Meet the principal

Scene 217. Director Parcival’s Memories

If you ask who Percival admires, there may be many, including high-level mages, legendary mages, and the sages who developed magic to the extent it is today. These are all the objects of Percival's worship.

But if you talk about the people Percival envies, then Sirius Oldman's name should appear first.

Yes, Percival was envious of Sirius, extremely envious.

When Percival first entered school, when Percival was still trying to maintain a good relationship with his classmates and become a leader like he had been in his previous magic school, Sirius appeared.

In the first class, Sirius stunned the professor with a question, and then he became famous.

Then, Sirius's outstanding magical talent attracted the attention of almost everyone, while Percival, the relationship he maintained with his classmates through his cleverness was hardly worth mentioning, and everyone revolved around Sirius alone.

Originally, Percival wouldn't have cared much if he could stay away from Sirius, but coincidentally, he and Sirius were assigned to the same mentor, and more importantly, Percival met Lysa.

The girl was so attractive that at the first sight of her, Percival knew that he was in love.

But what Percival didn't expect was that Lysa would turn a blind eye to his tenderness and consideration, and she would actually fall in love with that wooden-headed Sirius who only knew magic! ! !

Percival felt like his life was shrouded in a dark cloud, and that dark cloud was Sirius Oldman!

However, who would have thought that in his second year at school, huge problems arose in Sirius's graduation thesis research, and he immediately fell silent. Even his mentor Bodordo, who was originally optimistic about him, stopped interfering until graduation. They failed to make any more waves.

As for Percival, taking advantage of the conflict between Lysa and Sirius, he asked Lysa for help and finally moved Lysa. The two got married after graduation. Percival stayed at the school as an assistant teacher, while Lysa worked as a full-time wife at home. .

What Percival did not expect was that Sirius did not leave the school. He often appeared on campus and explained his thesis to people. Although most people thought he was a madman, Percival did not think so. .

Sirius was a true genius, and Percival knew that he had just gone astray now. If he got back on track, the energy he would unleash would never be comparable to his own.

On this day, he had finished a class and was going back to the office to sort out the class materials.

But suddenly he saw that familiar figure.

It was Sirius, and he slipped into the campus again.

Percival saw that several school guards had also noticed Sirius' whereabouts. He followed him and saw Sirius being carried away by the guards while he was talking to a girl. He sighed and then said to the guards.

"Let me do it."

When the guard saw Percival, he saluted and then let go of Sirius.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

Percival said to Sirius, but Sirius obviously did not pay attention to Percival.

"Why are you are you..."

Sirius kept muttering to himself, ignoring Percival.

"Sirius, I am telling you this for Lysa's sake. If you can abandon your so-called imaginary numbers, at least..."

Before Percival could finish his words, Sirius had already punched him with his fist.


Percival, who had switched to the elemental system, had already successfully advanced to the third level. A magic barrier immediately opened in front of him. Sirius' fist seemed to have hit a transparent wall, but the impact had not yet subsided, and blood seeped out of Sirius' hands. There was a little bloodshot, showing the power of this blow.

" took Lysa away..."

Sirius looked ferocious, and he stared at Percival, his eyes bloodshot.

"Take away?"

Percival looked at Sirius. Since he had been focusing on his thesis, Sirius's magic level had not improved much compared to when he first entered school. He was still at the level. Moreover, due to long-term mental and physical exhaustion, he had become as skinny as a stick and frail. , at this moment, Percival could finally look at Sirius with the attitude of a overlooker.

"You yourself abandoned Lysa for your insignificant papers and research. Look at me. Originally, you were the center of attention, and I was just a futile mediocrity. But now, our positions It has been completely reversed, I am the winner in life, and you are just a loser."

Percival was also a little excited. Years of jealousy had made him a little paranoid, and he roared angrily.

"Sirius, haha, I didn't expect that you would also have this day. Being obsessed with meaningless things will ultimately ruin your future."

"But that is the correct theory, whether it is the derivation process or the final conclusion, it is correct."

Sirius said as if talking to himself. Suddenly, Sirius raised his head and looked at Percival.

"What's more important to you?"

His unclear question made Percival stunned.

Percival saw his former self in Sirius's eyes. There was a time when Percival was red-faced arguing with others over a magic question, stayed up all night trying to think about a spell model, and stayed up all night trying to get an answer.

But later, Percival knew that these were meaningless. Even if he didn't study so much, he could still learn magic and continue to advance. With connections and means, he could continue to advance in school and in the magic association. Therefore, the reason for switching from the law system to the element system is because elemental magic is more practical and easier to master than the law system, which is difficult to apply.

Sirius' question was vague yet clear.

What is more important to Parcival?

Is it lovers, career, money, fame?

Or the pursuit of truth?

There is no doubt that Sirius chose the latter, while Percival abandoned the pursuit of truth and chose everything else.

There was a buzzing in his head, and Percival had already waved his arms.


With a loud noise, Sirius flew backwards and hit the wall heavily. He spat out a mouthful of blood and kept coughing.


Only then did Percival realize what he had done. He wanted to check on Sirius's condition, but his feet seemed to be filled with heavy metal and he could not move.

Sirius stood up slowly. Without saying anything or even looking at Percival, he held on to the wall and left slowly.

"What I did was the right thing..."

Percival murmured to himself, looking at the direction Sirius left in trance.

He had gotten everything he wanted, Percival thought.

But why is there always a vacancy in my heart that nothing can fill?

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