In fact, there was also that Giant Insect incident. She watched as the Giant Insect was about to attack, but it mysteriously died. Later, it was found that the Giant Insect's body had collapsed. Li Hao was just lucky.

"Robbie, do you think a person can kill a Giant Insect without a mecha?" Zhou Naiyi asked.

"Of course." Robbie smiled slightly, "But if your power level isn't high enough, knowing too much isn't necessarily a good thing. If the gap is too large, people will despair."

Zhou Naiyi was speechless. Why did something that seemed impossible to her seem so natural to others? This must be the difference in levels.

Robbie didn't say much more. With his power level, he couldn't see any potential or special traits in Zhou Naiyi. If it were up to him, he would have given up long ago. But he knew that Li Hao valued Zhou Naiyi very much, so he dared not slack off.

Only those who have seen the peak will have awe. He was moving towards that goal, which was why he came here. He had been preparing for this day for a long time.

A quick look at will leave you more fulfilled.

After a while, Zhou Naiyi lifted her head, completely calm again, "Captain Robbie, please guide me."

Robbie smiled, "Let's begin!" Blee Mission 133: Destroy "Crete Base", latitude 39°26'N, longitude 77°25'W.

When Li Hao received the message, he was still exploring. He couldn't see the email, but he could sense it because the Mobius ring-shaped scar on his body had this function. Of course, with Li Hao's current ability, he could completely erase it, but there was no need.

He felt that he couldn't just dig around randomly, it was too inefficient. He should first explore the densest area of K23. Even if it was a bit dangerous, at least he could confirm some information, then deal with it. The interior of the Giant Insect was divided into territories, and there were also many different types. Besides their common point of being against humans, their fights were just as brutal. This was what puzzled Li Hao. According to the information Kevin obtained, when humans entered Kepler, they encountered a coordinated attack. This indicated that the communication between the Giant Insect leaders was very smooth, and they had the ability to communicate. But Li Hao had witnessed their disputes, especially their habit of devouring each other after killing.

His consciousness returned, Li Hao stretched lazily. Although he was used to this operation, he still felt a bit dizzy every time he came back.

He drank some water and glanced at the mission. The previous missions were almost completed, but the speed of the Blee mission couldn't keep up. It was very likely that Blee had underestimated Li Hao's execution speed.

*Crete Base, huh? It doesn't seem to be in Tianjing. Damn it.

Li Hao dialed Kevin's encrypted phone, "Help me investigate Crete Base, and see what related information is on the black market."

"Haha, boss, no need to investigate. How did they provoke you? If you flatten that place, it would be the biggest event of the year for Anwang." Kevin was excited.

"Stop beating around the bush, what kind of place is it?"

"Hehe, it's a private biological experiment base. Although it's private, it has a deep background and top-level security measures. I once tried to probe it and almost got caught. There are definitely kidnappers. A leak incident once allowed us to get some information. I'll send you some pictures." Kevin said.

Li Hao opened the pictures and frowned slightly, "They're experimenting on live humans?"

"Most of them should be clones, whether there are normal people is not certain. It seems like there's nothing they wouldn't dare to do. Organ trading, virus experiments, new human transformations; they've recently added Giant Insects, and in large quantities. It's simply outrageous. All the information is strictly selected and recorded, but there's no trace of them there. The power behind them is terrifying." Kevin said proudly.

"Alright, I know you're showing off again. Tell me, did you find out something?"

"Hehe, boss, you're asking the right person. There aren't many people who know about their organization and are still alive. I'm one of them. The nickname 'Slippery Devil' isn't for nothing. This organization is called Noah's Ark. Each generation's leader is codenamed Noah. They deal in everything, from tickets to the afterlife to eternal life. It's said that from the previous lunar development to the current Kepler landing, they've had a hand in it. How about it, exciting isn't it?" Kevin was a bit trembling. Such a huge entity, hidden behind human development.

"Boss, are you going to declare war on them in the name of justice?"

"You're drunk, I'm just a worker, just asking. Send me all the tasks related to Crete Base, I'll study them."

"Yes, sir!"

Kevin had been bored for a while, and this was a big event.At the Tianjing Mecha side, there were four teams and two situations. One side was fighting so fiercely it was as if they were on fire. Even though it was just a training match, neither the Round Table Knights nor the Tianxing Mecha were willing to lose. Both sides entered a deadlock in the team battle. Everyone thought that the Round Table Knights had a slightly better chance of winning, but in the end, it was the Tianxing Mecha led by Tita that won.

As for the match between Tianjing and the American Lions, there was no need to mention it. Ma Long and the others were hammered by the American Lions. Only Zuo Xiaotang's performance was not bad. In the sniper battle, Zuo Xiaotang's talent was truly pleasing. His opponent might have been more experienced, but he just couldn't beat Zuo Xiaotang. The little fatty's agility was simply amazing, and he was also sleazy enough, perfectly fitting the needs of a sniper. Moreover, the pressure-free training match was particularly suitable for him.

The others were not so lucky. Wu Zang was thoroughly outplayed by Robbie. This training was different from the previous ones. In the past training matches, Robbie would go easy, but this time, the Wild Lion showed his strength as one of the Six Dragons, suppressing Wu Zang throughout the match and completely defeating him.

Zhou Naiyi also lost to Lai Erxis. Although it was a close match, Zhou Naiyi wanted to win this one, but he still couldn't.

The match between Tianjing and the American Lions was held first, giving Tianjing the opportunity to watch the match between Tianxing Mecha and the Round Table Knights. After watching the rhythm of the match, Ma Long and the others were somewhat depressed. This was more uncomfortable than losing.

Tita didn't gloat. She knew that the match between Tianxing and the Round Table Knights was a fifty-fifty chance. Who won and who lost was entirely dependent on luck and the state of the match. The reason she was able to win this time was entirely because of Li Hao.

After the last mental explosion incident, her mental strength strangely increased. The increase in mental strength would enhance the body's demand, breaking through the physical bottleneck. This increased her overall strength by at least 10%, which was crucial in her battle with Offee. Before this, she couldn't beat Offee.

What had Li Hao done to her?

She had to figure it out this time. She suspected that Offee and Robbie came here for this reason too.

This victory also greatly boosted the morale of the Tianxing Mecha team. Really, when they saw Tita lose to Puppet, the team's confidence was greatly shaken. After all, they were ambitious to break into the T0 team. Losing to a player on the EMP was unacceptable no matter how they justified it. They didn't know what Tita was thinking, nor could they understand how strong Puppet was. There were no S-rank battle records to rely on, and every warrior firmly believed that only the gods on the S-rank were the true gods.

The greater possibility was that Tita had become weaker, and as the soul of the team, this was definitely unacceptable.

In the battle with Offee, everyone regained their confidence. Alz and the others couldn't hide their smug expressions. After all, they had defeated the second-ranked character. Even if it was a bit of a fluke, they had won, so the captain hadn't become weaker!

But Alz and the others couldn't laugh anymore when they suddenly thought of Puppet. This person might also be a member of USE...

The evening was for tactical analysis. After dinner, everyone gathered. The purpose of training was not for temporary victory, but for improvement. Everyone except Li Hao and Tita had arrived.

Li Hao was taken away by Tita as a prize.

Tita treated Li Hao to dinner. Watching him wolf down his food, she found it quite interesting. She usually paid great attention to etiquette. Most girls on the moon cared about their appearance and details. For example, they didn't like boys who shouted or were unkempt. But watching Li Hao eat was quite interesting.

After dinner, there were desserts and drinks. Tita asked the waiter to leave and closed the doors and windows. Outside was the beautiful night view of Tianjing.

"Tita, it's too embarrassing for you to spend so much every time," Li Hao said, wiping his mouth contentedly. Actually, aside from being a bit annoying, Tita was essentially a good person.

"Really? How embarrassed are you? I didn't see a trace of it," Tita laughed.

"Ah, it must be because I hid it too well," Li Hao laughed, not blushing at all.

"I'm really curious, what did Ayouyou see in you? She's not a mecha pilot, so she probably can't appreciate your only advantage. What else do you have left?" Tita looked at Li Hao and asked.

"Looks? Charm?" Li Hao thought for a moment. Tita couldn't help but laugh, "Your silly humor is also a point, I guess. But I still have to thank you. Although I don't know what method you used, my ability has indeed improved. The victory over Offee is all thanks to you."

"Ah, that's not my business. I didn't do anything," Li Hao shook his head. The thought of mining itself was also a strengthening of control over power.

"You must have seen the battle where I lost to Puppet, right?" Tita looked at Li Hao, "What did you feel?"

Li Hao nodded, "It was pretty fast."

Tita gritted her small white teeth, her face fierce, "You really deserve a beating!"

"You can't beat me," Li Hao waved his hand.Tita suppressed the urge to strangle the other party, "I came to Tianjing this time with a purpose, to learn the art of sword drawing. My strengths are speed and agility, but my destructive power is not enough. The quick and harvestable moves of sword drawing are very suitable for me. Don't make excuses anymore, let's talk about the conditions. As long as you teach seriously, regardless of whether I succeed or not, you can state your demands. Whether it's money or any information about Ayouyou, as long as I can cooperate, I won't refuse!"

As the mid-season competition approached, Tita's inner desire for power was also constantly escalating. Who could resist the charm of that sword?

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