Meet the principal

Act 279. Reversal

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"kill me......"

The sea wolf who was once Andrea growled, making Baptiste tremble.

He could not accept the fact that he had turned into a beast and wanted to die.

Agnes glanced at the sea wolf, then raised her hand and lightly tapped the sea wolf's head.

The sea wolf immediately calmed down, as if falling asleep, and stopped breathing not long after.

"As he wishes."

Said in an understatement, Agnes did not look at the sea wolf again, but her eyes fell on the soul of the sea wolf that had been extracted before. The golden mass had become extremely dim, thin, and quickly dissipated. This should be what Baptiste said, a manifestation of the inability of the soul to exist apart from the body.

Now that it has been verified that the soul of a living human being can be successfully transferred to a living creature, the next experiment is to transfer the soul of a living human being to another living human body.

This is Agnes' ultimate goal.

Baptiste's soul transfer spell cannot be used on the same soul twice in a short period of time, but according to the results of his previous animal experiments, as long as the new soul adapts to the original body, it can be used for the second time. Transfer, as for more, he did not try.

In Agnes's vision, a person's soul can be transferred into a healthier, younger body, and then continue to transfer the soul in the same way, ultimately achieving the goal of eternal life.

Eternal life is the ultimate goal that countless mages dream of.

Agnes lifted Edgar's two remaining students up;

Putting it on the experimental table and fixing it with magic, she gave Baptiste a wink and signaled him to start the experiment.

Baptiste took another look at Andrea's body, which had turned cold, and the body of the sea wolf. He sighed before starting to set up the magic circle.

"No need to lament, they will only feel lucky because they were lucky enough to witness history and participate in it. The history books of later generations will only record this. Robert and Kevin became the first experimental subjects of the soul transfer spell. People will be grateful. Their dedication.”

Agnes said sitting on the chair.

She saw Baptiste use the same technique to extract Robert's soul, and then transfer it into Kevin's body.

All this went extremely smoothly, but just as the golden mist blended into Kevin's body, his body suddenly trembled violently.

Kevin opened his eyes and let out a hoarse wail. He kept twitching, and even Agnes's spell couldn't completely fix it. The blood vessels on Kevin's arms bulged and extended to his forehead.


The next moment, the blood vessels all over Kevin's body burst open and blood spattered. If it hadn't been for Agnes's spell to block it, the entire laboratory would have been dyed red.

Baptiste blocked it subconsciously. When he came to his senses, he saw that Kevin's body on the experimental table was covered with blood, and almost all the blood vessels exploded at the same time. His head no longer existed, except for the sticky substance. The thick brain matter was blocked by magic on the experimental table, and the strong smell of blood came out, which was nauseating.

"how so......"

Baptiste felt incredible. Although he had never tried to transfer a person's soul to another living body in the past, according to the results of animal experiments, such a serious rejection reaction was impossible.

Even turning a blind eye to the fishy smell surrounding him, Baptiste reached out and inspected Kevin's body a little.

Indeed, he was completely dead. The cause of death was massive bleeding caused by the explosion of multiple tissues in the body, especially in the brain. The explosion showed traces of magical interference, but the source of this magical power did not come from the outside world, but Kevin's own power.

In other words, the injection of Robert's soul caused Kevin's own magic to think that there was an intrusion of foreign objects, so he expelled it, eventually causing his whole body to explode and die.

"This is amazing."

Baptiste exclaimed, suddenly having a sudden inspiration, he stood there blankly.

"Wait a minute, the cause of Kevin's death is almost exactly the same as cognitive breakdown!"

His words caught Agnes's attention. She was still thinking about why such an unexpected scene occurred. After hearing what Baptiste said, Agnes felt suddenly enlightened.

Cognitive collapse is caused by the huge contradiction between new knowledge and the original knowledge system, leading to vacillation. As the mage learns magic and advances in the process, the magic power will gradually nourish the body and transform the body, so in the consciousness A breakdown can cause physical damage.

And now, is the infusion of souls from the outside equivalent to forcibly infusing another vastly different cognition into the original cognition, thus leading to cognitive collapse?

Or is this a natural protective mechanism of the human body?

Agnes thought, if it is the former, then using an ordinary person who has not yet formed a cognitive world, that is, does not know magic, seems to be able to circumvent this to some extent.

If it's the latter, then soul transfer seems less feasible.

Regardless, this time the experiment failed.

"Do the experiment again."

Agnes said, but there was no one else there, which made Baptiste a little panicked.

"Don't be afraid. There are still a lot of experimental materials in the restaurant, Mr. Baptiste. Of course, in order to take your feelings into consideration, I will give priority to those mage apprentices."

Baptiste did not dare to resist and silently followed Agnes out of the laboratory and into the restaurant.

In the restaurant, the children had become a little listless, while on the other side, several low-level mages gathered together in silence.

Agnes glanced at Jane and Darcy and shook her head slightly. These two were already low-level mages with complete cognitive worlds. If they repeated the experiment, they might have the same result.

As her eyes moved, Agnes's eyes fell on Alymiya.

Alymiya is still a mage apprentice, and her understanding of the world can still be shaped, making her a perfect experimental subject for Agnes.

"You, come with me."

Agnes pointed at Alymiya.

Alymiya felt a shudder. The three people who followed Agnes left before, but no one came back at this time. From Reiner's account, they also knew what experiment Agnes wanted to engage in. Since they still want to continue to catch the experiment Otherwise, it means that the previous experiment failed, and the foreseeable end will be quite miserable.

But at this time, Reiner stood up before Emiya.

"Ms. Agnes, I have seriously considered the suggestions you made before."

He said, causing Agnes to raise an eyebrow.

"As long as I assist you and improve your experiments, can you let go of these mages here and leave this demiplane?"

"Well, of course, if you join, the research on souls will definitely go further. You may even join us, become my companion, and gain more knowledge. This is a wise choice."

Agnes frowned slightly. She felt that there seemed to be some unspeakable changes in Reiner, but since the other party intended to submit to her, the children and mages in front of her were no longer important.

"That's really good."

Reiner nodded and continued.

"But, I refuse."

"A mere first-level mage..."

Agnes raised her eyebrows. She couldn't imagine how Reiner, a first-level mage, could have the confidence to say this in front of her without the Hohenheim Gold Cup and storage bag.

Reiner took a step forward and spoke.

"One of the things that I, Rainer Ian Gray, like to do most is say no to people who think they are better than me!"

Standing in front of the mysterious and powerful "Agnes", Reiner showed no fear. He raised his hand and spoke lightly.

"And, since when did you have the illusion that I am just a first-level mage?"

Reiner snapped his fingers with his right hand, and the next moment, a huge explosion occurred in Agnes's body.

{Please remember, old man }

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