Meeting You Is My Simple Happiness

Chapter 796: The price paid (4)

Chapter 796 The price paid (4)

Mo Shen didn't come back until four o'clock in the morning. Ye Mu sat in the living room and stayed up, and she didn't feel sleepy at all. Hearing the movement of Mo Shen entering the door, he got up and walked over: "I'm tired."

He should have not slept since he went out.

Mo Shen heard Ye Mu's voice and turned on the light. He saw that she was still wearing daytime clothes and asked, "Isn't she asleep, or just woke up?"

Ye Mu chuckled lightly without telling the truth: "I just woke up, come down and have a look."

Mo Shen took her shoulders, did not doubt her words, hugged her forward: "It's too early, go back to sleep for a while."

Ye Mu's pace matched Mo Shen's. She looked up at him, not forgetting to ask Sun Yaoqi's situation: "Is Sun Yaoqi okay? Should I be out of danger?"

Her question caused Mo Shen's brows to move twice, and she was usually indifferent, but she said something cruel: "I'm still alive, but there should be big problems."

Ye Mu stared at Mo Shen in a daze. She couldn't guess the seriousness of Mo Shen's words without going to the hospital.

Mo Shen's words are not exaggerated. Sun Yaoqi's life is temporarily fine, but her legs may be ruined. The damage to her face was also slightly severe, and it was basically broken.

Mo Shen stayed up all night, lying on the bed hugging Ye Mu. Ye Mu watched as Mo Shen opened his mouth to ask what else, but Mo Shen's fingertips pressed on the corners of her lips in time to seal what she was about to say: "Sleep with me for a while."

The two eyes faced each other, Ye Mu could easily see the fatigue in Mo Shen's eyes, hesitated for a moment, nodded and agreed to him, without asking anything.

On the other side, Sun Yaoqi, who had fallen asleep for many days after the car accident, had no sign of waking up. In the first two minutes of the car accident, she was only stimulated, and some strange thoughts popped up in her mind, and she lost her mind for a moment. I'm afraid she would never have thought that she would have paid such a high price for herself when she lost her mind for a while.

These days when Sun Yaoqi fell into a nightmare and drowsiness, Qin Xin has been with her. Sun Yaoqi's face was still wrapped in gauze, and Qin Xin stayed by her side and took good care of her. Sun Yaoqi’s parents were worried about their daughter’s injury. Sun Yaoqi’s mother was in tears during the days when Sun Yaoqi was sleeping. Her uncomfortable concentration was all on Sun Yaoqi, but they did not ignore Qin Xin’s intentions these days, and they couldn’t help being touched. .

He Nian, who heard the news, missed Sun Yaoqi and would come to visit every day. After all, it was the child he had watched for so many years, and He Nian also felt sorry for her. Sun Yaoqi got the distress she wanted as she wished, but it's a pity that such distress made her pay too much.

Ye Mu didn't know exactly what Sun Yaoqi's injury was like when Sun Yaoqi woke up.

Sun Yaoqi used to cooperate with HN as a work representative. Now that she is injured, Ye Mu still asks HN to send a representative to give condolences.

Tomorrow is the date of Pan Qiuhui's company banquet. Ye Mu promised to accompany Mo Shen. She wants to choose a formal dress. She has gained a lot recently, and she can't wear the little dress that she could wear before. I bought a few large-sized clothes specially for her. The clothes are suitable for her, but they can't show the slim feeling before. Ye Mu looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but sighed quietly. The self in the mirror said: "You don't even have a fat temperament."

She threw away the dress on her body and decided to wear a dress with a little tutu style so that she could cover her abdomen.

She hasn't appeared in public for a long time, and this time with Mo Shen, it naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Ye Mu slung Mo Shen's arm, looked down at his flat shoes, and then at Mo Shen's height: "Will I look like a chubby ball by your side?"

She wears high heels and Mo Shen's height is slightly more suitable. Without high heels, the gap between the two is a bit big, Ye Mu thinks so.

Mo Shen looked down at her and said with a chuckle: "No, you are not as fat as that."

Ye Mu curled his lips and said to himself jokingly: "We stand side by side like this, it looks like a certain number."

"Which one?" Mo Shen was curious about the numbers in Ye Mu's mouth.

"10." Ye Mu said with his hand out and writing down the number in the air.

Mo Shen helplessly shook her head, smiled, raised his hand and rubbed her head: "Maybe more like 11."

Ye Mu spit out her tongue. She only felt that Mo Shen's statement was a beautiful fantasy.

After the banquet started, Ye Mu had almost no chance to talk to Mo Shen. This kind of banquet is not the first time Ye Mu has come into contact with him, but it is the first time that Ye Mu has had a sense of strangeness and inferiority at such a banquet.

As an absolute'popular' in the business world, when Mo Shen took his seat, naturally someone came over to take care of him. Ye Mu couldn't intervene, but Pan Qiuhui stayed with her. No matter what she said, she could always draw her attention to her side. .

Mo Shen was afraid of leaving Ye Mu in the cold, turning around to talk to her from time to time. She smiled at Mo Shen pretentiously, not wanting to cause trouble to Mo Shen herself, but she couldn't control the little lonely feeling of inferiority in her heart.

It didn't take long for Pan Qiuhui to sit beside Ye Mu and talk to her: "Mrs. Mo."

She raised a glass to Ye Mu. Ye Mu picked up his cup and touched her, but didn't drink. She apologized: "You can't drink under special circumstances. Don't mind Miss Pan."

"It's okay." Pan Qiuhui shrugged, without showing a slight expression of mind. She turned sideways in the direction of Mo Shen, who was talking with others, and smiled lightly and said to Ye Mu: "Mrs. Mo is really lucky. There is a husband like Mr. Mo. She has a charming personality and is not sentimental."

It didn't sound like Pan Qiuhui was talking to Ye Mu. It was more like talking to herself, just asking Ye Mu's consent.

"Tell me more, don't mind." Pan Qiuhui realized that she had lost her mind, and she looked at Ye Mu and apologized, explaining two sentences: "A woman like me who has had a failed marriage, sees how happy others are. ."

Listening to Pan Qiuhui's words, Ye Mu was taken aback and asked: "Miss Pan was married?"

Ye Mu's surprised look made Pan Qiuhui a little bit happy in her smile, and she nodded at Ye Mu: "Well, just after divorce, doesn't it look like it?"

"Not very much." Ye Mu shook his head.

Just as Pan Qiuhui wanted to tell Ye Mu her age, she stood up and said hello, "You are here."

Before Ye Mu turned around, he heard the voice of a woman walking behind him: "Sister Qiuhui's invitation, dare I not come?"

is her? !

Ye Mu did not rush to turn around when she heard the familiar voice. She heard Pan Qiuhui approach the woman and said, "I thought I had no value to you. You don't have to please me, you should hide. I didn't expect you. Really courageous."

"It's not courage. I have never been afraid of anything. Even if it is a Hongmen Banquet, I will come." The woman who spoke arrogantly announced to Pan Qiuhui.

(End of this chapter)

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