Meet the principal

Act 205. Searching

After glancing at the catalog and the papers handed over by Cedric, Reiner quickly knew which one had not been found.

""Research on Integrated Equations of Curvilinear Motion", paper number UTXA0096357, author Sirius Oldman, classified in the law system."

Reiner looked at the catalog and whispered.

"Sorry, I don't know what's going on. This should be in the database, and the number is correct, but the paper can't be found."

Cedric was a little panicked. This was not only because Reiner did not find the papers, but also because he was the person in charge of the archives, but the archived papers were lost during his tenure. This was a serious dereliction of duty.

"I'll take a look at these articles first, Mr. Cedric. When the papers are registered, please let me know. I'll be waiting here."

Reiner said, then opened the first paper in his hand without saying anything more.

This made Cedric break into a cold sweat. He turned around tremblingly, glanced at Reiner who was concentrating on reading the paper, and then hurriedly climbed up to the second floor to supervise the registration of the paper.

Reiner reads very quickly. The level of these graduation thesis is not high. Many of them are things that have been studied by previous people. It is rare to see interesting content. In less than an hour, Reiner has read through them all. thesis.

"The central idea of ​​Miss Soul's paper is the application of Alberton's three laws in curved motion. It seems that her source of inspiration is that unfound paper."

Talking to himself, Reiner packed up the papers, placed them on the coffee table on one side, and fell into thinking.

"This paper is obviously the graduation thesis of a student from the Astor Academy of Advanced Magic. Why can't it be found here? Since it is not in the database, how did Miss Sule see this paper?"

Many questions were swirling in Reiner's mind. He read the catalog again before Cedric hurried down the stairs.

"Your Majesty, the registration has been completed. Here is the list."

Cedric handed Reiner a document with the corresponding paper and paper number on it. As long as you have this, you can quickly check the corresponding paper.

"About that missing paper..."

He hesitated to speak, Cedric came closer to Reiner,


"I searched again later and found that this is actually a historical issue."

"Historical issues?"

Reiner wondered how his graduation thesis could still be in this situation.

"That's right, sir. I'm ashamed to say it. About ten years ago, the management of the archives was not so strict. There were cases where money was used in exchange for registered papers."

Cedric explained that at that time, in order to show off their rich knowledge or other reasons, some nobles or businessmen found people to write up papers and spent money to operate them, so that they were registered in the archives. Naturally, there were also some in the Astor Academy of Advanced Magic. Such a paper.

Over time, this became a gray income for the archives, which lasted for several years.

"It wasn't until three years ago that the school investigated this matter and compared the list, all these papers that had gotten through were removed from the archives."

Cedric had obviously been questioned about this matter, and he seemed to be frightened at this time.

"I think this paper might be one of them."

After hearing his words, Reiner asked immediately.

“So where did the papers that were removed go?”

Reiner didn't know why Sirius Oldman spent money to "buy" his paper into the archives, but judging from what is known so far, the ideas about curved motion involved in that paper are worth learning from. , Reiner felt that he had to see what was written in this paper no matter what.

"Well, both the copy and the original were destroyed."

Cedric said, making Reiner's heart skip a beat.


Think about it, most of the papers bought with money are empty in language, shoddy, and more importantly, non-standard. The school naturally has no obligation to retain them, and it is reasonable to destroy them.

"It seems we can only ask him in person."

Reiner shrugged helplessly and looked at Cedric.

"Do you know where I can find information about graduates, such as the student registration office or something?"

"Yes, in the small five-story building just north of the archives, the status of all graduates in the school and their destination are registered."

Cedric said hurriedly, for fear of neglecting Reiner.

"Thank you."

Reiner packed up his things, confirmed once again that the papers sent from the review committee were correct, then walked out of the archives and headed north.

"I hope this Mr. Sirius Oldman's student status information has not been cleared."

Thinking in his mind, Reiner felt that something was a little weird. He walked into the small modern-style building and quickly found the office that manages student information.

"What, a graduate who doesn't know when he'll graduate?"

After Reiner explained his purpose and showed his jury badge, the female mage who received him opened her eyes wide.

She was the only one in the office. When Reiner knocked on the door and came in, the mage seemed to be reading some women's novel and was hurriedly stuffing a book into a drawer. After hearing Reiner's request, she looked embarrassed.

"It may take a while, as we have so many graduates every year..."

She persuaded gently, but Reiner was unmoved.

"It's okay, I can wait."

Reiner said, making the mage slightly stunned.

She stood up and went to the room next to the office. After about half an hour, she took a yellowed document and said.

"Sirius Oldman, this is his information."

Reiner took the information and started reading it immediately.

This Sirius Oldman studied at the Astor Academy of Magic twelve years ago and graduated eight years ago. To be precise, he did not graduate normally because his graduation thesis did not pass the review, so he finally He has not obtained a diploma from this school, and his whereabouts are unknown.

"Whereabouts unknown?"

Reiner looked at the mage, trying to get an explanation.

"This is normal. We only register graduates who have a clear place of work or have found a mentor. For example, those who have returned to their hometowns to be unemployed or engaged in independent research have their whereabouts unknown."

She said, with a look on her face that told Reiner that this was none of her business.

"All right."

It seems like the clue ends here, Reiner thought.

But the mage spoke again.

"Perhaps you can ask his thesis advisor. He should know where this person is."

Hearing this, Reiner took another look at the form on the student status information. In the column for tutor, Leo Bordo's name was written.

If Reiner remembered correctly, that should be the name of the vice-principal of Astor Academy of Advanced Magic.

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