“Congratulations to the host, mission completed, get 2 Origins.”

Looking at Jean and Scott who fainted, Storm and Wolverine, who had just rushed over, looked at each other.

I feel like I’m here to make soy sauce.

The storm girl looked at the weightless gravel suspended around her, as well as the large pit of more than ten meters, and said in shock: “West, your move just now… So strong. ”

Chen Tian’s strength is not weak, they know.

But he didn’t expect that he could burst out with such a huge destructive power.

The blow just now made her feel strongly dangerous, and she had the feeling that she would be killed by a punch if she faced it directly, and it was the kind of crushing bones.


Chen Tian coughed weakly and said with a bitter smile: “Teacher Aurolo, don’t talk about this first, and then don’t bring them back for treatment, I’m afraid that Teacher Scott will die.” ”

“Yes, save people first.”

The two who reacted quickly picked up Qin and Scott one by one.

Just when Wolverine, who was holding Scott, looked at Chen Tian, he waved his hand again and again: “Mr. Logan, I can still go by myself.” ”

He didn’t want to be held by a big man.


The two Wolverine burst into speed and ran towards the fighter plane landing in the distance, and they wanted to quickly bring Scott and the two back to heal.

Behind, Chen Tian followed a little weakly.

The move just now was very powerful, but it was also a little scary to his physical consumption.


With the roar of powerful air currents, the black fighter slowly rose into the air, and then the tail engine spewed out blazing fire and accelerated, flying towards the sky.

On the fighter, Chen Tian sat weakly in his seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Seeing this, Rogan, who had a lot to say, could only shut up.

However, at this time, Chen Tian seemed weak, but he had actually recovered somewhat, and was calling up the attribute page to check the rewards and ability changes of the tasks he had just completed.

Host: Chen Tian [West. Chen].

Race: Terrans

Level: One star

Bloodline: Krypton Superman [Bronze Age].

Physique: 1680

Spirit: 872

Power: 1820 [grip force 25 tons].

Agility: 1752 [running seconds, 200~410].

Ability: heat ray [characteristics: 1500~3500 degrees Celsius high temperature, with impact force] flight [floating movement].

X gene ability: energy fission [level two, in vivo ability fission, has explosive characteristics].

Source: 2

Function: Virtual battlefield, storage space [1X1].

It had only been two days since the institute acted, and one of the days was still cloudy, so Chen Tian’s attributes had not changed much, and he had only increased his physique by more than four hundred points.

Of course, more than four hundred points of physique, equal to more than forty times that of ordinary people, is actually very exaggerated.

As for the rest, little has changed.

No, the speed span behind the agile seems to be a bit large, becoming 200 to 410 meters.

As for the reason, it should refer to the speed in the ordinary state, and the speed after the burst of the second awakening ability.

Skipping the attribute change, Chen Tian’s attention shifted downwards and fell on the evolved X gene energy.

The name of the ability there changed from Energy Fury to Energy Fission.

And just when Chen Tian’s consciousness fell on the ability, a stream of detailed information about this ability flooded into his mind.

Ability fission, as the name suggests, is that after activating the ability, the energy in his body will undergo fission changes, bursting out tens of hundreds of times the power.

In addition, these fission energies are not only more powerful than the first stage, but also have substantial explosive properties.

This was also the reason why a violent explosion occurred when Chen Tian’s punch was blasted out.

Recalling the change at that moment, Chen Tian estimated it, and felt that the second-level X gene ability was very strong, and it almost increased by twenty times on the basis of the first-level berserk ability.

What is the concept of a twentyfold increase again?

It was equivalent to saying that the strength of Chen Tian’s punch of fifty tons had increased by five times in the level of first-level energy fury, reaching two hundred and fifty times, and then increased by twenty times.

It is equivalent to the terrifying degree of nearly 10,000 tons, and this is only the simple “strength”.

And after entering the fission, that energy also underwent a qualitative increase, almost turning the ‘strength’ in his body into reality and becoming more domineering.

This is also the reason why he can punch the Qin’s mental power shield.

Chen Tian, who had increased his strength a hundred times almost instantly, and possessed explosive power, was simply terrifyingly strong.

Moreover, when he confronted Qin Hou, Chen Tian’s strength had increased by thirty times, that is, one hundred and fifty times the base strength plus explosive characteristics.

Because the longer this ability was used, the stronger Chen Tian’s strength increased.

Chen Tian had a hunch at that time, if he continued to exert it, on the basis of the original first-level increase, the degree of increase would even increase to forty times, fifty times…

It is worthy of the second evolution of the X gene ability, very strong, simply strong outrageous and terrifying.

From this point, you can see how amazing the potential of those advanced mutants is, no wonder Magneto, Professor X these people can deter the world.

However, because he was too powerful, after only three minutes of breaking out into a fission state, Chen Tian felt that his body was hollowed out, as if he had a serious illness.

The reason is that the principle of the fission ability of the second level and the first level of capability is different.

The first-level energy is furious, burning his physical strength, that is, the energy and nutrition contained in the cells of the whole body.

This kind of combustion is still within Chen Tian’s tolerance range and can be maintained for a long time.

The second-level fission, the fission is the cellular biological energy in his body, bursting out even greater energy.

But you know, although there are tens of trillions of cells in a person’s body and can continue to divide and metabolize, there is ultimately a limit that is irreversible.

Therefore, the fission cell with the ability of the secondary X gene is equivalent to changing from burning physical energy to burning vitality.

So this capability is very powerful.

Very strong, but bought with life.

However, this ability is indeed fatal to ordinary mutants, but for Chen Tian, whose cells can evolve indefinitely, it is still within his tolerance.

However, it cannot be used casually in the future.

Although the destroyed cells in his body can be restored by evolution, division, too much use will also reduce his potential and strength improvement speed.

If it is turned on for a long time, once it exceeds his current tolerance limit, it will be life-threatening.

PS: The fourth more, there will be later.

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