Meeting You Is My Simple Happiness

Chapter 491: Give them what he doesn't have (4)

Chapter 491 Give them everything he doesn't have (4)

Ye Mu tried to analyze the difference between her and Peipei to Mo Shen, but her methodical explanation didn't come out, and Peipei suddenly cried.

Ye Mu had to pause what he wanted to say, and skillfully picked up Peipei and patted it.

"The milk powder is on the table, my uncle will help me a little bit, Peipei should be hungry." Ye Mu couldn't make a move while holding Peipei Teng.

Mo Shen was happy to be called, and took the powdered milk from the table and poured it into the bottle. The child is hungry, so he should eat more.

"Too much, too much." Ye Mu urged Mo Shen, and when he saw him pour more than the proportion, he immediately called to stop: "Pour some more out, do you see the upper scale? Pour to the second scale is enough..."

Ye Mu, who didn't know anything about these at first, now urges others to do it well. She also came in a hurry, and her proficiency started from ignorance. She decided that she also wanted to let Mo know this deeply.

After Ye Mu reminded Mo Shen, this time he strictly followed the standard. I gave the right amount of milk powder with the right amount of water. He was about to stuff the bottle into Peipei's mouth, but Ye Mu stopped him: "Try the temperature, it's too hot for the child to drink."

Mo Shen nodded and agreed to Ye Mu, and the hand holding the bottle moved stiffly in the air twice, not knowing what to do.

Peipei was still crying in Ye Mu's arms, Mo Shen coughed lightly, not knowing what to do: "How to try?"

"Dip two drops on the back of your hand and feel it." Ye Mu patted Peipei, and she was a little anxious as she heard the child cry.

Mo Shen's hand's perception ability is very poor, the milk dripped on the back of his hand, but he didn't feel any temperature.

Ye Mu saw Mo Shen's problem: "If it doesn't work, you can taste it with your mouth."

Mo Shen held the baby bottle to his lips awkwardly, slurping it.

"Why are you... let you taste it, not let you drink... you drank it, what would Peipei drink?" Ye Mu looked at Mo Shen who obeyed her opinion, and couldn't laugh or cry.

Mo Shenqing frowned, ignoring anything else, and put the bottle in Peipei's mouth: "It tastes good, not hot."

The second when the bottle was plugged into Peipei's mouth, Peipei's crying suddenly stopped, and the crying and trembling voice was only gurgling and sucking at this moment.

Peipei stopped making trouble, and Ye Mu sighed fiercely.

This little guy, tossing people is endless. It's not like Fengfeng at all. Even if you feel wronged, you won't be troubled by shooting.

Mo Shen took the bottle and watched intently as Peipei finished drinking.

When Peipei was about to finish drinking, his eyes were sleepy, and he went to sleep. Mo Shen watched him close his eyes. Just as he was about to withdraw the bottle in his hand, he immediately bit and sucked desperately.

After drinking, he fell asleep too.

Ye Mu gently put him on the small bed, his small body flicked, he chirped his mouth, and soon fell asleep steadily.

Ye Mu slowly stood up straight, raised his hand and rubbed his waist. Holding Peipei in one position for a long time, her waist was a little sore.

Ye Mu's waist just straightened, Mo Shen's hand touched her waist, gently kneading for her.

"Comfortable?" Mo Shen had moderate strength in her hands, not knowing how she felt.

Ye Mu nodded lightly and let out a sigh of relief: "Very comfortable."

"The weather will be fine tomorrow. Let's take the kids out for a tour." Mo Shen's faint voice carried a natural magic power, which made people unreasonably reject him.

Ye Mu opened her eyes slightly. After returning from the hospital, she never went out of the house. Lin Su told her not to walk around during the confinement period. One month is usually enough for the confinement period, but Lin Su firmly believes that a longer confinement period is good for her. Therefore, she has been almost two months old and Lin Su is still the same. Let her stay at home.

Ye Mu also wanted to go out, but Lin Su couldn't help but listen to what Lin Su said: "Mom probably wouldn't agree. Besides, Fengfeng and Peipei are so small, can they go out?"

"Yes, I asked the doctor. It won't matter." Mo Shen pressed Ye Mu's back with two arms around her: "In the West, it is normal for a child to take a child to the swimming pool for a week. Be pampered with them, you think they will grow up very quickly, they are easy to be independent early, if you always regard them as palm treasures, and you are reluctant to let them get hurt, their mental and behavioral abilities may be much lower than children of the same age."

Mo Shen doesn't know much about caring for children, but he has read a lot of related books on education issues in order to provide a good educational environment for his children.

He believes in self-confidence. No matter what he does, he is very confident, but he does not have so much confidence in dealing with children, and can only rely on books to enrich himself. He is also the first time to be a father. He doesn't have so much experience. In addition, he hasn't gotten along with his father much since he was a child. He doesn't know what a good father is like. For this reason, he read a lot of books. Only a small part can help him.

After reading so many books, he always insisted that he must give all to his children what he hadn't gotten. He didn't have a good father. In his childhood, the position of father was absent. In time, it is rare for Mo Hong to see him once, and he will leave because of a call within five minutes.

Mo Shen is a workaholic. He has changed a lot for Ye Mu, and his unhealthy life has become a lot more regular. He is now for Fengfeng and Peipei to get rid of his habit of going to the study at night for many years.

Mo Shen's words have always been reasonable, and Ye Mu couldn't refute it. At noon the next day, she and Mo Shen pushed the two brothers out for a stroll.

Ye Mu was going out today, but Lin Su unexpectedly did not stop him, and even told her to come back soon, which made Ye Mu feel incredible.

She didn't think much about it, she only knew that the fresh air at this moment was not easy, and she had to feel it hard.

The weather is indeed very good, there is some sunshine at noon, and the people in the sun are warm. Ye Mu pushes the twin stroller, Fengfeng sleeps on the left and Peipei sleeps on the right. The two brothers who usually love to sleep didn't sleep anymore after they came out. Perhaps they were very new to the world. Two pairs of small eyes kept looking around.

Mo Shen glanced at the child sideways, Fengfeng just raised his head, and when he saw Mo Shen, his small mouth twitched, and his smile was so handsome and cute that people could not bear it.

"Fengfeng, are you so happy?" Ye Mu rubbed Fengfeng's cheek with his fingertips, there was no need for Fengfeng to smile heavily on his face.

Fengfeng glanced at his eyes, and his two small fists shook unconsciously. Soon Peipei shook his small fist, hitting Fengfeng again and again.

Seeing Fengfeng and Peipei had some changes today, Ye Mu's smile grew stronger. It seemed that it was not a bad thing to get in touch with the outside world earlier.

Mo Shen raised his hand to put down the sunshade and chuckled softly: "It's not white."

(End of this chapter)

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