Chapter 96 Intercept Chen Tian and Devour Life!!

Around noon.

In the building base full of armed men with guns, in the hall, the burly, fierce-looking Trunk shirtless, sitting on the sofa.

As the leader of one of the two largest forces in the city of Bochut, Trunk can be said to be a life and death for those ordinary people.

Only at this time, Trunk had a smile on his face and looked at the middle-aged man leaning on the sofa on the left: “Mr. Bronsky, the person you are looking for, I have found it.” ”


Bronski, who looked grim, raised his eyebrows.

Bronsky, a special commando who has served the force for more than two decades, is a strong and has been on a mission to capture the Hulk all these years.

During the initial first capture mission, he was seriously injured and dying by the transformed Hulk.

Finally, in order to heal the body and obtain more powerful power, he agreed to inject the superhuman serum developed in the new super soldier plan.

And the result is gratifying, he not only successfully fused the serum, his body recovered, and he had ten times the physical fitness of ordinary people.

Whether it is strength or agility, he is far stronger than he was once an ordinary person.

Therefore, in the next few actions to capture the Hulk, he was more active, wanting the monster to test how powerful he was now.

Naturally, he who had not seen the true power was kicked by the Hulk again, and most of the bones in his body were broken, and he was seriously injured and hammered to death.

In this case, he applied to the mission leader, General Ross, to inject a second super serum.

Under the second injection, he once again succeeded in fusing the serum, and his body evolved, gaining twenty times the physique, strength, and agility of ordinary people.

At the same time, because of the influence of serum power, he has become more conceited, tyrannical, and full of desire for power.

Hearing Tronk’s words at this time, Bronsky raised his eyebrows, looked at him sharply, and said in a deep voice: “Where?” ”

Trunk beckoned, and suddenly one of his subordinates came over respectfully and handed Bronsky a piece of information.

As Bronsky flipped through the information, Trunk smiled and introduced: “My man not only found the target named Banner, but also found his purpose. ”

“This man came with a woman and a man from a whirlwind, named Samuel. Stern meets with Dr. Stern. ”

“This Dr. Stern, who originally lived in New York, came to Portute a month ago to work with Calori Pharmaceuticals on a new type of agent.”

“So it is, no wonder.”

Bronsky looked at the information in his hand about Banner’s residence, activity trajectory and other information after coming to Portute City, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Originally, under his tracking, Banner booked a plane to New York more than a week ago, but who knew that he suddenly turned around halfway and flew to Mexico.

Then the loss of track caught him off guard.

It turned out that it was because the Mr. Lan who contacted him was in the country of Mexico.

“Very good, Trunk, it is indeed a very good choice to cooperate with you.”

Bronsky showed a sneer on his face and closed the information.

Seeing that Bronsky was about to get up and leave, Trunk hurriedly said: “Mr. Bronsky, you are so powerful, I don’t know if you are interested in mutants.” ”


Bronsky’s eyes narrowed.

“Yes, mutants.”

Trunk smiled and nodded: “Four days ago, after Mr. helped kill the patriarch of the Chen family, the housekeeper of the Chen family left overnight and went to New York. ”

“According to the information that person told me, this afternoon, the only surviving concubine of the Chen family will return and inherit the Chen family.”

“Although this person is only fifteen years old, he is a mutant, and after awakening his ability two months ago, he was transferred by the Chen family to a school called Xavier.”

Bronsky raised his eyebrows, and said with some interest: “Do you know what he showed when he awakened his ability at that time?” ”

With the injection of Superman serum, his strength increased, and Bronsky, who followed General Ross, also came into contact with some secrets.

At the same time, he is also a little interested in mutants, and wants to test whether those mutants are powerful, or whether he is stronger now.

Trunk nodded: “You know, I asked people to go to that small town school to ask, it is said that when he awakened, his whole body erupted with airflow, and his power became great.” ”

“Just throwing it casually, I threw a person more than five meters away.”

Bronski asked, “What about the others?” ”

Trunk shook his head: “It’s gone.” ”

Hearing that this was the only one, Bronsky couldn’t help but be a little disappointed: “From the description, it seems that this is just an ordinary Delta-level mutant. ”

“The ability should be a strength enhancement class, the strength is average, you can kill him by finding a few machine gunners.”

Saying that, Bronsky, who had lost interest, stood up and prepared to leave. If the mutant was stronger, like the Hulk, he might be interested.

But just a mutant with more power than ordinary people, he has no interest in killing him, and it is more important to track down the Hulk.

Trunk had some regret: “In that case, I won’t bother Mr. Bronsky.” ”

In this world, there are many mutants, but it is rare to scatter around the world, for example, in the city of Bochut he has not seen a few mutants.

Coupled with some malicious propaganda from the media, it gives these ordinary people the perception that mutants are monsters, each with the power of strange abilities.

For example, in the video circulating on the Internet earlier, the woman who destroyed a mountain with one blow is a mutant.

The horror of power is simply terrifying.

Therefore, when Trunk knew that the butler of the Chen family had retrieved the mutant lineage, he felt like a great enemy and was very dignified.

Therefore, he wanted to borrow Bronsky’s hand to deal with him.

But at this time, after already knowing that the mutant was not very powerful, watching Bronsky leave, Trunk showed a sneer on his face: “It turned out to be so weak, I was worried for a long time.” ”

“Want to come back to me for revenge.”

“Hmph! This time, I will not only eat the Kudo District, but also swallow the entire Bloody Hand Guild. ”

After speaking, Trunk looked at the scar man on the left with a cold gaze: “Go, to the route of the Chen family’s return, I will prepare a big gift for him.” ”

“Yes, boss.”

Driving on the way to the city, the luxurious Rolls-Royce, sitting on the sofa, Chen Tian asked: “Old butler, you have already notified down, right?” ”

The housekeeper nodded: “Young Master, according to your request, the heads of several major families have been notified for a meeting.” ”

Speaking of this, the old man hesitated a little and persuaded again.

“Young Master, you just came back and are not familiar with those family leaders, so you held a meeting, will it be a little hasty?”

“In a hurry?”

Chen Tian said lightly: “A group of ordinary people, in your opinion, they may be very powerful, but in my eyes they are just a group of ants.” ”

“I still have a lot to do this time back, and I don’t have time to play games with these people.”

Looking at the black-haired boy with a strong attitude, the old man who knew that he could not convince him couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

Beside Chen Tian, Edith was curiously looking at the scenery outside the window, and nodded in agreement when she heard him say that those ordinary people were just ants.

For her or Chen Tian, ordinary people are indeed no different from ants, and they can be killed at will.

It’s just that George, who was tasting the wine opposite, was stunned, I don’t know what is the situation of this cousin, and the tone is so big?

At this time, the convoy was already approaching the city and was about to turn right at the intersection in front and enter the road to the west of the city.

But at this moment, Chen Tian said lightly: “Butler, inform the convoy, stop after turning right in front.” ”

“Young Master, what’s wrong?”

The old butler was stunned.

“Fifty meters into that road, there was an ambush in the woods on the left.”


The housekeeper was startled, a little surprised.

Because at this time, they were still hundreds of meters away from the intersection, not to mention that there was still some distance after entering the highway, how did Chen Tian know that someone was in ambush?

However, although he was shocked in his heart, the old housekeeper still said in a deep voice: “Heard no, the young master said that there was an ambush behind the intersection in front, and immediately notified the convoy.” ”


The driver picked up the walkie-talkie in amazement.

“Head, the young master said that fifty meters after the intersection ahead, there is an ambush in the woods on the left.”


On the armored car at the front, Stototle looked frozen and said in a deep voice: “Ask the young master, do we change the route and go back first, or kill them?” ”

Although Stottotle didn’t know how Chen Tian knew that there was an ambush, he didn’t question it, but asked for advice.

Inside the intercom, the driver’s voice came: “The young master said to drive according to the original route, but stopped at the intersection after turning a corner.” ”


Stodotus, who thought that Chen Tian was ready to strike first, replied in a deep voice, and then informed everyone on the intercom, especially the machine gunner on the armored vehicle.

At the same time, against armored vehicles, the rockets of the car also remained fired at any time. Squeak!!

Under Chen Tian’s order, the convoy suddenly stopped after turning a corner and entering the intersection.

Inside the car, Chen Tian looked at Edith and smiled: “Edith, do you want to move?” ”

Edith was excited: “Darling, can I make a move?” ”

Chen Tian nodded: “I brought you here, just to prepare you to kill, let’s go, get off the car.” ”

Saying that, Chen Tian opened the car door and walked down, and suddenly Edith Lace excitedly grabbed her long knife and followed her out of the car.

Seeing this, the old butler and George looked at each other and followed.

At the same time, the doors of the other commercial vehicles in the convoy opened, and those dressed in combat uniforms, armed with submachine guns, and riflemen all got out of the vehicle to rely on the vehicle to guard.

On the armored car in front, Stottod, who was also wearing combat clothes and holding AK47, walked over quickly and said with a solemn expression: “Young Master, why did you come down?” ”

“Come down and kill, of course.”

Chen Tian said lightly: “Next, you will defend in place, as for those enemies in ambush in front, leave it to me, I am ready to warm up in advance.” ”


Stottous, the old butler, George they were all stunned.

“Why, worry about my safety.”

Chen Tian glanced at them, and in an instant his palm moved slightly, and the pistol pinned to Stotoid’s waist appeared in his hand.

Then, before they could react, they opened the safety and shot it into the palm of their left hand.


The sudden sound of gunfire startled everyone, and subconsciously almost pulled the trigger and quickly looked around.

In the middle of the team, Stottotle and George opened their mouths and looked at the deformed bullet in Chen Tian’s left palm in shock.

Casually giving the gun to Stottod, Chen Tian said lightly: “Don’t worry, these weapons have no threat to me.” ”

“Next, just watch.”

After that, Chen Tian took Edith Lace and walked forward. He was ready to see Etilace’s ability to devour life force.

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