Meet the principal

Act 274. Catastrophic change

Reiner smelled something unusual. He looked at Agnes. This young and beautiful mid-level mage seemed extremely excited at this time, with his eyes shining.

"Mr. Baptiste, have you never attempted to conduct experiments on humans, transferring the soul of one person into the body of another?"

Agnes asked, making Baptiste slightly surprised and take a half step back.

"No, this, this goes against..."

"Do you want to say that it is against ethics? Mr. Baptiste, your hands have been stained with countless blood. Transferring human souls to animals is not something worthy of praise."

Agnes's aggressive attitude caught Edgar's attention.

"Hey, Agnes Wildfield, do you know what you're talking about?"

Although Edgar usually behaves a little tired, he is the last person who wants to get into trouble. Agnes's behavior now is undoubtedly a huge trouble!

"While you are just making verbal assumptions now, let me remind you that if you do any of these things, you will be punished by the Magic Association..."

Before Edgar could finish his words, he was knocked down by a powerful shock wave. Even the passive defense wall constructed by the magic items he carried was shattered in an instant. Edgar's back hit the wall hard. , if the magic barrier behind him hadn't been broken yet, he might have broken his spine and died on the spot.

Is this the power of an intermediate mage?

Reiner made no move, because the strength displayed by Agnes far exceeded his previous expectations. This can be seen from the fact that Edgar, who is also a fourth-ring mage, cannot even survive a spell.

Although there is an element of sneak attack in it, it is still undeniable that Agnes's fighting ability is not as gentle as she looks.

Touching the Hohenheim Gold Cup ring, Reiner tried to convey a message, but the feedback the ring gave him was as calm as water.

Is it because we are in a demiplane that the signal cannot be transmitted?

Edgar coughed twice and stood up slowly while holding on to the wall.


At some point, silver chains stretched out from all directions, binding Agnes.

Baptiste hesitated, but finally raised his hand to restrict Agnes's movements.

Edgar wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, opened his hands, and you could see a black mist condensed in each of his palms. Edgar quickly closed his hands, and an obsidian pillar condensed by the black mist immediately flew out of his hands. , shot straight into Agnes's chest.

Reiner was about to raise his hand to use the magic in the Hohenheim Gold Cup ring. He chose Lanchester's Eternal Blazing Sun, a four-ring spell. Although it was a bit destructive, the current situation did not allow him to hesitate.

However, after a moment, Reiner felt that there was a big abnormality in the flow of magic in the air. Although the magic stored in the Hohenheim Gold Cup was enough for him to cast this spell, this strong uneasiness still made him forcibly suppress the activation of the spell. of magic.


Just as the sharp obsidian pillar was about to sink into Agnes's chest, her eyes suddenly opened.

Black occupies the entire eyeball, emitting bursts of black light.

The black light spread like ripples, and the obsidian pillar shattered almost immediately the moment it came into contact with the black ripples. The next moment, all the chains wrapped around Agnes were broken.

Black ripples passed over Reiner and touched Edgar.


Red blood suddenly spurted out, and you could see that dozens of obsidian fragments were inserted into Edgar's chest, penetrating through his robe, and the blood was dyeing the clothes black. Edgar's eyes widened, a look on his face incredible.

On the other side, Baptiste was hit by black ripples at the same time, and silver chain fragments surrounded him. Although the mage was not directly hit like Edgar, he also suffered a lot of injuries and was half kneeling on the ground. , kept moaning.

"Counter Spell... This is a fifth-level spell..."

Edgar said weakly.

Spell counterspell is a classic fifth-level spell. It is what most mages choose to engrave into their hearts when they advance to the fifth level. This spell can parse most of the known spells below the fourth level and destroy their spells. While modeling, it counterattacks the remaining magic power. It can be said that it is precisely because of this spell that the fifth-ring mage has absolute suppressive power when fighting against a mage who is weaker than himself.

Of course, spell countermeasures lack direct means of countermeasures for self-created spells that are not recorded in the Magic Association. It usually requires the mage's own analytical skills to achieve the purpose of countermeasures.

There were no signs of using magic props, nor was there any spell-casting process, or even the use of them while being restrained. All signs indicated that the counter-spell used by Agnes was engraved in the lake of her heart!

Being able to engrave five-ring spells into the heart lake has reached the level of a five-ring mage. For mid-level mage, the magic test is just a formality.

Agnes is the person who has reached the level of the fifth ring, but for some reasons did not go to the Magic Association to apply for advancement, and still maintains the identity of the fourth ring mage!

Reiner suddenly realized that the strangeness he noticed before was because of this.

When a high-level mage casts magic, the magic power floating in the air will spontaneously flow in the direction of the high-level magic. This is the suppressive effect of the high-level mage on the low-level mage.

Originally, Baptiste, Edgar, and Agnes were all fourth-ring mages, and the battle between them should be equal, but just now Reiner noticed that most of the magic power was flowing in the direction of Agnes. , which is unreasonable.

But if Agnes was using a fifth-ring spell, then everything would make sense.

If Reiner had activated the magic in the Hohenheim Gold Cup just now, he might not be able to withstand the burning of Lanchester's eternal blazing sun, and he might be like Edgar.

"Mages of the fifth ring and above do not have such freedom. To me, rank is just a false name."

Agnes licked her lips. At this time, Baptiste and Edgar lost their ability to fight back. Reiner was just a first-level mage, and no one present could compete with her.

She raised her hand, and a chain immediately appeared on Edgar's body. Edgar, who was severely injured, was unable to resist and could only let himself be restrained by it.

This is a fourth-level spell. Isharis's law confinement can limit the use of magic by a lower-level mage than herself. Obviously, Agnes believes that the biggest threat to her is still Edgar, and she does not want to be free. Kill Edgar, so this method was used.

Edgar will definitely leave traces on the Magic Association. As long as he dies, the Magic Association will definitely learn the news and destroy Agnes's plan.

As for Baptiste, Agnes was able to subdue him, so she naturally didn't need to spend too much effort.

What's more, she also needs Baptiste to demonstrate his soul-transferring spell.

Seeing that the situation was under control, Agnes smiled slightly. She turned her head and looked at Reiner, who seemed motionless from just now, but in fact he had already deduced many situations in his heart.

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