Chapter 111 is short of money, power inheritance!!

Quicksilver and others came in a hurry, and went in a hurry.

After determining that Chen Tian would most likely go, she resigned and left when she had to catch the next flight.

Seeing a few people leave, Chen Tian came to the office, took out the electronic drawing board, linked it to the computer, and prepared to start designing equipment for himself.

And the first thing that Chen Tian thought of was the Saint Seiya battle suit.

No way, in those days, those golden handsome armor left too much impression on him, especially the winged Sagittarius.

Of course, the holy robe that Chen Tian was preparing to design was only similar in appearance, and without the powerful power of the holy seiya battle suit, it could not automatically fly outfit.

And in terms of details, there are also some differences from the Saint Seiya suit.

As Chen Tian quickly slid on the electronic drawing board, on the computer, a handsome battle suit composed of dozens of formations and mechanically interlocked slowly emerged.

The first step is to get the appearance done, followed by the internal electronic chip design, line design, communication equipment………

In the next few days, Chen Tian was buried in the acquired metal manufacturing factory and boutique machinery processing factory, and no one knew what he was busy with.

Until a phone call called him out.

Back at the villa, Chen Tian saw several people waiting for him in the living room.

The old butler introduced a little nervously: “Young Master, this is the governor of Leon Continent, Mr. Monte. ”

“This is the chief of staff of the Kurud military base, Mr. Radev.”

Although gray roads are rampant in Mexico, the biggest force is still official. Otherwise, the country’s polity would have collapsed long ago.

And at this time, the governor, which is equivalent to the great history of the feudal frontier, and the chief of staff of the military region, suddenly came to visit their gang, which naturally made the butler very nervous.

It’s just that compared to the old butler, Chen Tian didn’t look humble, and said with a slight smile: “Governor Monte, and Chief of Staff Radev, fortunately.” ”

Saying that, Chen Tian came to sit across from the two.

When Chen Tian sat down, the governor in his fifties smiled and said, “During this time, I often heard the name of President West, but I never had the opportunity to meet. ”

“I didn’t expect President West himself to be so young, according to the Oriental saying, he is really young and promising.”

Chen Tian said politely: “Mr. Governor praised, I just inherited a little family business and did some small business.” ”

At this time, the chief of staff of the military region with sharp eyes said lightly: “President West’s business is not small, it has only been a week, and he has already reached Xingtara City.” ”

“At this rate of development, maybe in a few months, Mr. West’s business will be in the Mexigo market.”


Chen Tian was a little surprised, and turned his head to look at the old butler. The old butler on one side quickly lowered his head and whispered in front of Chen Tian.

“Young Master, in the past few days, Miss Edith has led the Blood Wolf Group to expand the business of three cities in Huji City, Otlan City, and Xingtara City.”

“There were some fights during this period, and by the way, some local gangs were also subdued…”

Under the old butler’s whispered explanation, Chen Tian had some understanding of what had happened outside in the past few days.

In the few days he gave to study the battle suit, Edith led the people of the Blood Wolf Group to attack three cities almost every two days.

During this period, fierce battles took place with the largest gangs in these cities, resulting in heavy casualties.

Of course, most of this casualty is the opponent’s people, and the bloody hand will not lose much, after all, there is a powerful Etilace to lead the charge.

Under her bloody tactics of slaughtering the largest local gang, the remaining gangsters tremble with fear.

Many even voluntarily surrendered to join the Blood Hand Society, so that the strength of the Blood Hand Society soared. Various businesses such as flour were laid out, and their power almost doubled.

Of course, someone is naturally responsible for the follow-up business affairs, and Edith only kills.

So three ordinary small cities in six days, almost half of the time is on the road. At this time, Chen Tian had already understood the meaning of the other party’s coming, looked at the three and smiled: “I don’t know what the two of you came to the door today?” ”

The chief of staff said lightly: “Why should President West pretend to be confused, naturally he hopes that you will restrain your subordinates and not mess up the south of the Mexi Kingdom.” ”

“Mess up? Why is it messy? ”

Chen Tian looked at them strangely: “My subordinates just went to other cities to do business, and they didn’t indiscriminately hurt the innocent, but they just had a little conflict with their local counterparts.” ”

“If my subordinates are not strong, they will naturally retreat.”

“The problem now is that the local counterparts are not strong, voluntarily withdraw from the market, or join my blood hand club, so it’s normal, no problem.”

In Mexico, although the gray road is rampant, it has always been observed.

It cannot harm the innocent, and even takes the initiative to maintain local security.

For example, the Bloody Hand Association and the Trunk Gang in front sent out a fire fight of two or three thousand people, which did not cause much impact, nor did it hurt any ordinary people.

Because they also know that they can only make more money if there is a good and prosperous market.

Therefore, on the surface, the army is only 200,000, but the gang has millions of Mexican people, and the security of the country is actually very good.

Many tourist cities are surprisingly safe.

As for the governor in front of him, the chief of staff sounded very powerful, and he was indeed high and high for most people, but Chen Tian didn’t care very much.

Although the bloody hand of more than two thousand people will not be very strong, he can be strong. If you dare to provoke him, it is not impossible to let the Mexi Kingdom change a batch of high-level officials.

Chen Tian’s attitude made the chief of staff frown, and the governor smiled bitterly: “President West, it’s just a normal gang conflict, naturally we don’t need to come forward.” ”

“But the problem now is that the young lady named Edith who will lead the team by the Bloody Hand is a mutant.”

Chen Tian raised his eyebrows: “There are rules in this world that mutants cannot join gangs?” ”


“There really is no such rule.”

The chief of staff said slowly: “But doesn’t President West think that a powerful mutant is a little unfair to those ordinary gang members?” ”

Chen Tian sneered: “Unfair, before that Bronsky from the American military cooperated with the Trunk gang, why didn’t anyone speak when they attacked the Bloody Hand Society?” ”

The chief of staff frowned: “Bronsky is not a mutant. ”

Chen Tian sneered, “Is there a difference? His strength is stronger than most mutants, and he eventually turns into a giant monster and destroys several streets. ”

“Or in other words, the chief of staff thinks that my bloody hands will be easy to bully, and dare not provoke the official people of the United States, but they come to me for trouble with the bloody hands.”

Chen Tian’s words made both of them frown.

Although the battle was fierce that night, under Chen Tian’s lack of deliberate hiding, many people saw the picture of him fighting with Abomination.

Therefore, the governor and the two knew that the young man in front of them had killed the monster with one punch and destroyed the terrifying existence of a street, and they couldn’t help but be very jealous.

In fact, this time it will attract the governor and the chief of staff, mainly because Edith kills too much.

Killing hundreds of people at a time, and in a few days, more than a thousand gang members died at her hands, which has caused a lot of panic in the surrounding cities.

Not only the gang members, but also the local community has had a big impact. But at this moment, Chen Tian’s attitude changed: “But since the governor and the chief of staff have come forward today, I can’t help but give face to the two.” ”

“Well, I’ll make a call later and call Etilace back.”

“At the same time, we also guarantee that in the future, when the Bloody Hand Society clashes with those gangs in surrounding cities, we will try to avoid such a large-scale death and injury situation.”


Chen Tian’s sudden change in attitude made the two stunned.

Speaking of this, Chen Tian’s voice changed: “But I also hope that in the future, when the Bloody Hand will abide by the rules, everyone will abide by the rules, otherwise.” ”

Speaking of this, Chen Tian stopped.

However, although he finished speaking, the two understood what he meant.

The governor immediately breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his face, and assured: “President West rest assured, as long as it is normal ‘commercial’ competition, we will not care.” ”

Chen Tian’s face also showed a smile: “Don’t worry, we Vosd Group has always abided by the principle of healthy competition when doing business. ”

“To think that there is only a prosperous, stable market is good for everyone.”

“Hahahaha……… West will be young for a long time. ”

Then the two sides exchanged business blows, and then the two resigned and left.

In fact, a bloody meeting of two or three thousand people is not enough to make a governor, the chief of staff of the military region, care so much, and the two attach importance to Chen Tian.

As the high-level of the Mexi Kingdom, they are naturally no strangers to mutants, and they also understand that the mutant in front of them is not only powerful, but also has the identity of the X-Men.

After the two left with their subordinates, Chen Tian called Edith and asked her to come back.

On the dim earth, Chen Tian appeared out of thin air.

After completely completing the transformation of the superhuman body, Chen Tian focused on studying the genes in the body, and he did not enter the virtual battlefield for a long time.

At this time, after the preliminary production of the battle suit was completed, Chen Tian came here again.

Without nonsense, Chen Tian directly chose the hard mode, and in an instant, two wooden middle-aged men appeared out of thin air, holding this long knife in their hands.


At the moment when Chen Tian chose to start, two transparent sword qi that were ten meters long tore through the sky.

Before the sword qi fell, the earth was torn into a narrow crack, and the momentum was terrifying.

The characters in the virtual battlefield are the same as Chen Tian, which is equivalent to saying that when Chen Tian’s grip strength reaches 10,000 tons, the opponent’s physical strength also reaches 10,000 tons.

Therefore, compared to before, the strength of the two middle-aged people at this time has also skyrocketed hundreds of times, and they are earth-shattering as soon as they make a move.


Facing the sword of the two, Chen Tian’s figure, who was already familiar with the other party’s fighting methods, flashed, and instantly slammed a punch left and right on the side of the knife light.


Under the power of domineering condensation, the two solid knife qi formed by the compressed air completely concussed instantly collapsed.

In an instant, three invisible figures battled, and the earth shattered and the void shook, filled with piercing whistles and violent winds.

Because the speed is too fast, the two sides will exchange hundreds of moves in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Chen Tian’s eyes showed a fierce color, and in the moment he flashed the right side, he slashed with his left shoulder hard left side.


The moment the long knife landed on Chen Tian’s shoulder, the terrifying shock power condensed on the blade erupted, and even the steel body was torn into a huge opening.

But at the same time, that knife was also owned by Chen Tian’s musculoskeletal card, and the fist containing terrifying power instantly exploded into the air and crashed into the middle-aged man’s chest.


Under the power of domineering terror, that middle-aged man exploded instantly. Airplanes!

At this moment, a stream of incomplete sword technique information poured into Chen Tian’s mind, and at the same time, a special force formed out of thin air in his body.

As he expected, when killing a middle-aged man, he will get a part of the special knife technique, no… It should be a legacy of strength.

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