Chapter 118 Gene Sequence Chain, Superman Suit!!

At the airport the next day, Chen Tian bid farewell to Jakerd and others.

“Teacher Jaqde, and everyone, this time is hard, I have prepared some specialties for you on the plane, I hope the teachers like it.”

“West, you’re too polite.”

Jacod had a smile on his face, because the special products prepared by Chen Tian were very ‘big’.

Saying that, Chen Tian took the small box carried by the bodyguard: “By the way, Mr. Jakde, when you go back, please give this to Clarisse.” ”

“No problem.”

After a few pleasantries, Jakerd boarded the charter flight. Below Chen Tian smiled and watched the plane slowly take off.

No one could have imagined that last night, this young man with a sunny smile destroyed a military base in the United States with the power of thunder, killing more than 4,000 people.

After bidding farewell to Jaqd and the others, Chen Tian returned to the manor, explained to Etilace and them, and then soared into the sky and flew to the sea of 10,000 meters of clouds.

The weather in the city of Porchute today is cloudy and cloudy.

However, for Chen Tian, who was already able to fly, nothing could stop him from basking in the sun.

At an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, the sun is shining brightly and there are no clouds, while the clouds are rolling below, as if the end has come.

When you get here, the air is thin, the atmospheric pressure is increased, the temperature is minus tens of degrees Celsius, and ordinary people will freeze to death if they have no protection.

However, Chen Tian was comfortably suspended out of thin air, lazily enjoying the sun.

Under the sunlight, his body is constantly strengthened, and the Kryptonian cells in his body are crazy to divide, compress, evolve, endlessly.

At this time, Chen Tian’s grip strength had exceeded 10,000 tons, and the punch power of a punch was close to 100,000 tons.

As for the body density, it is even more exaggerated, at least more than 200,000 times that of ordinary people. Not bad, two hundred thousand times.

Under normal circumstances, it is not bad that an ordinary person’s grip strength can reach fifty kilograms, while Chen Tian’s grip strength is ten thousand tons, ten million kilograms.

Although many times, power cannot be counted as such.

But it also shows how terrifying Chen Tian’s strength is and how terrifying his body density is.

At this time, if Chen Tian did not have a biological force field to bind himself, just the gravitational fluctuations emitted by his body would cause the surrounding matter to distort.

The storage space is plugged into the Sentinel core motherboard, and the mainframe computer moved out of the research institute is running, reading data.

Under the control of Chen Tian’s consciousness, countless genetic pictures about mutants frantically swiped across the screen.

Over the decades, Sentinel Labs has accumulated genetic data on more than 100,000 mutants, although most of them are ordinary mutants of the first and second levels.

But it still made Chen Tian’s eyes light up, because what he lacked was these genetic data.

Although each person is genetically different, the core structure of the cell is actually similar. So find out the differences in these cells, you can figure out what abilities and abilities of those X gene pieces represent mutants.

With countless genetic data reading, Chen Tian’s brain was running wildly at a speed faster than a computer, constantly comparing with the data he had seen.

At the same time, Chen Tian was also distracted to open the X gene specimens extracted from the mutant body in the storage space.

That is, the frozen cell tissue of mutants.

Under the microscopic limit of consciousness, the internal pictures of those cells also appeared in Chen Tian’s consciousness, including chromosomes, DNA, and gene fragments.

Gradually, tens of thousands of data were compared.

Coupled with the extreme microscopic, the picture of the X gene cell can be clearly seen, and the secret of the mutant’s ability is slowly revealed in front of Chen Tian.

In the evening, when the sun was sinking, Chen Tiancai slowly opened his eyes.

Deep under his eyes, there seemed to be countless gene chains spinning, exuding an esoteric aura.

“So it is, what X gene, the direction is simply wrong.”

After speaking, Chen Tianbang fell from the sky, penetrating the dark clouds below into a 100-meter-diameter void, as if a god descended to the mortal world.

Back at the manor, Chen Tian gave the housekeeper a list of materials to prepare, and then rushed into the underground research institute.

Next, Chen Tian went to the sea of clouds to bask in the sun during the day, stayed in the underground research institute at night, and entered a state of retreat, appearing very busy.

As for the affairs of the gang, it was all entrusted to Edithé. Three days later, Africa, the capital of the Federative Republic of Mutants.

Today, the world’s attention is on this barren place. On the streets, weird-looking mutants can be seen everywhere.

In the center of the capital, the square was even more crowded, full of mutants from all over the world, looking excitedly at the high platform in the distance, and cheering from their mouths.

On the high platform, there are Magneto, Jean, Quicksilver, Fire Man, Night Girl and other Brotherhood mutants who have removed their helmets, as well as many ordinary high-ranking officials.

On one side are the messengers of various countries, and on the other side are Professor X, Laser Eye, Storm Girl, Steel Lux, Iceman, Wolverine, these X-Men.

In addition, there are the extremely hidden members of the Hellfire Club, the White Queen, and some mutants who rarely appear, such as Wanda the Scarlet Witch.

Although Wanda, like Quicksilver, is Magneto’s daughter.

He joined the Brotherhood and then the X-Men, but eventually left because of his different beliefs.

At this time, as a mutant powerhouse, he also attended today’s mutant founding conference.

It can be said that if a country launches a nuclear bomb here today……… Well, a nuclear explosion doesn’t necessarily work either.

In front of Magneto, missiles with metal cannot fall.

As for planting a nuclear bomb under the venue, some people also considered this situation, but finally gave up.

Because the power shown by Jean is too terrifying, and Scarlet Witch Wanda, who has also shown the ability to surpass the alpha level.

Therefore, without 100% certainty, some countries eventually abandoned this tempting decapitation plan.

In this grand situation, the destruction of the Sentinel test base a few days ago does not seem to be so important, at least for some.

At this time, the time came to ten o’clock.

Magneto came to the microphone, looked at the mutants below, and reporters from all over the country, and smiled: “Gentlemen, ladies, thank you very much for attending…”

Just as Magneto began his founding speech, on the VIP stage, the phantom cat looked around and said with some regret: “West actually didn’t come.” ”

Professor X did not look back, smiled, and said gently: “I heard Eric mention this, and he specially asked West to invite him earlier.” ”

“But yesterday, his housekeeper called and said that he has been busy studying biology lately and can’t spare time.”


Professor X’s words made the Iceman, Steel, and these X-Men a little unsure of what to say.

Thinking of the violent element who raised his fist and exploded everything, suddenly squatting in the laboratory all day long to study, I inexplicably felt a sense of discord.

At this time, Scott, who had been looking at Jean, hesitated: “Teacher, Qin she………. ”

Professor X said gently: “When the conference is over, go to her, just talk about some things, she is just a little unable to face her heart knots now.” ”

With the creation of mutant nations, many problems on positions ceased to be problems, and former enemies became friends.

Of course, some people with deep hatred can’t.

Half a day later, there was news about mutant countries all over the world.

At the same time, on the Internet, many so-called experts have emerged for the group of ordinary people, telling them that mutants are actually not terrible.

The emergence of mutants is a genetic evolution, not a disease.

Most of all humans actually carry the invisible X gene, maybe one day your children, your wife will awaken mutant abilities.

In this case, the atmosphere that mutants are monsters has changed slightly in mainstream public opinion.

It’s just that these have little to do with Chen Tian.

At night, on the fourth floor of the underground research institute, Chen Tianzheng stood in front of a machine with a serious expression, observing the slowly evolving stem cells inside.

Under Chen Tian’s spiritual microscopic gaze, those cells in the water of life mimicry, the nuclei of cells are constantly emitting weak signals that humans cannot perceive.

As these signals are sent, the protein organization within the cell wall begins to change.

Gradually, a tiny undetectable embryo appears inside the cell, and then the inside is like a copy, and various tissues gradually begin to grow.

In the process, many cell embryos collapse and die along with that stem cell.

Just in the blink of an eye, these millions of stem cells extracted from a drop of bone marrow died hundreds of thousands, and the rest continued to collapse.

This situation, Chen Tian has seen countless times in the past few days, and he did not care.

I don’t know how long has passed, suddenly, a smile slowly appeared at the corner of Chen Tian’s mouth, because in his perception, a new stem cell slowly took shape.

This is the first time in his hundreds of consecutive days that he has successfully simulated the embryonic life environment and successfully copied the first stem cell.

Within this stem cell, the genetic information belonging to that mutant is twice as weak.

Seeing this, Chen Tian did not continue to observe, but harvested his consciousness and turned away.

At this point, it means that there is no problem with the life embryo environment he has modulated, and he no longer needs to stare, and then everything is left to time.

Back on the third floor, Chen Tian was busy again.

But this time it’s not about biological genes, it’s about materials.

I saw that on the wall shelf in the distance, there were several sets of black battle suits, including the black Draco black battle armor that he wore once that day.

In addition, there is a set of Superman suits with black bases, covered with scale-like lines, and a red cape attached to the back.

Yes, in addition to studying biological genes, Chen Tian was also studying materials and machinery, and prepared a powerful superhuman suit for himself.

Now that the major forces in the outside world have taken a superhuman code name according to his power performance, Chen Tian is ready to deepen the impression of this codename.

At that time, if someone tries to deal with him with the impression of Superman, they will be shocked to find that this Superman also has many mutant abilities.

And when you want to deal with him by dealing with mutants, you will find out that even if you can’t use mutant abilities, he still has superhuman power.

This kind of despair is not something that the parties cannot feel.

For example, the US official, even if Chen Tian is listed as a key suspect, he does not dare to come to the door.

The reason was that Chen Tian’s strength was too strong, so strong that he couldn’t find a weakness, so he could only act as if nothing had happened.

Otherwise, with their domineering character like robbers, they would have knocked on the door and arrested him and tortured him to force a confession.

Basking in the sun during the day, working at height thinking about analyzing data, studying biogenetics, machinery, materials, and electrical software development at night…

Chen Tian is like a top scientist, busy and fulfilling, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

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