Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Vol 4 Chapter 64: , Sleepless nights-declared war

After the Germans issued an ultimatum, European governments were busy and decided that the moment of fate had come!

Bulgaria is no exception. Ferdinand immediately convened a high-level expansion meeting, and both the military and political circles could come.

Of course, this is not a combat meeting. Ferdinand will not be as brain-dead in the TV series as the war is about to begin, before going to make a combat plan!

The General Staff had planned it more than a decade ago, but it has been revised and improved, and it is now very detailed.

In fact, this is a pre-war routine meeting. The front-line officers who are really in charge of commanding the battle have already been on the front line. As long as Ferdinand gives an order, they can immediately launch an attack.


Ferdinand calmly said, "Prime Minister, let's talk about the material reserve first!"

However, from the tone, he can still judge the tension in his heart. After more than 20 years of painstaking preparation, it is just for the outbreak of the night!

The world war is not so good. Participating in person and keyboard knight are completely different feelings. The power gap between the ally and the allies is far less than what people think in later generations. People's view!

In fact, at least since the outbreak of the war, the chances of victory for both sides are equal! There is no doubt that the farther back you go, the greater the chances of the rich allies!

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Constantine replied

"As of now, we have 18.47 million tons of grain, more than 85 percent of which is rye, as well as some soybeans, corn, and potato flour.

Reserve 1.2 million tents; reserve 400,000 tons of various medicines, including a portion of 'plant medicine' (Chinese medicine); reserve 2 million tons of petroleum; reserve 5.8 million tons of treasured minerals ... "

Ferdinand nodded with a smile. In order to save as much food as possible, he ordered that all the wheat in the grain reserve be replaced with cheaper rye.

Anyway, the nutritional value of rye is higher. The staple food of Bulgarians at that time was rye bales, and white bread was a luxury that can be enjoyed by people above the middle class. Don't worry about the soldiers' opinions.

In fact, there are still many strategic materials, but the Balkans already have output, which is enough to meet the needs of the war. Naturally, they are not included in the reserve materials.

Ferdinand routinely said: "Chief of the General Staff, talk about the preparations of the military!"

He is clear about the army's preparations and material reserves, but others don't know, it is time to give them a peace of mind!

"Okay, Your Majesty!" Replied Chief of General Staff Imia Dimitev.

"As of now, we have restored 700,000 retired officers and soldiers, and formed 60 mercenary divisions at the same time, and have initially formed combat effectiveness. Now our total strength will exceed 2.3 million. The actual situation on the battlefield then determines whether further mobilization is needed! "

Obviously, these troops were trained in advance, otherwise the sixty cannon fodder divisions would not be able to become combat in just a few days.

As early as the end of 1913, Ferdinand revised the military service bill to allow the military to include foreign workers in reserve training. In essence, these troops have undergone at least half a year of training. Although they are not as good as the regular army, they have When cannon fodder is enough!

There is no doubt that the officers are all Bulgarian officers. However, in order to boost morale, they are also applicable to the military merit reward system of the Bulgarian regular army, with a series of welfare benefits such as military battalions and casualty pensions.

Of course, these are just big cakes painted by Ferdinand. Those who survive can really get all of them after the war; but the unlucky eggs that died early are miserable. Their families are still in the Russian Empire and want to get these cares Immigrant Kim!

Well, there are still some idiots who choose to use the ruble as their army, and Ferdinand didn't interfere, but they were bad luck.

Anyway, in order to save money, the military puppets issued now only have a small amount of cash, and the others are directly credited to the soldier's bank account, and then used to buy government bonds, but these government bonds can also be used as currency and can be directly used in the bank Redeem the principal!

This series of dazzling operations really flickered a lot of ordinary people. In essence, the government tried to use an additional currency to send them troops and feared that the currency would depreciate, so it played a routine.

As long as these national debts are not taken out in large quantities, it is equivalent to sinking these funds in the bank, and naturally there is no inflation.

The unlucky guy who chose the ruble will deal with the ruble in the future, but they will be settled according to the current interest on the national debt. On the surface, the interests of the soldiers are indeed protected, and they receive higher interest!


Compared with the Italians next to Bulgaria, the Balkans are still rich in resources. Many strategic materials can be produced in-house, and not many need to be reserved.

Italy is the worst of many European powers, and everything is in the air! Even the most basic coal, steel, and grain all need to be imported. Now that the war is about to erupt, the Italians' strategic material reserves can only support them for three months of war.

Of course, this is a common belief among European countries that this war will last a short time, but everyone's strategic material reserves are basically prepared according to one or two years.

Obviously the Italian is not ready yet, but the current Italian Prime Minister Gigliti is a smart man (many people in the future think he is a pessimist).

Giglietti's extreme distrust of the Italian army, he believes that the Italian army does not have the ability to protect the homeland, and once it joins this war, it will be disastrous for Italy!

Due to Ferdinand's butterfly effect, the allies did not make great efforts to win over the Italians, so the strength of the pro-allies in Italy is not strong enough, but the pro-allies have the upper hand.

Therefore, the Italians are now engaged in a fierce quarrel, and it is estimated that the results will not come out for a while.


The British continued to play with their diplomatic methods. At the cabinet meeting, everyone still unanimously decided to be neutral, but secretly the government was preparing for this war, and even the ministers of the pro-ally in the cabinet were concealed.

In order to convince the Germans of the neutrality of the British, George V and Prince of Prussia (brother of William II) held talks two days ago to make a final effort for peace; the British Foreign Secretary also conducted a meeting with the German Prime Minister Urgent consultations in an attempt to end the war.

However, Ferdinand knew that all of this was to cover up. The interests determined that there would be a war in Britain and Germany. If the allies win this war, there would be nothing for the British Empire!


The atmosphere of the Tsarist government in St. Petersburg is much better. Without so many explanations, it is the word "hit". It is the dream of several generations of Russians to turn the Baltic Sea into the inland sea.

It ’s just that the countries along the Baltic Sea are not easy to mess with. First, the Danes had pushed out the “Kalmar Alliance”. The bears were still weak chickens.

Then the Polish-Lithuanian Confederation and Sweden rose again. After their decline, the Germans broke out again. In short, none of them was a mess!

The bears were forced to flee the Ottoman Empire in the Black Sea. Unfortunately, at the peak, the bears were blocked by Britain and France, and they suffered heavy losses and were forced to run to the Far East.

The Russo-Japanese War failed again. After looking around for a week, it returned to the original point. The Tsarist government found that the maritime strategy was still more reliable to win the Baltic Sea. The battle between the two alliances was their best chance!


The Vienna government is now embarrassed. If it had not been tied to the ship, Franz-Joseph I would definitely not want to participate in this war. Unlike in history, the military pressure of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is too great.

Facing two big powers at the same time, Austria-Hungary is not a bear, not so skinny and resistant; nor is it a German, not as capable as the German army, the old emperor naturally did not want to fight this battle!

It's a pity that they can't stand them now. Russia and Bulgaria are staring at it. Even if Austro-Hungary wants neutrality, the Russians won't agree. Of course, Ferdinand doesn't mind the Austro-Hungarian Empire's neutrality!

The remaining Germans need not be said. The war envoys have all been issued. Are they still skeptical?

As a republic, many times the position of the people is the position of the government! Is the French stance still doubtful? Of course, revenge is needed. Just look at their president and come from Lorraine, you will know the result!


In the early morning of the following day, the French government publicly rejected the German request. The French Foreign Minister also clamored for the Germans to withdraw from Lorraine and Alsace within 24 hours, otherwise the French army would take extraordinary measures!

There is no doubt that the war has come. After receiving the response from the French, William II was furious. The French are provocative!

It's intolerable!

The angry William II immediately ordered to declare war on the French. After receiving the German declaration of war, the French ambassador to Germany also gave out the war book that had been prepared to the Germans!

While declaring war in Germany and France, Ferdinand did a shocking thing and declared the war to the allies collectively on the same day under the agreement of the Four Nations!

However, due to the shared pressure, Ferdinand pulled the Russians together. Bulgaria declared war on the allies at the same time ~ ~ The Russians also declared collective war on the allies at the same time!

Bulgaria and Russia have behaved so positively. The French have no reason to persuade them. Naturally, they have collectively declared war against the Allies!

Everyone knows that the World War broke out in full, and the Italians who wanted to be neutral were stunned. They had already declared war before they did anything!

It is a pity that they have no grievances and cannot tell. From the outside world, the Italians are allies, and the two alliances are about to go to war anyway. There is no big deal to declare war early and late!

There is no way, no longer reluctant to declare war, can't you pretend to know nothing? The Italians couldn't do such a thing, and had to bravely declare war on Russia, France, and Bulgaria.

The Bulgarians and the Russians have been more active. This is a small section. At least the French are still very moved. There is no white money for this money. Allies can be trusted at critical times!

The world has set its sights on the British Empire. Is the London government busy looking for an excuse for war?

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