Chapter 89 Soul Stripping, Unescapable Destiny!!

The sudden departure of Storm Girl and Scott attracted Chen Tian’s attention, and he couldn’t help but turn his head slightly and look in the direction of the school gate.

“Is it the professor…”

Chen Tian’s eyes were thoughtful.

The current situation could alarm Storm Girl and Laser Eye at once, and Chen Tian felt that there would be nothing else except that it was about Professor X.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Chen Tian’s face.

Although I don’t know how Professor X completed the transfer of consciousness in that situation, these are not problems, just come to life.

Next, with Magneto and Jean attracting attention outside, and returning Professor X in the school, he can ignore everything and concentrate on research.

Thinking of this, Chen Tian stood up and attracted the attention of Clarice on the opposite side.

Looking at the girl who looked up at her, Chen Tian smiled slightly, reached out and touched her hair: “You are reading here, I went to find the logistics teacher for something.” ”


The girl nodded obediently.

Coming to the logistics department of the school, Chen Tian found the person in charge and said with a smile: “Mr. Salter, good afternoon.” ”

Salter is a middle-aged white man, obese, and also mutant, but his ability is fat, or fat.

However, although Salter is not very strong, because he has the appearance of a normal person, he is responsible for the logistics of the school.

They are responsible for going to the city to buy food, office supplies, student clothes, etc.

Seeing that it was Chen Tian, Salter suddenly showed a bright smile on his face, and said with a smile: “West, is there anything I need to buy?” ”

The drawing board brush that Chen Tian bought earlier was looking for him.

And because of what happened during this time, Chen Tian already had a great reputation in Xavier School.

Of course, the average mutant student is because he is an X-Men and a Dragon Ball author, and these school administrators know better.

Chen Tian smiled and said, “Yes, I want to buy a new notebook, the previous one was broken.” ”

“No problem, I’ll bring it back to you tomorrow when I go to the city, I don’t know what brand you want?”

The logistics supervisor answered with a full mouth.

“Then trouble Mr. Sylter, just buy the alien X with the highest configuration on the market, the price is not a problem.”

“Also, help me buy a set of electronic drawing boards.”


In the next research plan for X gene, Chen Tian needs to use a computer to cooperate, and is ready to weave a set of software aids for this purpose.

So he went back to the library and looked for a dozen books on software programming, and the sound of flipping through the pages attracted the attention of the mutant students around him.

West started again. The mutant students withdrew their gazes and didn’t care.

This kind of situation, they have been accustomed to this time and know that West has a hobby of flipping books.

At noon the next day, Chen Tian got the notebook, so he did not go to the library again, but went to the lawn outside the dormitory building and found a big tree to sit down.

With his back against the tree trunk and feeling the warm feeling of the sun on his body, Chen Tian opened his notebook and did a primary cleaning first.

Then, his hands crackled on the computer. Because the speed is too fast, the ten fingers are like phantoms and cannot be seen.

Chen Tian is ready to weave an intelligent software that integrates recording, storage, scanning, data comparison, big data deduction, and independent analysis of data.

It is mainly used for him to record the changes of the X gene every day, analyze and compare the changes every day, and the next genetic test data.

Just as Chen Tian began to build the software framework, a car left Westchester City and drove towards the school.

In the driver’s seat sat the smiling Storm Girl, in the passenger seat was Scott, and in the back seat was the mild-looking Professor X.


Under the big tree, Chen Tianyi, who had been busy for half an hour, knocked back into the car with a satisfied smile on his face.

Of course, the current analysis software has only completed the framework, the function is not so powerful, and it will take Chen Tian to spend time constantly filling in the future.

After the software was written, Chen Tian linked the electronic drawing board to the notebook, groaned slightly, and quickly drew on the drawing board with the hand holding the electronic pen.

At the same time, on the notebook’s drawing software, an oval-shaped pattern is perfected at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the interior is very colorful.

It is a cross-section of an X gene cell attached to the arm muscle in Chen Tian’s body.

A minute later, Chen Tian, who had drawn a picture, clicked Save, and then a second picture After Chen Tian’s observation, there were more than 170 kinds of X gene cells in his body, scattered throughout the body.

Although they are all X gene cells, their functions are different, so Chen Tian is ready to draw all X cells first, and then observe and compare the corresponding changes.

And then comes the second step, human experimentation.

And the more he observed, the more Chen Tian discovered the greatness of life, and was mysteriously attracted by the complex cells, chromosomes, DNA and genes in his body.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Tian had drawn more than ten cell profiles.

At this moment, Chen Tian’s eyes moved slightly, and then the beautiful figure of the phantom cat appeared not far away, and some excited trotted over.


“What’s wrong, Katie?”

Looking at the girl who looked excited, Chen Tian had already guessed what was going on.

Phantom Cat said a little excitedly: “Just now, Teacher Orolo called me and asked me to inform everyone to go to the school gate, and the professor is back.” ”

A smile appeared on Chen Tian’s face: “Sure enough, yesterday Teacher Orolo and the two of them suddenly went out, and I knew that the professor was coming back.” ”

“Let’s go.”

Saying that, Chen Tian packed up his notebook, drew the board, and stood up.

When Chen Tian and the two left, all the mutant students in the school looked excited and ran towards the school gate.

Halfway through, Chen Tian met Clarisse, who ran over from the library.

When the three arrived at the school gate, they saw that it was already crowded, not only students, but the entire academy.

“Are you telling the truth that the professor is not dead?”

One student was still a little incredulous.

“It must be true, Mr. Orolo personally called back.”

“I knew that the professor couldn’t die so simply.”

“He’s the strongest telepathic in the world.”

While those people were excited, Chen Tian stood on the steps behind everyone, his eyes looking at the end of the horizon.

In his eyes, on the road more than a thousand meters away, a car was driving towards the school, with Aurolo and Scott in front and the familiar figure sitting in the back seat.

And just when Chen Tian’s gaze fell on Professor X, the old man’s eyes smiled gently at him, and then the voice sounded in his heart: “West, long time no see.” ”

Hearing this, Chen Tian also showed a smile on his face, and his spirit fluctuated: “Professor, welcome back.” ”

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, the black car slowly stopped at the door, and then the door opened, and Laser Eye and Storm Girl came down first.

And when Scott was seen pushing a wheelchair and lifting Professor X out of the car, all the students cheered and rushed up.


“Whew……… Professor, you’re really back. ”

“Professor Professor, I miss you so much.”

For a while, Professor X was surrounded by three groups of mutant students and three groups outside, excitedly saying that they missed the professor.

As for Phantom Cat, Steel, Hank, and the X-Men, they stood outside the crowd with a smile.

Among the people, only Chen Tian’s gaze was a little strange.

Looking at Professor X, who was still in a wheelchair, Chen Tian wondered if he had changed his body, why was he still in a wheelchair?

It took more than an hour for Professor X to finish reassuring the students and make the crowd to the conference room.

Sitting in the previous main seat, Professor X’s eyes swept over everyone gently, and he smiled: “I know, there are many doubts in everyone’s hearts that want to ask me.” ”

“Yes, Professor.”

Chen Tian was the first to speak, and said curiously: “Professor, at that time on Alcatraz Island, I saw with my own eyes that you burned all your spiritual power, how………?” ”

Speaking of this, Chen Tian paused for a moment.

“I want to ask me how I didn’t die after burning all the spiritual power, and the consciousness was successfully transferred.”

“Hey, hey…”

Chen Tian smiled, he was really curious about this question.

And it’s not just him, Steel, too.

“The question is simple.”

Professor X smiled slightly and said gently: “Because the power of the mind is the power of the heart, and consciousness is the consciousness, I achieved the separation of consciousness a long time ago.” ”


The others looked dazed.

And Chen Tian’s gaze is a little strange, I obviously said it casually earlier, I didn’t expect you to really be able to separate consciousness.

Professor X explains: “Or you can understand consciousness as the soul, and the power of the mind is the power produced by the soul, another spiritual force. ”

“Although this time I will exercise the spiritual power burning for decades, before that, I have stripped my soul out.”

Of course, the situation is certainly not as simple as Professor X said.

For example, how can he achieve the separation of the soul from the body, and the power of the mind (spirit) is separated from the soul, which is difficult to know as soon as he hears it.

After all, for most people, let alone the soul, even spiritual power cannot be specifically perceived.

At this time, Chen Tian asked the second question: “Professor, now that your consciousness has shifted and changed your body, why do you still use a wheelchair?” ”

Speaking of this, Professor X smiled bitterly: “Because this body has been using drugs to maintain vitality for many years, and invites people to massage the muscles.” ”

“But unfortunately, the reason why I haven’t been active for decades, the nervous system of the lower body has long withered, so…”

Well, what a sad story.

It seems that Professor X is destined to be unable to get rid of the prop of wheelchair. Next, Professor X spoke to everyone again before adjourning. Finally, leave Chen Tian.

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