Meet the principal

Scene 196. Parcival’s invitation


Duravin stood up immediately, causing the chair behind him to make a noise. He took several steps back, as if Reiner was some kind of monster and wanted people to escape from him.

Rainer Iain Gray!

Legend has it that he suddenly appeared at a pure-blood family's wedding, kidnapped the bride, and published a theory in public that caused dozens of mages present to have their heads shot.

In the description, Reiner played the piano and played a happy tune. On the other hand, with the rhythm of the music, the heads of the pure-blood mages exploded one by one, like fireworks. In the end, the entire wedding venue was filled with chaos. A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, even the bride's white wedding dress was dyed blood red.

This was of course an exaggerated rumor, but when Duraven thought about it now, he couldn't help but feel horrified.

I did say something about cognitive breakdown just now, but it was just a casual bragging. But I didn't expect that the person involved was sitting aside and didn't say a word the whole time!

How will he retaliate against me? Will he make me cognitively collapse?

When Dulavin thought of the rumored scene, his legs trembled and he could not walk very steadily.

"Reiner, don't scare Mr. Duravin."

Director Percival saw that Duravin was sweating coldly, as if he was afraid that Reiner would suddenly say something that would cause his cognition to collapse, so he opened his mouth to smooth things over.

"Sorry, I was just joking."

Reiner shrugged, walked down from the blackboard, and returned the paper in his hand to Duravin's desk.

"Although Mr. Dulavin's idea is good, it may need more practical and theoretical support."

Duravin kept retreating as Reiner moved forward step by step, then tripped over a chair and fell to the ground. But even so, he still stared at Reiner closely and did not dare to neglect at all.

"Please watch your step, Mr. Duravin."

Reiner said, reaching out his hand to pull the other person to stand up, but Duravin looked at Reiner's hand, as if the skin would fester if he touched it, and he rolled and crawled out of the door.

"I-I'll take my leave now."

Duravin did not bother to recycle his copy of the paper.

He left the door dejectedly and disappeared.

"His father is the deputy director of the Mage Management Department of the Magic Association. His father wanted us to teach this whimsical son a lesson, so he introduced us here."

After the other party left, Director Percival said.

"Duraven is his youngest son. He has been pampered since he was a child. His level of magic is not high, but he likes to think wildly. His mother has always been very protective of Duraven, so his father cannot criticize him and can only let us do it for him."

No wonder they would not stop Reiner from exposing the other party's vulnerabilities head-on. It turns out there was a back-up.

Reiner thought that it seemed that Director Percival would refute this paper on perpetual motion machines whether he appeared or not.

After thinking about it, Reiner suddenly felt as if he had been calculated. Although he wanted to reject this paper on the surface, now it seemed that it had become his own proof to deny Duravin's idea. Director Percival It doesn't matter if he waits for someone else, and he doesn't know who Duraven will hold a grudge against in the end.

But it didn't matter, Reiner thought that if he really compared to the backstage, there might not be any first-level mage who could be tougher than him.

"Your performance just now really surprised me. I just intuitively felt that there was something wrong with the design in the paper. I didn't expect that you directly proved it using mathematical means. You are worthy of being the person who created a new coordinate system."

Director Percival said as he began to sort out the scattered papers on the table and prepared to leave the conference room.

"Maybe it's just that the proof process is too simple, so I just write it casually."

Reiner spread his hands and said.

Roger had packed up his things and left, leaving only Director Percival and Reiner in the huge conference room.

"You must have seen many people like this outside the manor. The only difference between them is whether they can come in."

Director Percival said earnestly and patted Reiner on the shoulder.

"I know that you have won many honors at a young age that ordinary people cannot achieve in their lifetime, so you may want to express yourself in all aspects and regulate yourself with higher requirements, but Reiner, to be honest, you After all, you are only a first-level mage now, and you should focus on improving your magic level. This is some life experience that I will give you as an elder."

"I see."

Although Reiner wanted to say something, he did not speak in the end and just nodded silently.

"Where do you live?"

Director Percival asked again.

"Uh, what happened to a hotel in the city?"

Mercury Scale helped Reiner book a relatively comfortable hotel, where he rested during the week.

"If you don't mind, I would like to invite you to dinner tonight, which can be regarded as a welcome ceremony for the person in charge."

Director Percival suggested, looking at Reiner meaningfully.

"Of course I would, it would be an honor."

Although he did not agree with the director's behavior, Reiner still gave him enough respect. After all, the issue of behavior was just a personal choice, and he had no reason to judge.

"That's great, my wife has recently developed a new dish that we can try tonight."

When talking about his wife, Director Percival had a rare look of relief on his face, which made Reiner sigh. No matter who he was, he was always gentle when facing his family.

"It's really exciting."

Reiner agreed.

"When the work in the afternoon is over, let's take a carriage there together. My home is near the Astor Academy of Advanced Magic."

Percival packed his things before leaving the conference room. He did not return to the office and did not know where to attend other meetings.

Reiner also came out of the conference room. As soon as he sat down behind his desk, Igor came over.

"I heard that Director Percival invited you to his home for dinner?"

"How come you know everything?"

Reiner was a little speechless. This Igor looked like a really good gossip, which was in huge contrast to his somewhat decadent appearance!

"Let's not talk about it. As far as I know, Director Percival's wife is a beauty, and his daughter is also very cute."

Igor said mysteriously, just like the aunt next door.

"Well, Director Percival said that his wife has developed a new dish."

Feeling a little strange, Reiner replied.

"Sure enough, this rumor is true!"

Igor showed a strange smile and patted Reiner's shoulder gently.

"What rumors..."

Reiner didn't know why, but he always had the illusion that he was being sold.

"Well, just enjoy your dinner. There won't be any problem, eh."

Igor cleared his throat and said quietly.

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