Chapter 115 Murder and Arson Gold Belt, Super Villain!!

“Alert! Alert!! ”

“The base was attacked! The base was attacked! ”

“Please take immediate refuge from all departments.”

“Combat personnel of all units are requested to quickly enter the combat position and defend against the invaders.”

Just when the military base outside was attacked, the institute also sounded the alarm for the first time.

Suddenly, the researchers and defense personnel at all levels, regions were shocked, and then methodically began to pack up information and prepare for evacuation.

The institute anticipated this situation from the day it was established, so it organized many drills that were attacked by mutants.

Including Trask, he also looked frozen, and then decisively pressed the button on the table, and a secret door suddenly appeared on the wall behind him, which was a one-way sinking elevator. But just a minute later, before many people could react, the base’s sirens became more urgent.

“Alert, the enemy has broken through the perimeter defense.”

“Alert, the gate of the base has been destroyed, the highest defense mechanism is triggered, please immediately evacuate the institute through the emergency channel.”

In an instant, everyone’s faces changed, including Trask.

The highest defense mechanism is triggered, which means that the invading enemy is extremely powerful, and it is judged by the Sentinel Core Intelligence Brain of the Institute to be unable to resist.

In this case, the brain will close one passage after another, open all defense mechanisms, block the enemy, and give the most core personnel time to escape.

Like him.

In the shrill sound of sirens, heavy isolation gates fell between the regions, and many researchers who ran halfway panicked.

“Wait a minute, I’m not there yet.”

“No, let me pass.”

It is a pity that despite the crying and pleading of ordinary researchers, the heavy armored gates still fell.

Click, click!!

Many hatches on the first and second floors of the institute opened, and then one by one the combat robots armed with weapons were awakened.

At the same time, on the fifth layer, five second-generation sentinels that had just been completed were activated.

On the sixth layer, a robot with a black body, three meters tall, and a powerful aura of the sentinel electronic eye also lit up.

At the same time, on the seventh layer below, more than a dozen mutants wearing controllers around their necks also looked solemn, and a heavy voice sounded in their ears.

“Mutant squad attention, the intruder is a mutant wearing black armor.”

“Features, armor defense, powerful, extremely fast, holding an indestructible knife-shaped weapon that can fire energy attacks.”

“Please immediately go to the third level and cooperate with the killer sentinel to snipe the target.”

Just as the defenses of the research base were unfolding, Chen Tian, dressed in a gorgeous black battle suit and like a demon god, also entered the institute with a heavy knife in his hand.

As soon as he walked in, more than a dozen ordinary robots in front rushed over, raised the laser gun in his hand and fired directly at Chen Tian.


Densely packed fiery beams of light fell on the Saint Seiya battle suit, exploding one after another brilliant halos, but it could not shake the battle suit in the slightest.


Chen Tian waved his hand, and in an instant, a five-meter-long golden sword qi roared out, like a remnant moon crossing everything, streaking through the passage.

The air exploded where the sword light passed, tearing the walls on both sides, instantly destroying a dozen robots, and finally landing on the wall at the end of the corridor.


The condensed knife qi exploded, and the shockwave that turned into substance swept through everything, causing the entire institute to shake.

In the smoke and dust, Chen Tian turned around the ruined corridor, and suddenly a dozen separated materials research rooms full of various equipment appeared in front of him.

Behind those devices, many researchers who had no time to evacuate huddled in the corner, shivering, praying for the invading mutant to leave quickly.

Chen Tian’s gaze swept over the huge research area, and then his gaze turned cold. Boom!!

Two or three meters long golden knife qi roared out, destroying corridors, bombing lines, and researchers hiding behind equipment.

In an instant, the entire floor fell into a sea of fire, and countless researchers cried and wailed.

At the same time, surveillance cameras in all corners were also accurately destroyed under knife gas bombardment.

By the time everyone died, the entire research area on the first floor was dark, filled with smoke, and only the equipment was still intact.

At this time, Chen Tian came to a high-density material synthesizer that was deliberately avoided, and waved his long knife.


The extremely sharp heavy knife cut off the fixers around the synthesizer, destroyed the screws, and then disappeared with Chen Tian’s grasp.

Then another molecular fusion device………

At this time, Chen Tian was very excited, because many of the equipment here was very expensive, and any one was tens of millions of dollars.

And many are simply not available outside.

And because it is a research equipment for materials, not a factory line for mass production, it is all a separate small kind, which is convenient for Chen Tian.

Suddenly, Chen Tian, who was like a big demon king just now, became a hardworking little bee.

Those equipment that were useful to him, those who did not know could be removed, and those that could not be removed were also destroyed, including some precious raw materials.

After almost twenty minutes, Chen Tiancai stopped satisfied, with a smile on his face.

Just the harvest of equipment on this layer is more than 100 million US dollars, which is worthy of the Sentinel Laboratory with deep pockets and tens of billions of dollars.

In the excitement, Chen Tian’s figure flashed, came to the entrance to the second floor, faced the heavy armored gate, and fell with a knife.


Just when Chen Tian appeared on the second layer, what hardened him was countless bullets, as well as laser beams and rockets, dozens of grenades.

In the time he took to move the equipment, the following Trasker also got time to prepare.

It’s just that because of the above line, the cameras are all destroyed, so I don’t know the specific situation, and I can only lay heavy defenses at the entrance of the second floor.

What made Trask breathe a sigh of relief was that although this intruder was very powerful, it did not penetrate the wall, and the space flashed these special abilities.


Several golden blades roared out, instantly colliding with those rockets, howitzers, and laser beams.

Suddenly, a violent explosion burst out, and the violent shock wave almost flooded the corridor, and the entire mountain wall where the institute was located was shaking.


In the blazing shock wave, a black figure tore through the flames and slashed at the robots and soldiers behind the passage.


In front of the shocking knife light that tore everything apart, the entire corridor was swept away, and a ruin passage was cut out of the research behind.

Chen Tian was like a super villain, walking in the institute with an indifferent expression. Everywhere they passed, whether it was a research room, they were all killed and destroyed.

Only what is found useful will be taken away.

After destroying the second layer, Chen Tian came to the end of the passage, directly tore the half-meter-thick gate with a knife, and stepped into the corridor below.

As for the elevator, it has long been blocked.

The third floor belongs to the mutant research area, and you can see the two sides of the corridor, which are full of tempered glass separated rooms, and various equipment are connected to the inside and outside.

However, at this time, the entire research area was empty, only five four-meter-tall sentinel robots standing in front of them, which had not yet been painted.

Around these sentinels, there were more than a dozen mutants wearing black battle uniforms, looking at Chen Tian with indifferent expressions.

Looking at Chen Tian, who was wearing a gorgeous black battle suit, a young man with short black hair said coldly: “What are you?” Why attack the base. ”

At the same time, at the bottom of the base, Trask and several old men also looked at the intruder with a solemn expression through the camera.

Over the years, the institute has actually been hacked several times. Although there were some losses, they were all disposed of in the end.

Therefore, although the strength of this intruder was amazing, it caught them off guard, but Trasker and the others did not feel despair.

Because when it comes to dealing with mutants, who can be more experienced than them?

Facing the mutant’s inquiry, behind the black mask, a deep voice came out: “Do you want to know my identity, it’s okay to tell you.” ”

“Listen, I am one of the Holy Seiya of the Dark Zodiac, Draco, a man above God.”

Chen Tian’s words made several people in Asker deep underground pause, and turned their heads to look at one of the serious middle-aged people.

Facing everyone’s gaze, the middle-aged man in charge of intelligence shook his head suspiciously: “Dark Zodiac Saint Seiya!” Haven’t heard of this organization. ”

At this moment, Chen Tian, who had reported his name on the third layer, had already made a blatant move. In an instant, dozens of concussive knife qi slashed out, tearing the air, destroying everything, and setting off a piercing roar.

In the face of the all-destroying sword light, the five sentinels’ body color turned pure black, exuding a metallic luster, transforming into a hard steel substance.

At the same time, those mutants also subconsciously exerted their abilities, and a white man waved his hands and held up a transparent energy shield in front of everyone.

There was also a mutant who opened his mouth and emitted a shock cannon that shook the air.

There is also a mutant with dazzling lights in his arms and shoots powerful lasers

These mutants, as well as the sentinel robots, were already on standby at any time, so they reacted the moment Chen Tian made a move, and then………

Under the light of the concussive knife that destroyed everything, those five sentinels bore the brunt, and in an instant, their bodies were shattered by more than a dozen concussive knife qi, and a violent explosion occurred.

And the energy shield held up by that mutant was destroyed at the moment of knife light contact, and several mutants who reacted slowly exploded directly into pieces. Boom!!

The violent explosion covered the entire three layers, and there were violent shock waves everywhere, mixed with sharp and shaking golden knife qi to destroy everything.

The ground shook and the smoke filled the air.

In the fierce wind, Chen Tian, who was dressed in a black gorgeous battle suit, looked cold and did not move in the slightest.

He is not interested in making a move with these mutants, and I will fight slowly, so the shot is a thunderous move.

With one blow, the town kills everything.

But at this moment, in the smoke, the wall on Chen Tian’s side showed fluctuations like water patterns, and the two mutants suddenly rushed out.

One of the eyes with short brown hair emitted golden radiation fluctuations, which instantly enveloped Chen Tian.

When the golden fluctuations swept past Chen Tian, the originally active X gene in his body suddenly condensed, and it seemed that it had been suppressed by some kind and could not be used.

Obviously, this is the mutant that Professor X said can eliminate the mutant’s ability.

At the same time, the wall on Chen Tian’s right collapsed, revealing a pitch-black sentinel three meters tall behind him, and a pair of electronic eyes showed an icy light.

Obviously, this was an ambush against Chen Tian.

Let the wall-piercing mutant appear with the blond mutant, instantly make Chen Tian lose the mutant ability, and then this black mutant will kill Li.

It’s just that………

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