He remembered that when the black bat attacked him, a sound wave sounded, affecting his reaction.

Since then, I’ve been caught in the wall of ghosts.

“jié jié ~”

The shadow behind Zhou You laughed sarcastically.

“Go back! Bratty guy!”

Zhou You turned and gave the ghost a look.

This guy has accumulated strength for so long, but he still doesn’t dare to erode his heart.

The phantom was not angry at all, shrugged, and dissipated into the air.

Zhou You moved towards the front this time and continued to move forward.


At this time, another strange sound wave came out from the depths of the passage.

This time, Zhou You will naturally not be fooled when he is prepared.

He sealed his ears with Jiuyao True Qi and rushed to the source of the sound wave quickly.


A huge black figure emerged from the darkness, sharp claw flashed cold light, fiercely grabbed Zhou You.

“Courting death!”

Zhou You roared, like a Flood Dragon in a sea of evil, and collided directly.


The huge black shadow was directly knocked out by fiercely, making a crisp bone cracking sound.

Zhou You didn’t stop at all, another shot!


His fist hit the shadow like a Meteor Hammer.

The golden Divine flame of Supreme Yang and Hardness burns wildly, causing the shadow to keep screaming like a baby.

One last snort.

The entire shadow burned directly.

(End of this chapter)

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