What is it like to cross over?

As a passer-by, Chen Tian will tell you that unless you have a miserable life in the original world, if you have a choice, don’t cross over.

Especially also crossing into a dangerous world.

In this world, there are countless innate, or accidental ability to gain power, mutants.

In addition, there are even aliens, mythical gods, demons, etc., which are very chaotic and dangerous, and extraordinary battles occur all the time.

Thinking of this, Chen Tian couldn’t help but sigh softly, because he really didn’t want to cross ah.

As a famous college student, he entered a large enterprise just after graduation, and entered the management in just three years, with an annual salary of 500,000+.

For Chen Tian, who was born in an ordinary family, he only needs to work hard for a few more years and ten years to become a ‘man on top of people’ with wealth and freedom.

When the time comes, there will be everything in luxury cars and beauties.

And the most important thing is that the last world is safe, although there are some local conflicts outside, but there is peace at home.

Unlike this world, there are many dangers.

If ordinary people don’t pay attention to it, they will encounter superpowers to fight, and then be killed by the aftermath of the battle, and they won’t even have a chance to shout their grievances.

But fortunately, Chen Tian was lucky after crossing, not only had super powers, but also had a golden finger, not to be as miserable as those ordinary people.

“West, what’s wrong with you?”

Hearing Chen Tian’s low sigh, sitting next to him, the girl with long flaxen hair looked over curiously.

Hearing this, Chen Tian shook his head: “It’s nothing, I just feel a little bored, and I can’t go out and around at will except for classes and study every day.” ”

The girl couldn’t help but comfort: “No way, we mutants have always been feared and rejected by ordinary people because of our abilities.” ”

Speaking of this, the girl said with some emotion: “West, you haven’t been here for a long time, and you still don’t understand.” ”

“If it weren’t for the professor’s X School taking us in and giving us mutants a shelter.”

“Many people here may be subjected to inhumane experiments in a laboratory, or hide in a corner of a city and live a miserable life without food and a fixed place to live.”

After speaking, the girl’s eyes showed a touch of gratitude and respect.

“Katie, you’re right.” Chen Tian nodded in agreement.

The girl’s name is Katie. Pride is a white girl Chen Tian who came to school to meet, seventeen years old.

As a white girl, although Katie is only seventeen years old, her figure has begun to develop, and she looks bumpy at a young age.

Coupled with beautiful facial features, it has a high popularity in this mutant school called Xavier.

Nice, Xavier School.

That is, in the X-Men, the school created by Professor X, the students are all mutant teenagers.

The girl Katie who talks to Chen Tian is the very famous phantom cat in X-Men 3, with the ability to penetrate and lead people to ignore material obstacles.

And Chen Tian, in this world named West. Chen, fifteen years old.

Born in a family of overseas Chinese in Mexico, his mother is white.

Therefore, the reason for mixed blood, although Chen Tian in this life has black hair and black eyes, his facial features are three-dimensional and handsome, his contours are clear, and he looks very handsome.

Coupled with a height of one meter and seven five, and adult consciousness, he looks much more mature.

To say fifteen is more like a college student.

Therefore, when sitting with Katie in a group of senior students, it does not seem contradictory in the slightest.

Today is Saturday, and there is only one interactive class, and the class is Aurolo, who is the deputy captain of the X-Men who has the title of Storm Girl, who has returned from a trip. Monroe.

At this time, on the huge lawn, in addition to Chen Tian’s senior students, there were two groups composed of a group of junior high school and primary school students.


At this moment, a fierce wind came from above, blowing everyone unable to open their eyes.

For a while, the trees around the lawn swayed, the weeds danced wildly, and a woman wearing a black tight-fitting suit with white hair fell from the sky.

The cloak flew behind her, surrounded by a substantial wind, and blue thunder flashed, exuding powerful coercion.

This appearance, the surrounding elementary school students exclaimed, their eyes widened.

When his feet landed on the ground, Aurolo moved his mind, and suddenly the fierce wind and thunder around him dissipated, and a smile appeared on his face: “Good morning, everyone.” ”

Noticing the adoring expressions on the faces of those children, Orolo was very satisfied with the effect of his appearance.

“Good teacher.” Those elementary school students, middle school students called politely.

However, compared with these restrained elementary school students, junior high school students, those high school students are more casual, and some even raise their hands and ask curiously.

“Teacher, I heard that you went out this time to capture a criminal mutant, is that person very strong?”

“Ross, aren’t you talking nonsense, that mutant must be very strong, otherwise how do you need Mr. Ororo to make a move, I just don’t know what that mutant’s ability is.”

A girl was curious: “Teacher, can you tell us about this mission?” ”

The purpose of the interactive class is to make these students not afraid of their own mutant identity and strange appearance.

So in the face of the students’ questions, Orolo smiled and nodded: “Yes, this mission is in Yingguo, and the target is a mutant named Trook.” ”

“This person has stealth ability, has committed crimes many times, and specially infiltrated the homes of some beautiful young ladies…”

While Orolo was talking about the details of this mission in detail, Chen Tian, who was sitting on the grass, seemed to be listening carefully, and his actual consciousness had been placed in his body.

At this time, under the sunlight, he felt that his whole body was warm, and a trace of energy from the sun was swallowed, transformed, and absorbed by countless cells.

Chen Tian could keenly sense that when he absorbed those solar energy sources, his body strengthened at a terrifying speed, and the strength in his body continued to increase.

The speed of this power increase is beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

‘After your efforts to absorb sunlight, your whole body cells evolve and your constitution is +3. ’

“Your spirit +1”

“Your strength plus 4…”

Hearing the prompt sound that kept ringing in his mind, Chen Xuan’s mind moved, and suddenly under his eyes, a transparent page that only he could see appeared.

Host: Chen Tian [West. Chen].

Race: Terrans

Bloodline: Krypton Superman [Bronze Age].

Physique: 205 [10 points for ordinary people].

Spirit: 105

Strength: 230 [grip strength 3 tons].

Agile: 221

X Gene Ability: Energy Berserk [Level 1].

Storage space: 1X1

His gaze swept over the changes in his own attributes, and Chen Tian couldn’t help but exclaim in his heart: “Superman is worthy of being a BUG existence in the DC universe.” ”

On the day he crossed into this world, Chen Tian activated the system and extracted the reward, the Krypton Superman template.

Although this template is just Superman from the Bronze Age and has only been fused for a week.

But under the sunlight, in a few days, Chen Tian’s physique skyrocketed to twenty times that of ordinary people, and his grip strength reached 3 tons.

3 tons, it doesn’t sound very strong.

But the power of three tons could allow Chen Xuan to easily pinch a person to death and overturn a van with one hand.

In addition, the strong physique also allows Chen Tian’s five senses to perceive, such as vision, as well as reaction, and the flexibility and coordination of the body are many times beyond ordinary people.

Such strength has actually surpassed most of the mutants present.

Although they are also mutants, most of the mutants in Xavier School are not strong and have average abilities.

So it only takes a few to become X-Men.

The original intention of the school was that Professor X wanted to shelter the excluded and hostile mutant teenagers, teach them knowledge, and give them love.

Avoid them falling and going down a crooked path.

For example, the original junior high school student West. Chen, it was because of a quarrel with a classmate at school, the X gene awakened under emotional excitement, and the energy burst injured the classmate.

Because there were many people I saw at that time, it had a great impact on the school.

Since that day, the students around him have been fearful, afraid, repulsive, and even his family is a little alienated, which makes it difficult for the teenager to adapt.

In the end, he agreed to the laser eye that suddenly appeared and followed him to Xavier School.

The day he came to school was also the day Chen Tian crossed.

However, Chen Tian was not very interested in the past of this body, he was more concerned about the present and the future.

After all, this is a world where strength is respected.

Thinking of this, Chen Tian was very lucky, glad that he had drawn a superhuman template that would increase his strength at an astonishing speed as long as he basked in the sun.

Although he is Superman in the Bronze Age, and he is still very weak, even Superman’s steel body and super heat ray ability have not yet awakened.

But the future is promising.

After all, the template he obtained came from Superman, not other ordinary Kryptonians.

In the DC universe, although Superman and Kryptonian are also from Krypton, they can actually be regarded as two existences.

Because the former has the unlimited potential to evolve into a silver superman, or a golden superman.

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