Chapter 86 Mutant Nation, One Hit Nuclear Explosion!!

After opening the door and seeing Storm Girl, Wolverine, Iceman, Steel Lux and other X-Men coming down, and seemingly unharmed.

Those mutant students all had happy smiles on their faces.

“Teacher, you are finally back.”

“Teacher Aurolo, are you all right?”

“Mr. Logan, did you defeat Magneto this time?”

Just as a group of students gathered in front of the Storm Girl, excitedly asking various questions.

Clarice’s eyes were red, and she looked at Chen Tian, who was pushed down from the car by Katie and was sitting in a wheelchair.

The black-haired girl forced tears and came to Chen Tian, her voice was full of crying: “West, why did you become like this?” Does it hurt? ”

In Claris’s opinion, they all reached the point of being in a wheelchair, and Chen Tian must have been seriously injured.

Maybe like Professor X, his lower limbs are paralyzed, and he will be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, which is so miserable.


Facing the girl’s expression of why are you so miserable, although Chen Tian was helpless, he could only comfort: “Clarice, I’m fine, just a little weak.” ”

With tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, the black-haired girl was a little suspicious: “Really? ”

“Really, you think, when did I lie to you?”

The black-haired girl thought about it and found that it seemed that Chen Tianzhen had not deceived her, so she couldn’t help but let go of her heart, patted her chest with her small hand, and blamed him: “You scared me to death.” ”

Chen Tian smiled.

While the Storm Girl was dealing with school affairs, or something else, Chen Tian was pushed by Clarice and walked around the campus.

Of course, at this time, normal people are squatting in the room to blow the air conditioner, or find a place to cool off, after all, the weather is so hot in the afternoon.

Only Chen Tian, who needs to bask in the sun, will run around at this time.

“It’s still comfortable in the sun.”

In the wheelchair, Chen Tian sighed comfortably.

One by one, day by day, I only know how to fight and kill, what is the meaning, can’t I eat and drink well and enjoy life.

He could clearly feel that with the sunlight, the originally deficient body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a powerful force poured out from all directions.

On Doomsday, Da Chao endured a nuclear bomb explosion and was almost dying in outer space.

Then when exposed to the sun, the whole person recovered at an amazing speed in an instant, and finally returned to the earth with a more powerful posture.

Of course, Chen Tian and Da Chao at this time were incomparable.

At least his body didn’t have the big super strength that had been exposed to sunlight for decades.

But even so, Superman’s terrifying endurance and recovery ability still appeared in him.

“West, are you really all right?”

Behind the wheelchair, Clarice couldn’t help but ask in a low voice again.

Chen Tian smiled slightly, reassuring the black-haired girl: “It’s really okay, Clarice, I’m the strongest, this time it’s just a little prostrate.” ”


Clarice snorted perfunctorily, and even pouted secretly, apparently not believing him this time.

The brunette girl thought to herself, if you are really so powerful, why are you the worst this time?

The other X-Men were jumping alive, and you came back in a wheelchair and almost scared her to death.

Although she didn’t look back, Chen Tian seemed to know what she was thinking, and snorted: “Clarise, don’t believe it, if I hadn’t turned the tide this time, everyone would be miserable.” ”

“Yes, West is the best.”

Just when Chen Tian was pushed by Clarice to bask in the sun, the outside world, with Magneto and his group through several turnarounds, finally arrived in the south of Africa in the evening.

Then the next day, a shocking news spread, along with a video.

I saw Magneto, who was not wearing a helmet, standing on the stage, stretching out his arms and saying loudly.

“Fellow mutants, I’m Eric, and everyone outside calls me Magneto, I think you all have some impressions of me.”

“The night before, I led members of my brothers in attacking Alcatraz Island in San Francisco, once a prison, now Worthington Lab.”

“Our purpose is simple, to take away the experimental subject that has the ability to suppress mutants as the source of the mutant’s antidote.”

“But unfortunately, during the battle, the mutant codenamed Leech was killed by a combat weapon sent by the United States, a robot with mutant abilities.”

“Yes, you heard it right, a robot that can use mutant abilities, and even initially copy the abilities of other mutants.”

“Obviously, this is a killing machine developed by the United States officially for mutants, and from this point, we can see their hypocrisy.”

“Those people used to say that they would not discriminate against mutants, and that mutants had the same rights as ordinary citizens.”

“But secretly, they have been working on weapons against mutants, and they have never wanted to make peace with us.”

“Their goal has always been to destroy us, even us, just like the Indoans in the past.”

“We mutants are also human and perfect humans on the path of evolution.”

“So we have to fight, we can’t just let others slaughter like this.”

“Today, I have great news to announce to you that next May 3rd, I will be in Narnia, South Africa, to establish a country belonging to mutants.”

“Here, no one will question you, discriminate against you, and all mutants are free to walk in the sun.”

Speaking of this, Magneto paused: “Of course, there will definitely be people who are worried about whether our country can be successfully established, and everyone here does not need to worry.” ”

“Because we have the strongest mutant, the piano of the power of the phoenix.”

Saying that, Magneto stretched out his finger into the distance.

Suddenly, the video lens was pulled away, switched to a helicopter lens, and under continuous zooming, you could see Magneto and others located in a plain area.

Under the high platform, thousands of local high-ranking officials and soldiers were crowded.

At the same time, the video footage is switched to four, three of which are located in a deserted plain.

The three shots are divided into two long-range missile launchers, and the red-haired red dress standing in the air, looking indifferent, like the piano of the gods. Grace.

With the camera switching, the two long-range missile launchers slowly stood up.

Then, in the shocked eyes of many people, two long-range missiles eight meters long and two meters thick, almost comparable to intercontinental missiles, roared into the air.

This video showcase, Magneto is obviously fully prepared.

Therefore, when the two long-range missiles were launched, there were constantly screen switches, and the pictures of the missiles crossing the long sky were accurately filmed.

Finally, the missile crossed tens of kilometers and appeared in front of Jean.

In the gaze of countless people, Qin’s expression under the long-shot picture did not change in the slightest, until the missile approached her tens of meters and exploded.


In an instant, two dazzling fires with a diameter of tens of meters will illuminate the evening, and the shock wave generated by the explosion will scatter the clouds at a height of thousands of meters.

Even the earth below shook under the explosion, the air waves rolled, the smoke and dust were everywhere, and the four video pictures were shaking, and the momentum was amazing.

This is the weapon of war of modern civilization, which is terrifyingly powerful.

But at this moment, the explosion fire in the picture suddenly condensed, and then shrunk under the shocked gazes of countless people, revealing the unscathed piano.

In her hand, she was holding a dazzling ball of light, which was the energy generated by the explosion of the two missiles.

At this moment, so everyone who saw the video was all lost in concentration.

It not only ignores the bombing of high-powered missiles, but even binds and compresses the energy of missile explosions.

Finally, in the hands of the piano, it turned into a beam of light entangled by red power and fell on a hill several kilometers away………


In an instant, the sky fell apart.

It was like the light of a nuclear explosion rising on the ground, and in an instant the three pictures in the video disappeared, only the aerial view of the helicopter on the heads of Magneto and others.

I saw the end of the earth in the distance, the dazzling light illuminated the sky, and the vibration of the earth could be felt from afar.

And billowing smoke.

This was followed by more than ten minutes of quiet time.

Then in the video, a picture is restored and becomes a vast end, where the hill that was originally more than 100 meters high has disappeared.

The place was a deep pit hundreds of meters in diameter, and the surrounding area of several kilometers was shattered, and the land was scraped off by the terrifying force.

Such a terrifying destructive power, after excluding ultra-high temperature shock waves and radiation, is almost comparable to a million-yield nuclear explosion.

This……… Is it the power that people can have?

Such a shocking picture made those who saw the video ignore what Magneto said behind, and their hearts were immersed in the power that destroyed everything.

Such a big thing, the X-Men naturally saw it.

It’s just that compared to the official United States and other countries, as well as the shock of those mutants around the world, the Storm Girl’s reaction is somewhat flat.

Even when the White House asked the X-Men to send a representative to discuss Magneto, it explicitly refused.

And said that unless the US official explains the Sentinel’s affairs, the X-Men will no longer be involved in the affairs of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

For this matter, the official explanation of the United States is that they do not know about the sentinels, and that those military companies study it privately.

The Storm Woman naturally did not believe this.

The disturbances from the outside world had no effect on Chen Tian. On the morning of the third day back, the sun was shining.

Chen Tian sat by the window of the library, basking in the sun while quickly flipping through the biology book in his hand.

Next to him, there was a pile of books on biology and genes.

A few days passed, and Chen Tian’s strength was still improving under the sunlight, although because of the injury, the improvement was a little slower.

But the fist power still reached the terrifying point of a thousand tons.

This is still because of the injury, and after a few days of recovery from the injury, the speed of strength improvement will skyrocket.

And not only the power, but also other aspects are improving, such as the power of heat rays has also become stronger, and the biological force field and so on.

However, compared to these, another unexpected gain surprised Chen Tian even more.

After the battle of Alcatraz Island, his spiritual power seemed to be affected by the sublimation of that momentary power, and he could achieve the ultimate state of penetrating deep into the inside of the cell.

This change made him very excited.

Because what he has always wanted is to go deep into cells, observe the evolution of Kryptonian cells in sunlight, and the special mysteries of X gene cells.

If he can master it, he will eventually affect these cell genes, and maybe he can modify the genes as needed to obtain any ability he wants.

Just when Chen Tian was immersed in the microscopic world of the body, watching the changes in the tissues in the cells and analyzing the information.

At the same time, in the underground base, on the hospital bed, Scott’s eyelids, who had been in a coma for more than a week, moved slightly.

Slowly open your eyes.

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