Chapter 108 Quicksilver, North Star, Mysterious Gift!!

Just when Chen Tian was firmly on the course of his life, far away in Africa, there was still a mutant capital that was about to be established in more than a week.

In the conference room of the building, Magneto is meeting with more than twenty people to discuss some laws of the mutant country.

Among these people are mutants, as well as ordinary people who are knowledgeable.

After all, although the mutant ability is weird and powerful, it does not mean that he will deal with state affairs.

Even if the country is small, there are many things in a day.

It was an hour, and after the meeting, Magneto, who returned to the office, rubbed his brows.

When the nation was announced, it was a refreshing feeling, but now Magneto finds himself thinking too simply.

During this time, he was either dealing with things, or on the way to deal with things, from national laws to conflicts and fights of some mutants.

At this critical moment, everything needs to be done by himself. At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Magneto said in a deep voice, “Come in.” ”

The office door opened and three mutants walked in.

One of them is a nocturnal girl who participated in the battle of Alcatraz, and the other is a young man with silver hair and a lazy look.

The last one was a girl with long green hair who looked fourteen or fifteen years old, but looked cold.

The nocturnal girl said respectfully: “Speaker, you called us, come here, I don’t know what happened?” ”

The mutant state established by Magneto follows a Western parliamentary system, with ninety-six ordinary members and twelve council members working together to handle state affairs.

He was the first president of the parliament, and Jean was one of the council members.

Magneto looked at the night stalker, Quicksilver, and his daughter Lorna who had just been brought back, and slowly said: “There is still more than a week, which is the founding day of the mutant republic.” ”

“I’m going to ask you to invite some important people to the event.”

Quicksilver was a little confused: “Uh……… Are you sure I’m up to the task? ”

As a mutant who is so fast that people lose their sense of time, although Quicksilver has a special and powerful ability, it has a weak presence in the mutant world.

Because he is very homely, or in his eyes the people around him are too slow.

This slowness is not only in speed, but also in thinking, so he seems out of place with his surroundings, preferring to stay at home alone to play games and surf the Internet.

At the same time, Quicksilver has experienced a lot over the years, such as joining the Brotherhood of Mutants in the early days, and later falling out with Magneto.

Then, three years ago, in order to stop Stryker’s mutant extinction plan, he rescued Magneto, who was being held under the White House.

Briefly became an X-Men and left.

Then Magneto, who was recently established as a mutant country, knew the reason and the future righteousness of the mutant, and brought him back.

Of course, he would be here, and one reason was that this Magneto was his father, although neither party admitted it on the surface.

Magneto said calmly: “Among the characters invited this time is Charles, and there is an X-Men in the country of Mexico, West. ”

“As a former X-Men, your identity is very suitable, and it just so happens that you are also very familiar with Charles.”


As soon as Magneto finished speaking, the night walker’s face changed slightly, revealing jealousy.

Noticing the change in Nightcrawler’s expression, and Magneto actually wanted to invite him alone, Quicksilver couldn’t help but be a little interested: “X-Men West? Haven’t heard of it. ”

“Why, is this person powerful?”

Magneto said slowly: “It’s normal that you haven’t heard, this person just became an X-Men not long ago, and then two days ago, his identity became a detached state.” ”

“As for strength, speed is the same as you, very fast.”

Suddenly Kuaiyin’s eyes lit up: “He, like me, is also a speed mutant?” ”

Magneto shook his head slightly: “No, although he is as fast as you, his strength is also very strong, his defense is amazing, and he is a powerful mutant without weaknesses.” ”

Recalling the battle of Alcatraz Island, the power that Chen Tian displayed shocked Magneto.

What shocked him was not the strength of West.

After all, in terms of pure destructive power, Chen Tian’s performance at that time was not very conspicuous, far less than the qin that destroyed an island.

What shocked Magneto was that West had no weaknesses. As a mutant who has been famous for decades, he is powerful, right?

He can control all metal substances within a certain range, and even the missiles that fly over can be thrown back, leaving humans helpless against him.

Quicksilver is so fast that bullets can’t catch up, so fast that people lose their concept of time.

But both he and Quicksilver have weaknesses, such as a body that is only stronger than ordinary people, and a bullet can kill them if they don’t dodge.

But West is different, even if he does not dodge, does not use his ability, standing there can ignore conventional weapons.

And many times, the foundation determines the upper limit.

How much water can be held in a barrel depends on the board with the shortest barrel.

Especially secretly, he learned from Professor X that West’s body strength and strength are still increasing at an alarming rate, and the upper limit has not yet been found.

This kind of strength, this potential, and the other party’s similar philosophy to him naturally made Magneto attach great importance to West, and even appreciate it.

“So powerful.”

Quicksilver became interested in the mutant.

Quicksilver had no opinion, but the green-haired girl frowned: “What does this kind of thing have to do with me?” Why did I go along. ”

Looking at the green-haired girl, Magneto said calmly: “In this world, the circle of mutants can be big, small, or small. ”

“If you don’t have the ability to awaken mutants, then you can live as you want.”

“But unfortunately, when you awaken the mutant ability, and the identity is my daughter, some things cannot be avoided.”

“For example, being noticed by various forces.”

“Let you follow this time, the purpose is to let you get acquainted with some of the strong among the mutants.”

“Maybe this meeting will help you at a critical moment in the future.”

Speaking of this, Magneto slowly: “Of course, if you are not willing to bear the responsibility of this identity, you can also.” ”

“But from now on, I will not admit that you are my daughter.”


Hearing this threat from Magneto, the green-haired girl’s face showed anger and looked fiercely at this ‘father’ who had never seen each other since birth.

Only in the end, the angry girl gasped and still did not say some cruel words to her mouth.

Seeing this, a complicated look flashed in Magneto’s eyes.

He can be said to have experienced ups and downs in his life, and he has had many children, such as Quicksilver and Wanda, such as the green-haired girl Lorna in front of him.

And his first daughter, because of his identity, died in front of him at a very young age.

Therefore, over the years, Magneto will not want to recognize these sons and daughters until it is a last resort.

If it weren’t for Lorna’s awakening of mutant abilities some time ago, her hair would suddenly turn green.

At the same time, after Jean joined, he had the confidence to establish a country, gathered countless mutants, and announced the establishment of a mutant country in this remote place of Africa.

That’s why he came to the door and brought Lorna back, along with Quicksilver.

The next afternoon, a convoy of several limousines drove through a special passage into the boarding airport of the Portute City Airport.

The doors of the three cars in front and behind opened, and more than a dozen bodyguards in black suits came down.

One of them came to the second extended Rolls-Royce, respectfully opened the door, and Chen Tian inside got out of the car with a calm expression.

Today, he is wearing a black casual clothes that look ordinary, but are actually exquisitely made, which sets him off tall and handsome.

And just as Chen Tian came down, the more than ten bodyguards who came down before and after all looked at him with fanatical admiration.

In the eyes of these Bloody Hand Society’s men, their leader is an invincible god who single-handedly destroyed the Trunk Gang, which had been fighting for many years.

At this time, the Bloody Hand Society was already the largest in Bochut City, and even became famous on the entire Mexi National Highway.

In fact, Chen Tian didn’t want to take these bodyguards when he went out, but the old housekeeper didn’t agree. said that as the president of the Blood Hand Society, he can’t be small when he goes out, otherwise he will be laughed at by others, and Chen Tian, who can’t beat him, is too lazy to insist.

After Chen Tian came down, it was Etilace, who was wearing a red long dress and had a beautiful face.

Looking at the sky, Edithé wondered: “Darling, isn’t the plane still a while away, what are we doing so early?” ”

Chen Tian said lightly: “Teacher Jacode, they are guests, we, as students, are inviting others to help, of course, we must welcome them early.” ”

Although his strength was getting stronger and stronger now, ordinary people were as fragile as ants in his eyes, but Chen Tian did not feel that he was very remarkable.

Although he is indeed cowhide, the basic etiquette of being a man is still necessary. His indifference is only to the enemy.

Chen Tian smiled and said, “Okay, wait a minute, if you feel bored, you can go to the car and sit.” ”

The red-haired girl held her hands behind her back and blinked: “As long as Darling is there, I won’t be bored.” ”

“As you wish.”

Chen Tian smiled and didn’t say anything more.

In the past two days, Chen Tian had a very leisurely life, and the affairs of the gang were handed over to the housekeeper to handle, so no one came to disturb him or cause trouble.

And the strength has also skyrocketed in the past two days, the grip strength has increased to more than 7,000 tons, and the fist power has skyrocketed to 50,000, becoming more and more terrifying.

Half an hour later, a special plane landed slowly and finally stopped not far from Chen Tian’s people.

The hatch opened, the bridge was bridged, and five middle-aged people of different ages got down from the plane, and seeing this, Chen Tian showed a smile on his face and greeted him.

“Teacher Jaqde, Teacher Talus……… Everyone is welcome. ”

The middle-aged white man at the head looked at Chen Tian, and then at the convoy and bodyguards behind him, and couldn’t help but sigh: “West, I haven’t seen you for a few days, I feel that your momentum is different.” ”

“Where, the teacher praised.”

After the pleasantries, Chen Tian said, “Jaqde, and the teachers, let’s get in the car first and talk later.” ”

“Wait a minute, West, the headmaster has another gift for us to bring you.”


Chen Tian was a little surprised.

I saw the hatch under the plane open, and the two staff members pushed out a narrow box with some difficulty, and then slowly hoisted the box out through the crane that drove over.

A box that is one meter and five meters long, half a meter wide and half a meter high actually uses a crane. In addition, X-rays can’t see through what’s inside.

Suddenly Chen Tian became interested.

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