Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Vol 4 Chapter 118: Great king

With the order of Nicholas II, St. Petersburg was martialized throughout the city, the city defense forces were not ordered to reach the camp, and the police were concentrated in the police station.

Since the last revolution, Nicholas II has doubted the loyalty of the St. Petersburg City Defense Forces, and now naturally they will not let them out.

Not to mention the police, people are working with capitalist wages, otherwise how high are the prices in St. Petersburg?

Many people know that the martial law in Saint Petersburg was broken. According to Russian tradition, the consequences of the tsar's soaring are terrifying!

Many people are beginning to regret it, knowing that they would not participate, but now everything is late. They wanted to take away their rights from Nicholas II, and as a result, they immediately turned the table over and said they would not play anymore!

The weakness of the bourgeoisie does not mean that they are really weak, and they would not dare to do it in front of their interests! Just in front of the bayonet, they are really soft!

The power of the capitalists to unite is huge, and it is just so dispersed. Without their own armed forces, even if they bought a lot of government officials by virtue of the gold yuan cannons, no one dared to open their eyes for them!

This is also no way out. Perhaps the power of the capitalists has reached every corner of St. Petersburg, but on the premise that they can unite!

Now that Saint Petersburg is under martial law, the individual capitalist has become the flesh of the case. Will Nicholas II be soft?

Obviously this is impossible! In addition to the struggle for rights, now Nicholas II still needs the property of these people to buy people ’s hearts. Anyway, now their reputation is stinky, and the Russian people will cheer after killing them!

White terror began. After the army took over St. Petersburg, it immediately began to arrest people according to the list. In this era, there is no such thing as arresting the principal offender. Everyone who has been on the big cleansing list is brought to prison by an old and young!

The people involved are naturally indispensable. These troops are foreigners. They can't distinguish who is who. Anyway, they open the door and catch people. Many people who love to knock on the door have been harmless!

But this is a small problem. Seeing this situation, even the newspapers that usually attack the Tsarist government every day decisively chose to shut up. Whoever dares to take the risk at this time is trying to die!

Hooligans on the street and triad groups attached to the capitalists were unfortunately the first batch of funerals in this operation!

No way, who told them not to have eyes? And the army's grass-roots officers and soldiers hate them?

Many people did not suffer the scourge of these people before joining the army. Now the opportunity has come, and everyone has revenge! Often they catch a nest and then they are executed directly!

When Nicholas II returned to St. Petersburg on December 26, there were more than 2,000 prisoners directly executed by the military, and more than 30,000 people were arrested. It can be said that St. Petersburg has become clean It's up!

Of course, it was wronged, but the law and order in St. Petersburg suddenly became better, and those who dared to commit crimes were just a peanut!

According to post-event statistics, after this cleansing, the casinos and usury industry in St. Petersburg suffered a devastating disaster, and they have not been able to recover for decades.

With the return of Nicholas II, the martial law in St. Petersburg was also lifted, but the tension remained unabated.

With such a smooth accomplishment of the purpose, Nicholas II was in a good mood. In order to show the tsar's kindness, prices in St. Petersburg fell suddenly and restored to pre-war levels.

At the same time, due to a large number of capitalists being arrested, the factory naturally closed down. Now that the government has taken over the factory, Her Majesty the Tsar has also announced the implementation of an eight-hour work system to prohibit workers from working overtime in winter.

For a time, the popularity of Nicholas II in the minds of the people of St. Petersburg rose again, and sure enough this is the little dad of the Russian people!

Of course, this is just an ordinary person who doesn't know about it, knowing that everyone knows that Russia has limited capacity now. Even if workers want to work overtime, they must have enough raw materials?

In this case, naturally, Nicholas II used to buy people's hearts! I have to say that the Russian people in this era are really foolish. Now everyone is making up their own minds, thinking that unscrupulous capitalists are trying to overtime in the name of the Czar in order to exploit them!

This hurt Comrade Stalin, who was working in St. Petersburg, and his previous efforts were in vain. Now ordinary workers think that they are exploited by unscrupulous capitalists and corrupt officials, and have nothing to do with the great Czar, who is still on their side.

Evidence is at hand. Now the unscrupulous capitalists have been cleaned up by the Tsar, prices have dropped immediately, and the eight-hour work day has been implemented!

Now that the bread is already available, they will not participate in the strike demonstrations for bread. In history, a large strike broke out in Russia in January 1917. This time, the workers in St. Petersburg announced their withdrawal without revolutionary spirit!

Nicholas II ’s sudden action, in fact, was also startled by Ferdinand. He did not expect that his eldest brother would have such a decisive decision.

I have to say that Nicholas II did a great job this time! After this battle, the Russian bourgeoisie was severely damaged. Although it may cause a short-term decline in the total industrial volume of Russia, it is a minor problem compared with the consolidation of the tsarist rule.

Not only did he kill the biggest political opponent, but also seized a large amount of property, which could make up for Russian financial shortcomings, and bought a wave of popular support.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Nicholas II can handle the next thing. His actions this time also offended many people, and now the bourgeoisie in Russia is bound to hate him. If it is not handled well, there will be big messes!

After all, his big cleansing of Russia and the previous big cleansing of Bulgaria by Ferdinand were not a concept!

It is impossible for the huge Russian empire to clean it all at once. Except for St. Petersburg, the bourgeoisie in big cities like Moscow still has strong strength, and they still have a lot of strength.

Secondly, Nicholas II's action was carried out by himself, and there are enemies all over the country. With so many enemies, it is doomed that Russia will not be peaceful in the future!

Of course, this is what Ferdinand most hopes to see. A constantly struggling Russia is Bulgaria's most wanted ally.

If Nicholas II is really a talented man who can handle the internal contradictions in Russia, then this is even more terrible than Germany!

But these are the future, and now Ferdinand is doing one thing, that is, making a movie!

The war broke out so long, all the warring states in Europe had a hard time, and Bulgaria was no exception. Although there has not been a strike for "bread, no war", he has to be careful!

Of course, under normal circumstances, the Bulgarian people will not ask him for bread in the short term! Before the war broke out, the Bulgarian government called on everyone to reserve one year's worth of food in advance for disaster!

Most people responded to the government ’s call. The food exported by Tsarist Russia one year before the war broke out, but Bulgarian folks bought out the goods!

At the end of 1914, the government estimated that there were more than 18 million tons of non-governmental grain storage.

Besides, the Bulgarian government has also adopted a ration supply system. Each person can buy four kilograms of bread, 1,500 grams of vegetables, 900 grams of meat products, two liters of milk, one kilogram of potato flour ...

This food supply can basically meet the needs of daily life, but it is much higher than the Germans!

Of course, this amount can be increased, but the price will be much higher than the purchase limit. Basically, the price will be increased by three to four times. As long as you have money, you can still live the same life as before the war. .

On the whole, the Allies of the First World War did not lack food. Most of the so-called food rationing system came out during the Second World War!

Just after the outbreak of the World War, Ferdinand was preparing to implement a food rationing system throughout the country. After calculation by professionals, it was found that even if domestic food production is halved, private reserves plus government reserves, Bulgaria can still support more than three years .

Then Ferdinand dispelled this forward thinking. After all, the navy of the Allied Powers had the advantage, and Bulgaria could not be blocked for three years!

Moreover, whether it is Romania or the Asia Minor Peninsula, it can be self-sufficient!

If it were not for the influx of refugees after the outbreak of the war and the consumption of a large amount of food, perhaps the situation of overproduction will now occur!

Although there is no shortage of food now, Ferdinand still wants to make this show for publicity needs.

The content of the film is very simple, it is a documentary, recording the day of the king.

At six o'clock in the morning, before daybreak, Ferdinand got up from his sleep, and then began morning exercises with a few princes.

Eight o'clock, breakfast time, since it is a show food is naturally very simple, a piece of black bread + a fruit salad + a glass of milk, no different from ordinary civilian families.

Then began a day of work, of course, involving secrets. When Ferdinand entered the office, the shooting naturally stopped.

Then he continued at noon, but this time he took the ministers to smash the black bread, added a portion of fried vegetables to the breakfast, and a few slices of beef.


Ferdinand may not know yet that the promotional film he shot has become a precious film and television material in later generations.

His food was also considered by experts as the food shortage in Bulgaria after the outbreak of the World War, and the king had to lower his living standards!

People have also made a sensible analysis from the expressions of their meals. For example, the expression of meals has always been very natural ~ ~ Eat and delicious.

This proves that this is the standard of daily life of his king, otherwise it would be impossible to adapt to eating such unpalatable food!

It is also believed that there was no problem with Bulgaria's food supply after the outbreak of the World War. This is the country of Bulgaria who is sharing the same pain. It is precisely with such a king that a powerful empire was created!

If Ferdinand knew this, he would surely hehe. Occasionally, eating black bread has a very good taste. Moreover, in terms of nutritional value, black bread would have been higher!

Besides, although it seems that these foods are almost the same, in fact, the black bread made in the palace is the same as the outside.

Of course, these are small things. Now Ferdinand is still giving this bowl of chicken soup to the Bulgarian people for a taste.

If you have no widows, you will have unevenness. As long as you see that the king is eating the same food, even if you are dissatisfied with the impact of this war on your life, it will disappear!

In terms of propaganda, Ferdinand still did a very good job. For example, after the outbreak of the World War, the royal family has not purchased new clothes, bought any luxury goods, etc., which are all good promotional materials.

And these are all true, not afraid of being dismantled!

Before the outbreak of the World War, Ferdinand was ready. These miscellaneous things were already prepared. He was worried that once Bulgaria lost in the World War, he could use these materials to publicize it so as to increase the population. Score in your heart and strengthen your rule!

Of course, by now, the victory has basically been decided, and you don't need to rely on these things to consolidate your rule, but since you are ready, Ferdinand will naturally not be wasted. It is better to have such a good reputation!

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