Chapter 71 Child Bride, the excitement of the storm girl!!

On this day, Magneto’s statement was seen by countless people, including Chen Tian and others. In the evening, the X-Men, who had just finished eating, gathered again and sat in the office in the morning.


The storm girl turned off the TV, looked back at Chen Tian Phantom Cat and the others, and said calmly: “What do you think about this?” ”

Wolverine clasped his hands to his chest, leaned against the wall, and said in a deep voice: “He is declaring war on the official United States, and the official will not tolerate his provocation.” ”

The phantom cat was a little worried: “In this case, wouldn’t many mutants die.” ”

Chen Tian shook his head slightly: “It’s not a question of how many people have died, the potion has already involved a fight between two races, mutants, and humans.” ”

“In just half a day, more than a dozen cities were attacked, planned and organized.”

“It seems that the power in the hands of Magneto is stronger than expected.”

Chen Tian said calmly.

But it’s normal to think about it, if Professor X is the spiritual pillar of the mutant pacifist, Magneto is the leader of the resistance.

Not only is he very strong, but he has also mastered the Hellfire Club, plus the mutant brotherhood under him, and it is normal that the force is very strong.

This Magneto is not alone in the movie.

If it weren’t for this, after the war with Stryker a few years ago, he would not have been able to hide under the search of American officials and X-Men for three years without being found.

Even Magneto’s secret power is beyond imagination. Because behind him stood countless mutants.

Among these people are not only mutants who rebel against humans, but also invisible mutants who have not revealed their identities and occupy a certain social status and wealth.

Although they can’t come forward, it’s okay to provide Magneto with some money, resources, information.

As for the purpose of doing so, it is nothing more than leaving a way for yourself. Maybe one of these people is Professor X.

Just as Chen Tian’s mind was spinning with countless thoughts and analyzing countless information through today’s events, Wolverine and the others had differences of opinion.

“I think we should step in and stop them.”

Wolverine said in a deep voice: “If you continue to let Eric continue to make trouble like this, maybe a full-scale war between mutants and humans will break out, and the consequences are unimaginable.” ”

“How to stop it? We don’t even know where they are. ”

Saying that, the storm girl glanced at the phantom cat and the iceman, and her tone was low: “And now that Jean has also joined over there, plus the strength of Magneto and his subordinates.” ”

“Do you think we are the opponents of the Brotherhood now? Or ready to sacrifice some more companions? ”

Storm Girl’s words made Wolverine’s brows frown.

Now that Scott is seriously injured and unconscious, Professor X is dead, and the strength of the X-Men can be said to have been hit hard.

Even with Chen Tian’s joining, it was weaker than before.

This strength, if it is against the current Brotherhood of Mutants, can be said to have no chance of victory.

At present, it is known that the strongest on the opposite side is Magneto, Qin, followed by the mutant red tank that is going head-to-head with Chen Tian in terms of strength.

There are also arc rays that emit powerful shock wave attacks, the Night Stalker who suppresses the Storm Girl at close range, and John the Burning Man, more than a hundred ordinary mutants.

At present, the X-Men are only him, Stormgirl, West, Katie, Poppy, and Peter.

In terms of comprehensive strength, it is indeed not an opponent, and Wolverine couldn’t help but be silent for a while. At this time, Steel Lux Peter said in a deep voice: “But in the face of the chaos involving mutants, the X-Men have the responsibility to suppress the arrest, otherwise it is difficult to explain.” ”

“Senior Logan is right.”

Chen Tian nodded unexpectedly in agreement.

Seeing this, everyone couldn’t help but look at him, and his performance this morning made people dare not treat him as a fifteen-year-old boy.

Chen Tian smiled and said, “We X-Men do have the obligation and responsibility to fight these criminal mutants, especially the mutant brotherhood that makes trouble. ”


Chen Tian’s voice changed: “But now the death of the professor makes it impossible for us to accurately and quickly find those mutants, plus Mr. Scott’s serious injury and strength are greatly damaged.” ”

“So we need time to reconcile, and if the official finds a teacher, you can use this to deal with them.”

“As for the matter of the Brotherhood of Mutants, I think it can be put aside for the time being to calm down.”

“Until you understand their main purpose, there is no need to clash with them to avoid dispersing forces and causing more losses.”

Chen Tian’s words made the storm girl nod slightly, more in approval.

At this time, Chen Tian really didn’t want to risk going to the trouble of Magneto, he had just completely completed the transformation of Superman, and his strength was in an explosive period.

One more day, his strength will improve a lot.

For example, now, after only half a day, his grip strength has increased from 52 tons to 75 tons, and his fist strength has skyrocketed to 400.

One day’s growth is equivalent to the past week, and the rate of improvement is simply terrible, and it is just the beginning.

This is the growth rate that Superman should have.

In fact, there is no specific standard for whether the growth rate of superman is fast or slow.

For example, the original Superman came to Earth, when he was a child, he had a lot of strength, but it was not to an exaggerated point, and his strength was not very strong after living for more than twenty years.

Later, Zod and others came to Earth, and as soon as the sun shone, their strength improved.

At this time, Peter Steel, who had been silent, slowly said: “West is right, now we really can’t make a mess.” ”

He thought of the conversation between Chen Tian and Hank in the morning.

Obviously, there are words, and it seems that the situation at the school is not as peaceful as it seems. Katie raised her hand: “I’ll go with everyone.” ”

The iceman nodded: “Static braking, it is indeed a good choice.” ”

Seeing this, although Wolverine’s brows frowned slightly, he did not say anything more.

“Teacher Aurolo, wait a minute.”

After the meeting, Chen Tian caught up with Storm Girl in the corridor.

The storm girl looked at him suspiciously: “West, do you have something to find me?” ”

Chen Tian nodded and asked, “I heard the professor once mention that he has a younger brother, but he has been in a vegetative state since he was a child, so he has been asking someone to take care of him. ”

The Wind Blaster thought for a while: “There is such a thing. ”

“That teacher, do you know where this younger brother of the professor is?”

“This……… Not very clear. ”

Storm thought carefully, then shook her head.

She had only heard the professor mention it casually once before.

But where the professor’s brother was, he didn’t say specifically, so Storm really didn’t know where the professor’s brother was.

“This way.”

Chen Tian was a little disappointed, he originally said to go and see the vegetative person to see if he could find some traces of Professor X’s consciousness transfer.

The storm girl also reacted at this time, looking at Chen Tian’s eyes with surprise: “West, what do you mean by suddenly asking this?” ”

“Do you mean…”

The storm girl grew her mouth, and her face showed disbelief.


Chen Tianbi cleaned up in a low voice, his gaze swept around, and said in a low voice: “Teacher Aurolo, do you remember the consciousness transfer that the professor once mentioned.” ”

Storm Girl nodded sharply with some excitement.

Chen Tian continued, “So I think that with the professor’s research on spiritual power, even if the physical body is destroyed, the consciousness will not necessarily dissipate. ”

“Maybe at the last moment, you will choose to leave the body and resurrect it through transfer.”

“And the most suitable object is…”

At this point, Chen Tian did not continue to speak, but the storm girl had already understood what he meant, and the whole person’s excited body trembled a little.

“Teacher Orolo, Teacher Aurolo…”

“Ah, oh, West, what else?”

The Storm Girl came back to her senses, and her eyes were full of excitement at this time.

Chen Tian reminded: “This matter is just my speculation, just a glimmer of possibility. ”

“And to be on the safe side, don’t let people know about it as much as possible, after all, not everyone wants the professor to come alive.”

“West, I understand what you mean, don’t worry, only you know about this.”

The Storm Girl nodded, her eyes firm.

At this time, the storm girl recalled the bits and pieces of the past, and she was more and more sure of Chen Tian’s guess.

Seeing the storm girl who had become much more energetic leave, Chen Tian stood in place. After thinking about it, he also turned around and walked towards the student dormitory building.

He had just approached Storm Girl, one to see if he could get some news from her, and another purpose was to give her a cheerful hope.

As the current principal of the school, she can’t be out of proportion.

As for the conversation just now, Chen Tian could guarantee that no one could hear it, or discover it through his ability.

Because just now he has put the five senses to the maximum and monitor the entire campus. If someone has an abnormality, they will definitely not be able to hide it.

Back in the dormitory, before Chen Tian opened the door, his face was speechless.

Opening the door, Chen Tian looked at the black-haired girl shrunk on his bed, and said with a little headache: “Clarice, why did you run to my bed, what if someone sees it?” ”


On the bed, the black-haired girl with her hands on her knees answered weakly, and then quietly looked at Chen Tian with her big eyes, her body exuding unease.


Chen Tian sighed in his heart, closed the door casually, came to the bed and sat down and said softly: “Clarice, wasn’t it okay this morning, what’s wrong now?” ”

The black-haired girl whispered, “This morning, everyone was saying that the school was going to be disbanded, and the teachers were leaving. ”

“So I was worried about where should I go if the school was dissolved?”

“In the end, I found that without school, I couldn’t go anywhere, I didn’t have anything.”

Saying this, the black-haired girl lowered her head and looked lost.

As an orphan, she has been wandering with her adoptive father since she was a child, and after the death of her adoptive father in front, she has nothing, and she is naturally afraid of the dissolution of the school.

Chen Tian soothed, “Don’t worry, the school will not be disbanded. ”

“And even if it is disbanded, don’t be afraid, you still have me, you are the woman I fancy, and I am still ready to wait for you to marry home and be a wife when you grow up.”

“According to the Oriental parlance, this is a child bride, raised from childhood to adulthood.”

Saying that, Chen Tian winked at her with a smile in his eyes.

“Tong, child bride!”

The brunette girl blushed and opened her mouth. Chen Tian smiled and nodded: “Yes, child bride.” ”

Saying that, he reached out and touched her hair, and the frightened girl did not dare to move.

“This, this, this…”

Suddenly, Clarice jumped out of bed suddenly, like a frightened rabbit, and opened the door in a panic and rushed out.

Chen Tian smiled at this scene.

“Little girl, I like to think about it all day long.”

“Don’t be scared, you don’t know how good I am.”

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