Meet the principal

Act 260. Water Research Institute

Taking an intercity train like a subway, the magic expedition team arrived at the Third City District under the leadership of Baptiste.

Different from the bustling first city, this place is obviously much deserted. There are not many people who have lived in the demiplane of Erasmus for a long time. On the one hand, it is because the area is not large, and on the other hand, it is slightly difficult here. living conditions.

Although there is a temperature-regulating array to maintain the temperature and air in the underground city, and the dome above also projects a clear sky, this cannot change the depressing feeling of human beings living in the underground world.

According to Baptiste, the residents of the demiplane of Erasmus are mostly researchers and their families who need to work in the rainforest environment, and there are also some elderly people who come to recuperate because of the undeveloped environment.

"There are two types of buildings in the demiplane of Erasmus. One is an ordinary building built in an underground city, and the other is built on the ground like the immigration management center you saw before. Buildings on the ground need to build good foundations, and the height itself is much higher, so only the rich can afford them, and there are more such houses in the fourth city.”

It felt like a holiday villa, Reiner guessed, as they walked out of the station and came to an elevator.

The sign above the elevator indicates that this is the Erasmus Institute of Ecology, and it seems that this is where Baptiste conducts research.

Riding the elevator, after a period of darkness, a loud sound came from the outside world.


Jane stared outside curiously, and her eyes widened as a fat big-headed fish swam past the elevator.

Looking around, outside the elevator is an underwater world.

The roots of the thick trees are intertwined, and in the gaps between the roots, there are groups of small fish, which are gathering towards the lights in the elevator. The low shrubs have now become seaweed on the bottom of the water, swaying slightly with the ripples.

The water was very deep, and it was stormy outside, so it was dark under the water, with only the light from the elevator illuminating a small area.

"Is this the ground during the rainy season?"

Robert, one of Edgar's students, murmured to himself. He rarely spoke, so much so that Reiner could hardly tell the three people apart.

"When the water level is at its highest, the depth here can reach more than thirty meters. It is a veritable lake."

Baptiste explained,

The elevator moved upwards quickly, and the fish soon couldn't catch up with the speed of the elevator, and disappeared into the darkness again.

Emilia raised her head slightly and finally saw a little light coming from above.

The next moment, the elevator rushed out of the water.

Outside the glass, the storm was still raging, the silver lightning was like a long snake, winding between the dark clouds, and the rolling thunder roared, which was heart-stopping.

It can be seen that most of the seemingly "low" trees on the water actually have towering trunks under the water. If the rain recedes, a vast jungle will surely form.

The elevator reached the end. This is a building on the water, consisting of five four-story buildings. The gray exterior walls were washed away by the rain and looked shaky.

"Welcome to the Erasmus Ecological Research Institute. This is a research institution directly under the Magic Association. Currently, I am the only mid-level mage on duty, and the others are low-level mage."

Baptiste walked out of the elevator and led the magic expedition team to the lobby.

The windows here were beaten by the rain and made a continuous knocking sound, which made the empty lobby seem not quiet.

"We live and study here, and you will also live here during the next inspection period."

As soon as Baptiste finished speaking, he heard a noise and a group of figures came from the corridor, causing everyone to turn their heads.

"Uncle Baptiste!"

A group of children about seven or eight years old were trotting towards this side.

"Hey, Brighton, why are you here?"

Baptiste showed a gentle smile and touched the head of the little boy running at the front.

"We heard there were guests and wanted to come over and have a look."

This short boy was very cheerful. He glanced at Reiner and the others and showed that he was not shy at all.

On the other hand, several children behind him were a little timid, hiding behind the boy and glancing secretly at this side.

"Wait, wait, don't run around..."

Another mage wearing a white robe caught up from the corridor. Her hair was tied into a ball on the back of her head, and she wore a pair of large-framed eyes. She looked to be in her early twenties, and her reckless appearance was similar to Claire's. A comparison.

"Ah, teacher."

When the female mage saw Baptiste, she quickly straightened her clothes and stood up straight.

"These are the guests?"

She glanced at the people of the magic expedition team curiously, and her eyes stayed on Reiner's face for a moment.


Battist nodded and then introduced to everyone.

"This is my student, Windsor. As for these children, I will explain to you later."

He seemed to be holding something back, and then looked at his student Windsor.

"Windsor, please take the children back first. By the way, I would like to inform other students that we will entertain guests tonight."

Windsor nodded quickly and urged the children to go back through the corridor.

Seeing those children walking away, Baptiste sighed slightly.

"These are children suffering from Oberskala syndrome."

"Oban Scala?"

What kind of disease is this? Reiner was confused. He didn't do much research on medicine. At this time, an inexplicable disease suddenly appeared, which he couldn't understand.

"This is a disease that gradually increases with the development of cities. Most of them are affected by excessive magic in their infancy. Their body organs fail and they are extremely sensitive to the surrounding environment. Most of the sick people do not live to be ten years old. Over the age of five, it is an extremely malignant disease."

Alymiya said that she had studied necromancy spells before and knew very well about these special diseases derived from magic.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to know about this disease at such a young age."

Baptiste was a little surprised and then added.

"The discoverer of Obenskara was Obenskara, a necromantic doctor. This disease is quite rare, and usually, due to the influence of the surrounding environment, most children will develop it soon after birth. Death occurs within three years, so cases are rare.”

"What about these kids over here?"

Jane looked in the direction where the children were leaving. She didn't expect that these seemingly innocent and lively children would have been burdened with such a tragic fate since they were born.

"In fact, in addition to studying the evolution of species, my other research is the treatment of Oberskala disease."

Baptiste said, the expression on his face was extremely solemn.

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